什么是Python Docstring


Python Docstring 的三种风格

总的来说,Python Docstring有三种主要风格,分别是reST风格、Google风格和Numpy风格:



例如我们要造一个双向链表的轮子,我们新建一个DoubleLinkList.py 文件。其中包含两个类,一个是双向链表的节点类DLLNode,一个是双向链表类DoubleLinkList


class DLLNode(object):
The definition of node of double link list. :param val: The value of a node.
:param prev: The pointer of the previous node of this node.
:param next: The pointer of the next node of this node.
:type val: Any
:type prev: DLLNode, default None
:type next: DLLNode, default None
""" def __init__(self, val, prev=None, next=None):
self.val = val
self.prev = prev
self.next = next


:param <类属性名称>: <描述>
:type <类属性名称>: <类型>

其中,类型除了基本类型,如intfloatstr等,还可以是列表类型List[type],元组类型Tuple[types],以及字典类型Dict[KeyType, ValueType]等,还可以是各种模块中定义的类型。注意当类型为列表、元组或字典时与Python本身自带类型的不同。

这里我们不需要再对DLLNode类中 __init__()函数添加docstring。在生成文档时,Python会自动将类的docstring复制给它的__init__()函数。


class DoubleLinkList(object):
The definition of double link list. :param head: The head pointer of the list.
:type head: DLLNode
def __init__(self, head):
self.head = head def insert_node(self, val, node):
Insert a node before the node which data is val. :param val: The value to be find to insert a node before it.
:param node: The node ready to insert.
:type val: Any
:type node: DLLNode
pass def remove_node(self, val):
Remove a node which data is val. :param val: The val of node to be removed. """
pass def length(self):
Returns the length of this link table. :return: The length of this link table.
:rtype: int
pass def search_node(self, val):
Search the first position of node which data equals val. :param val: The value to be searched.
:return: The position of val first appeared.
:rtype: int
pass def update_node(self, position, val):
Update the node in position by val. :param position: The position of the node to be updated.
:param val: The target value of updated node.
:type position: int
:type val: Any


:return: <对返回值的描述>
:rtype: <返回值类型>
:raises: <可能抛出的异常列表>


Google Style

除了reST风格,Google Style也是一种常见的docstring规范。

仍以上文的DoubleLinkList为例。Google Style的docstring如下:

class DLLNode(object):
The definition of node of double link list. Args:
val (Any): The value of Node.
prev (DLLNode): The previous node of this node.
next (DLLNode): The next node of this node. """ def __init__(self, val, prev=None, next=None):
self.val = val
self.prev = prev
self.next = next class DoubleLinkList(object):
The definition of double link list. Args:
head (DLLNode): The head pointer of the link list.
def __init__(self, head):
self.head = head def insert_node(self, val, node):
Insert a node before the node which data is val. Args:
val (Any): The value to be find to insert a node before it.
node (DLLNode): The node ready to insert.
pass def remove_node(self, val):
Remove a node which data is val. Args:
val (DLLNode): The val of node to be removed. """
pass def length(self):
Returns the length of this link table. Returns:
int: The length of this link list.
pass def search_node(self, val):
Search the first position of node which data equals val. Args:
val: The value to be searched. Returns:
int: The first position of the searched value.
pass def update_node(self, position, val):
Update the node in position by val. Args:
position (int): The position of node to be updated.
val: The new value of target.

与reST风格不同,Google Style将所有的参数写在Args标签下,而所有的返回值写在Returns标签下。我个人认为比起reST风格,Google Style的可读性要更好一些。在Args标签下,可以在参数名称后面加 (类型)来确定参数的类型,同样可以起到对参数类型的限制作用。

Numpy Style

Numpy是矩阵分析、科学计算、机器学习中都会用到的常见Python程序库。其文档详实完整,也是程序员们学习的典范之一。Numpy也有自己独特的Python Docstring风格。我们仍以DoubleLinkList模块为例来说明。

class DLLNode(object):
The definition of node of double link list. Parameters
val : Any
The value of node.
prev : DLLNode
The previous node of this node.
next : DLLNode
The next node of this node. Attributes
val : Any
The value of node.
prev : DLLNode
The previous node of this node.
next : DLLNode
The next node of this node.
""" def __init__(self, val, prev=None, next=None):
self.val = val
self.prev = prev
self.next = next class DoubleLinkList(object):
The definition of double link list. Parameters
head : DLLNode
The head pointer of the link list. Attributes
head : DLLNode
The head pointer of the link list.
def __init__(self, head):
self.head = head def insert_node(self, val, node):
Insert a node before the node which data is val. Parameters
The value to be find to insert a node before it.
node : DLLNode
The node ready to insert.
pass def remove_node(self, val):
Remove a node which data is val. Parameters
val :
The val of node to be removed. """
pass def length(self):
Returns the length of this link table. Returns
The length of this link list.
pass def search_node(self, val):
Search the first position of node which data equals val. Parameters
The value to be searched. Returns
The first position of the searched value.
pass def update_node(self, position, val):
Update the node in position by val. Parameters
position :int
The position of node to be updated.
The new value of target.

和Google Style不同,Numpy Style采用如下格式描述一个类:

类描述 Parameters
参数 : [类型]
参数的描述 Attributes
属性 : [类型]



函数描述 Parameters
参数 : [类型]
参数的描述 Returns
返回值的描述 Raises
异常描述 Examples
范例描述 Yields(仅针对生成器函数)
生成器返回值描述 Note



本文介绍了Python程序设计中常见的三种docstring的风格,其中我个人认为Google Style相比之下是最好的一个,它既可以采用Sphinx来生成HTML格式的文档,也可以直接在命令行中通过help函数获得可读性更高的文档。但在Pycharm等IDE中,默认支持的是reST风格的。具体如何使用,就要看自己的喜好和项目要求了。

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