[Functional Programming] Using ComposeK for both get State and modify State
We have State like this:
const state = {
cards: [
{ id: "green-square", color: "green", shape: "square" },
{ id: "orange-square", color: "orange", shape: "square" },
{ id: "blue-triangle", color: "blue", shape: "triangle" }
hint: {
color: "green",
shape: "square"
isCorrect: null,
We want to validate user's input is the same as 'hint' and it matchs 'id' in cards array. Then we want to set 'isCorrect' to 'false' or 'true'.
In this flow, we want to do two things:
- Able to set state, which is 'isCorrect'
- Able to get multi states, 'cards', 'hint', and validate they are matched
- In the end, we need to get the result from Step 2 to set value in Step 1
In this kind of flow, we can use 'composeK' all the way down.
Able to set state:
// over :: (String, (a -> b)) -> Object -> State Object ()
const over = (key, fn) => modify(mapProps({ [key]: fn }));
// setIsCorrect :: Boolean -> State AppState ()
const setIsCorrect = isCorrect => over("isCorrect", constant(isCorrect));
Able to get multi state:
// getState :: String -> State Object (Maybe a)
const getState = key => get(prop(key)); // Hint :: {color: String, shape: String}
// Card :: {id: String, color: String, shape: String} // getHint :: () -> State AppState Hint
const getHint = () =>
getState("hint").map(option({ color: "unknown", shape: "unknown" })); // getCard :: String -> State AppState Card
const getCard = id =>
.map(chain(find(propEq("id", id))))
.map(option({ id, color: "unknown", shape: "unknown" }));
Able to validate:
// liftState :: (a -> b) -> a -> State s b
const liftState = fn =>
); // cardToHint :: Card -> State AppState Hint
const cardToHint = composeK(
); // validateAnswer :: String -> State AppState Boolean
const validateAnswer = converge(liftA2(equals), cardToHint, getHint);
Do both Get and Set state:
const feedback = composeK(
const state = {
cards: [
{ id: "green-square", color: "green", shape: "square" },
{ id: "orange-square", color: "orange", shape: "square" },
{ id: "blue-triangle", color: "blue", shape: "triangle" }
hint: {
color: "green",
shape: "square"
isCorrect: null,
left: ,
}; log(feedback("green-square").execWith(state));
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