

给定一个 Weather 表,编写一个 SQL 查询,来查找与之前(昨天的)日期相比温度更高的所有日期的 Id。


| Id(INT) | RecordDate(DATE) | Temperature(INT) |


| 1 | 2015-01-01 | 10 |

| 2 | 2015-01-02 | 25 |

| 3 | 2015-01-03 | 20 |

| 4 | 2015-01-04 | 30 |


例如,根据上述给定的 Weather 表格,返回如下 Id:


| Id |


| 2 |

| 4 |






第一感觉,用 oracle 中的分析函数,偏移函数 laglead,不过不知道这里支不支持窗口函数,测试一番再说。

---- oracle ----
/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */
select Id
select Id,
lag(Temperature,1) over(order by RecordDate) as Temperature_2
from Weather
where Temperature > Temperature_2;


MySQL 环境中,使用 joindatediff 函数进行求解。

---- MySQL ----
select a.Id as Id
from Weather a
left join Weather b
on datediff(a.RecordDate, b.RecordDate) = 1
where a.Temperature > b.Temperature; ---- 274ms
-- 第一次提交的时候把最后温度的过滤条件写成了and,怪不得提交不通过,改为where之后便可以了。
---- MySQL ----
# Write your MySQL query statement below
select a.Id
from Weather a,
Weather b
where a.Temperature > b.Temperature
and datediff(a.RecordDate, b.RecordDate) = 1; ---- 275ms


---- oracle ----
/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */
select a.Id as Id
from Weather a
left join Weather b
on a.RecordDate = b.RecordDate - 1
where a.Temperature > b.Temperature;
---- 没通过



---- oracle ----
/* Write your PL/SQL query statement below */
select t.Id as Id
select Id,
lag(Temperature,1) over(order by RecordDate) as Temperature_2,
lag(RecordDate,1) over(order by RecordDate) as RecordDate_2
from Weather
) t
where t.Temperature > t.Temperature_2
and round(to_number(t.RecordDate - t.RecordDate_2)) = 1; ---- 537ms



复习一下 MySQLdatediff 函数。


datediff('2007-12-31','2007-12-30');   # 1
datediff('2010-12-30','2010-12-31'); # -1

另外,也可以通过 date_add 函数进行时间加减。

date_add('2019-10-26', interval 1 day)

使用 oracle 中的偏移函数进行求解。


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