
class Dept
private string name;
private Emp emp;

public string getName()
return this.name;

public void setName(string name)
this.name = name;

public Emp getEmp()
return this.emp;

public void setEmp(Emp emp)
this.emp = emp;


class Emp
private string name;
private string six;
private double tel;
private Auth auth;

public string getName()
return this.name;

public void setName(string name)
this.name = name;

public string getsix()
return this.six;
public void setSix(string six)
this.six = six;

public void setTel(double tel)
this.tel = tel;
public double getTel()
return this.tel;

public void setAuth(Auth auth)
this.auth = auth;

public Auth getAuth()
return this.auth;


class Auth
private int x;
private int y;

public void setX(int x)
this.x = x;

public int getX()
return this.x;

public void setY(int y)
this.y = y;

public int getY()
return this.y;

class Program

static void Main(string[] args)

Auth auth1 = new Auth();


Auth auth2 = new Auth();

Emp zhangsan = new Emp();

Dept it = new Dept();
string dept = it.getName();
Console.WriteLine("部门:" + it.getName() + "员工:" + it.getEmp().getName() + "权限" + it.getEmp().getAuth().getX());

Console.WriteLine("hello word");


namespace sqlgx
{ class Dept
private int deptid;
private String deptname;
private ArraySegment<User> userarray; public void setdeptid(int deptid)
this.deptid = deptid;
} public int getdeptid()
return this.deptid;
} public void setdeptname(string deptname)
this.deptname = deptname;
} public string getdeptname()
return this.deptname;
} } class User
private int userid;
private string username;
private int password;
private ArraySegment<Auth> autharray;
private ArraySegment<Manue1> manue1array; public void setuserid(int userid)
this.userid = userid;
} public int getuserid()
return this.userid;
} public void setusername(string username)
this.username = username;
} public string getusername()
return this.username;
} public void setpassword(int password)
this.password = password;
} public int getpassword()
return this.password;
} } class Auth
private int authid;
private int authadd;
private int authdel;
private int authupdate; public void setauthid(int authid)
this.authid = authid;
} public int getauthid()
return this.authid;
} public void setauthadd(int authadd)
this.authadd = authadd;
} public int getauthadd()
return this.authadd;
} public void setauthdel(int authdel)
this.authdel = authdel;
} public int getauthdel()
return this.authdel;
} public void setauthupdate(int authupdate)
this.authupdate = authupdate;
} public int getauthupdate()
return this.authupdate;
} } class Manue1
private int manue1id;
private string manue1name;
private ArraySegment<Manue2> manue2array; public void setmanue1id(int manue1id)
this.manue1id = manue1id;
} public int getmanue1id()
return this.manue1id;
} public void setmanue1name(string manue1name)
this.manue1name = manue1name;
} public string getmanue1name()
return this.manue1name;
} } class Manue2
private int manue2id;
private string manue2name; public void setmanue2id(int manue2id)
this.manue2id = manue2id;
} public int getmanue2id()
return this.manue2id;
} public void setmanue2name(string manue2name)
this.manue2name = manue2name;
} public string getmanue2name()
return this.manue2name;
} } class MainTest
/* static void Main(string[] args)
Program p = new Program();
string sql = "SELECT *FROM dept,abc.`user` WHERE dept.`deptid`=1 AND abc.`user`.`deptid`=dept.deptid";
p.getUserData(sql); Console.WriteLine("hello world");
Console.ReadLine(); }*/


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