830. Positions of Large Groups
In a string S
of lowercase letters, these letters form consecutive groups of the same character.
For example, a string like S = "abbxxxxzyy"
has the groups "a"
, "bb"
, "xxxx"
, "z"
and "yy"
Call a group large if it has 3 or more characters. We would like the starting and ending positions of every large group.
The final answer should be in lexicographic order.
Example 1:
Input: "abbxxxxzzy"
Output: [[3,6]]
Explanation:"xxxx" is the single
large group with starting 3 and ending positions 6.
Example 2:
Input: "abc"
Output: []
Explanation: We have "a","b" and "c" but no large group.
Example 3:
Input: "abcdddeeeeaabbbcd"
Output: [[3,5],[6,9],[12,14]]
class Solution(object):
def largeGroupPositions(self, S):
:type S: str
:rtype: List[List[int]]
last_item = None
left_index = -1
nums_list = []
for i, item in enumerate(S + '#'):
if last_item != item:
if i - left_index > 2:
nums_list.append([left_index, i - 1])
left_index = i
last_item = item
return nums_list
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