pyspark 数据类型及转换
spark 有哪些数据类型
Spark 数据类型
Data Types
Spark SQL and DataFrames support the following data types:
- Numeric types
: Represents 1-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from-128
: Represents 2-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from-32768
: Represents 4-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from-2147483648
: Represents 8-byte signed integer numbers. The range of numbers is from-9223372036854775808
: Represents 4-byte single-precision floating point numbers.DoubleType
: Represents 8-byte double-precision floating point numbers.DecimalType
: Represents arbitrary-precision signed decimal numbers. Backed internally byjava.math.BigDecimal
. ABigDecimal
consists of an arbitrary precision integer unscaled value and a 32-bit integer scale.
- String type
: Represents character string values.
- Binary type
: Represents byte sequence values.
- Boolean type
: Represents boolean values.
- Datetime type
: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month, day, hour, minute, and second.DateType
: Represents values comprising values of fields year, month, day.
- Complex types
ArrayType(elementType, containsNull)
: Represents values comprising a sequence of elements with the type ofelementType
is used to indicate if elements in aArrayType
value can havenull
values.MapType(keyType, valueType, valueContainsNull)
: Represents values comprising a set of key-value pairs. The data type of keys are described bykeyType
and the data type of values are described byvalueType
. For aMapType
value, keys are not allowed to havenull
is used to indicate if values of aMapType
value can havenull
: Represents values with the structure described by a sequence ofStructField
s (fields
).StructField(name, dataType, nullable)
: Represents a field in aStructType
. The name of a field is indicated byname
. The data type of a field is indicated bydataType
is used to indicate if values of this fields can havenull
对应的pyspark 数据类型在这里 pyspark.sql.types
1. Converts a date/timestamp/string to a value of string, 转成的string 的格式用第二个参数指定
df.withColumn('test', F.date_format(col('Last_Update'),"yyyy/MM/dd")).show()
2. 转成 string后,可以 cast 成你想要的类型,比如下面的 date 型
df = df.withColumn('date', F.date_format(col('Last_Update'),"yyyy-MM-dd").alias('ts').cast("date"))
3. 把 timestamp 秒数(从1970年开始)转成日期格式 string
4. unix_timestamp 把 日期 String 转换成 timestamp 秒数,是上面操作的反操作
因为unix_timestamp 不考虑 ms ,如果一定要考虑ms可以用下面的方法
df1 = df.withColumn("unix_timestamp",F.unix_timestamp(df.TIME,'dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS z') + F.substring(df.TIME,-7,3).cast('float')/1000)
5. timestamp 秒数转换成 timestamp type, 可以用 F.to_timestamp
6. 从timestamp 或者 string 日期类型提取 时间,日期等信息
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