







 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Text; public class CSVTool { private static char _csvSeparator = ',';
private static bool _trimColumns = false; //获取一个单元格的写入格式
public static string GetCSVFormat(string str)
string tempStr = str;
if (str.Contains(","))
if (str.Contains("\""))
tempStr = str.Replace("\"", "\"\"");
tempStr = "\"" + tempStr + "\"";
return tempStr;
} //获取一行的写入格式
public static string GetCSVFormatLine(List<string> strList)
string tempStr = "";
for (int i = ; i < strList.Count - ; i++)
string str = strList[i];
tempStr = tempStr + GetCSVFormat(str) + ",";
tempStr = tempStr + GetCSVFormat(strList[strList.Count - ]) + "\r\n";
return tempStr;
} //解析一行
public static List<string> ParseLine(string line)
StringBuilder _columnBuilder = new StringBuilder();
List<string> Fields = new List<string>();
bool inColumn = false; //是否是在一个列元素里
bool inQuotes = false; //是否需要转义
bool isNotEnd = false; //读取完毕未结束转义
_columnBuilder.Remove(, _columnBuilder.Length); //空行也是一个空元素,一个逗号是2个空元素
if (line == "")
} // Iterate through every character in the line
for (int i = ; i < line.Length; i++)
char character = line[i]; // If we are not currently inside a column
if (!inColumn)
// If the current character is a double quote then the column value is contained within
// double quotes, otherwise append the next character
inColumn = true;
if (character == '"')
inQuotes = true;
} } // If we are in between double quotes
if (inQuotes)
if ((i + ) == line.Length)//这个字符已经结束了整行
if (character == '"') //正常转义结束,且该行已经结束
inQuotes = false;
continue; //当前字符不用添加,跳出后直结束后会添加该元素
else //异常结束,转义未收尾
isNotEnd = true;
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == _csvSeparator) //结束转义,且后面有可能还有数据
inQuotes = false;
inColumn = false;
i++; //跳过下一个字符
else if (character == '"' && line[i + ] == '"') //双引号转义
i++; //跳过下一个字符
else if (character == '"') //双引号单独出现(这种情况实际上已经是格式错误,为了兼容可暂时不处理)
throw new Exception("格式错误,错误的双引号转义");
//其他情况直接跳出,后面正常添加 }
else if (character == _csvSeparator)
inColumn = false; // If we are no longer in the column clear the builder and add the columns to the list
if (!inColumn) //结束该元素时inColumn置为false,并且不处理当前字符,直接进行Add
Fields.Add(_trimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
_columnBuilder.Remove(, _columnBuilder.Length); }
else // append the current column
} // If we are still inside a column add a new one (标准格式一行结尾不需要逗号结尾,而上面for是遇到逗号才添加的,为了兼容最后还要添加一次)
if (inColumn)
if (isNotEnd)
Fields.Add(_trimColumns ? _columnBuilder.ToString().Trim() : _columnBuilder.ToString());
else //如果inColumn为false,说明已经添加,因为最后一个字符为分隔符,所以后面要加上一个空元素
} return Fields;
} //读取文件
public static List<List<string>> Read(string filePath, Encoding encoding)
List<List<string>> result = new List<List<string>>();
string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath, encoding);
string[] lines = content.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
for (int i = ; i < lines.Length; i++)
List<string> line = ParseLine(lines[i]);
return result;
} //写入文件
public static void Write(string filePath, Encoding encoding, List<List<string>> result)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = ; i < result.Count; i++)
List<string> line = result[i];
File.WriteAllText(filePath, builder.ToString(), encoding);
} //打印
public static void Debug(List<List<string>> result)
for (int i = ; i < result.Count; i++)
List<string> line = result[i];
for (int j = ; j < line.Count; j++)



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