CAT3 SAP tcode - Time Sheet: Display Times
CAT3 SAP tcode - Time Sheet: Display Times
CAT3 (Time Sheet: Display Times) is a standard SAP transaction code available within R/3 SAP systems depending on your version and release level.
Below for your convenience is a few details about this tcode including any standard documentation available. In-order to use this transaction within your SAP system simply enter it into the command input box located in the top left hand corner and press enter. Here are a few additional command options available to use when doing this.
GUI Support
The SAP GUI for HTML generates HTML pages for every SAP screen. This means that you do not have to create any templates. There are however some technical restrictions due to the browser and certain transactions may not function in the SAP GUI for HTML.
SAPGUI for Java
SAP GUI for Java is a plug-in, a program downloaded from the browser to the PC and executed there. This GUI version supports more controls than the SAP GUI for HTML, but you should still test the transaction. It also requires users to download and install the client on their PC so the Java GUI is the second choice after the SAP GUI for HTML.
SAPGUI for windows
Transactions can also be run under SAP GUI for Windows. It must be flagged with SAPgui for Windows (previously known as WinGUI).
There are many thousands of transactions within an SAP system and it is very difficult to find informtaion about each and every one of them. This page therefore offers a place holder for information about this t-code so anyone can use the comments section below to ask questions or contribute any useful hints, tips, screen shots or anything else relevant to this transaction. This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the transaction code CAT3 or its description.
Menu Path for transaction CAT3
SAP Menu->Logistics->Sales and Distribution->Sales->Product Cost by Sales Order->Actual Postings->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Logistics->Plant Maintenance->Maintenance Processing->Completion Confirmation->Entry->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Logistics->Customer Service->Service Processing->Confirmation->Entry->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Logistics->Project System->Progress->Confirmation->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Controlling->Cost Center Accounting->Actual Postings->Time sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Controlling->Internal Orders->Actual Postings->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Controlling->Activity-Based Costing->Actual Postings->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Investment Management->Internal Orders->Actual Postings->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Investment Management->Investment Projects->Actual Postings->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Accounting->Project System->Progress->Confirmation->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
SAP Menu->Human Resources->Time Management->Time Sheet->CATS Classic->Display Working Times
Related SAP transaction codes: CAT2 CAT2_ISCR CAT3_ISCR CAT4 CAT5 CAT6 CAT7 CAT8 CAT9 CATA
SAP Program associated with transaction CAT3: SAPLCATS
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