POJ 2572
using namespace std; int main()
string s;
int pos;
int pos1;
string s1;
string s2;
string s3;
int i;
int sum1;
int sum2;
int sum3;
sum1 = ;
sum2 = ;
sum3 = ;
pos = s.find('+');
for(i = s1.length()-; i >= ; -- i)
sum1 = sum1* + s1[i]-'';
pos1 = s.find('=');
for(i = s2.length()-; i >= ; -- i)
sum2 = sum2* + s2[i]-'';
for(i = s3.length()-; i >= ; -- i)
sum3 = sum3* + s3[i]-'';
if(sum3 == sum1 + sum2)
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