CVE-2019-11604 Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance

CVE-2019-11604 Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance <= 9.0 kbot_service_notsoap.php METHOD Reflected Cross-Site Scripting

Product:        Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance
Vendor URL:
Type:           Cross-Site Scripting [CWE-79]
Date found:     2018-09-09
Date published: 2019-05-19
CVSSv3 Score:   4.7 (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:N/I:L/A:N)
CVE:            CVE-2019-11604

This vulnerability was discovered and researched by Julien Ahrens from
RCE Security.

Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.0 and below

The KACE Systems Management Appliance (SMA) helps you accomplish these goals
by automating complex administrative tasks and modernizing your unified endpoint
management approach. This makes it possible for you to inventory all hardware
and software, patch mission-critical applications and OS, reduce the risk of
breach, and assure software license compliance. So you're able to reduce systems
management complexity and safeguard your vulnerable endpoints.

(from the vendor's homepage)

The script "/service/kbot_service_notsoap.php" is vulnerable to an unauthenticated
reflected Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability when user-supplied input to the
HTTP GET parameter "METHOD" is processed by the web application. Since the
application does not properly validate and sanitize this parameter, it is
possible to place arbitrary script code onto the same page.

The following Proof-of-Concept triggers this vulnerability:;script>alert(document.domain)</script>

To successfully exploit this vulnerability an unauthenticated or authenticated
user must be tricked into visiting an arbitrary website.

The vulnerability can be used to temporarily embed arbitrary script code into the
context of the appliance web interface, which offers a wide range of possible
attacks such as redirecting the user to a malicious page, spoofing content on the
page or attacking the browser and its plugins. Since all session-relevant cookies
are protected by HTTPOnly, it is not possible to hijack sessions.

Update to Quest KACE Systems Management Appliance 9.1

2018-09-09: Discovery of the vulnerability
2019-02-28: Tried to notify vendor via their vulnerability report form
            but unfortunately the WAF protecting the form blocked the
            Proof-of-Concept payload
2019-02-28: Sent another notification without any payloads
2019-02-28: Vendor response
2019-03-01: Sent the exploit payload in a separate mail
2019-03-01: Vendor acknowledges the issue (tracked as K1-20409) which will
            be fixed in the 9.1 release (released on 2019/04/15)
2019-03-01: Vendor asks to delay the disclosure to make sure all customers
            had time to upgrade
2019-03-13: Requested disclosure extension granted
2019-04-30: CVE requested from MITRE
2019-04-30: MITRE assigns CVE-2019-11604
2019-05-19: Public disclosure

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