cheng gong de daima
* Copyright (c) 2012-2016 ebizwindow, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
* of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
* in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
* to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
* copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
* furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
* all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
package com.ebizwindow.crm.portlet.module.sales;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.portlet.ActionRequest;
import javax.portlet.ActionResponse;
import javax.portlet.PortletException;
import javax.portlet.PortletRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
import javax.portlet.RenderResponse;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.bean.Page;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.model.SalesTarget;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.portlet.base.BasePortlet;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.OpportunityLocalServiceUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.IDGenerator;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.LogUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.PermissionUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.SQLUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.Target;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.TextUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.utils.Validator;
import com.ebizwindow.operator.model.Department;
import com.ebizwindow.operator.model.Operator;
import com.ebizwindow.operator.service.DepartmentLocalServiceUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.operator.service.OperatorLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.ParamUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool;
import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil;
* <a href=""><b><i>View Source</i></b></a>
* @author eonmain
public class SaleTargetPortlet extends BasePortlet {
public void doView(RenderRequest renderRequest,RenderResponse renderResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
super.doView(renderRequest, renderResponse);
String jspPage = (String) renderRequest.getAttribute(FORWARD);
try {
if (jspPage == null){
if (PermissionUtil.checkSpecialPermission(renderRequest)) {
jspPage = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/specialRoleView.jsp";
} else {
jspPage = this.viewJSP;
} catch (Exception e) {
jspPage = jspPage == null ? this.viewJSP : jspPage;
include(jspPage, renderRequest, renderResponse);
public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest,
ActionResponse actionResponse) throws IOException, PortletException {
super.processAction(actionRequest, actionResponse);
long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(actionRequest);
String operation = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest,OPERATION);
if (operation != null) {, actionRequest);
String forward = null;
try {
if (operation.equals("")) {
}else if (operation.equals("")) {
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/view.jsp";
else if (operation.equals("")){
long userRange = ParamUtil.getLong(actionRequest, "userRange", 0);
String saleIndex = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "saleIndex", "amount");
Integer startYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "startYear");
Integer startMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "startMonth", 1);
Integer endYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "endYear");
Integer endMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "endMonth", 12);","+saleIndex+","+startYear+","+startMonth+","+endYear+","+endMonth);
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/view.jsp";
else if (operation.equals("")){
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/specialRoleView.jsp";
else if(operation.equals("")) {//设置销售目标
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/setSaleTarget.jsp";
} else if (operation.equals("")) {//跳到编辑的页面
Operator operator_operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(PortalUtil.getUserId(actionRequest));
long departmentId = operator_operator.getDepartmentId();
long userId = operator_operator.getOperatorId();
String sql = SQLUtil.getOperatorSQL(userId);
List<Long> operatorIds = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(sql, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS);
List<Operator> operators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
if (operatorIds != null && operatorIds.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < operatorIds.size(); i++) {
long opreatorId = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(operatorIds.get(i)));
Operator operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(opreatorId);
Page page = new Page();
int pageSize = 20;
int pageNo = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "pageNo" , 0);
if (pageNo == 0){
if (actionRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo") != null){
pageNo = (Integer)actionRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo");
} else {
pageNo = 1;
int pageCount = operators.size();
if (pageCount % page.getPageSize() == 0) {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize());
} else {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize() + 1);
int start = (page.getPageNo() - 1) * page.getPageSize() ;
int end = page.getPageSize() * page.getPageNo() ;
List<Operator> operatorsTemp = new ArrayList<Operator>();
for (;start <= end && start <= pageCount-1; start++){
operators = operatorsTemp;
//List<Operator> operators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByCompanyId(companyId);
actionRequest.setAttribute("operators", operators);
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/editSaleTarget.jsp";
} else if (operation.equals("")) {//真正的保存的方法
List<Operator> operators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByCompanyId(companyId);
String targetDate = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "targetDate", StringPool.BLANK);
if (!targetDate.equals(StringPool.BLANK)){
for(Operator operator : operators){
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
double salesAmount = ParamUtil.getDouble(actionRequest, "salesAmount" + operatorId, 0);
int salesNum = ParamUtil.getInteger(actionRequest, "salesNum" + operatorId, 0);
if (salesAmount != 0 || salesNum != 0){
SalesTarget salesTarget = null;
salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget == null){
salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.createSalesTarget(IDGenerator.increment(SalesTarget.class.getName()));
LogUtil.logInfo(_log, actionRequest, salesTarget, "编辑");
forward = "/jsp/sales/saleTarget/setSaleTarget.jsp";
PortalUtil.copyRequestParameters(actionRequest, actionResponse);
} catch (Exception e) {
_log.debug(FORWARD + " = " + forward);
if (forward != null){
actionResponse.setRenderParameter(FORWARD, forward);
private void listSaleTarget(PortletRequest portletRequest) throws SystemException, PortalException {
long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(portletRequest);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
long userRange = ParamUtil.getLong(portletRequest, "userRange", 0);
Operator operator_operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(PortalUtil.getUserId(portletRequest));
long departmentId = operator_operator.getDepartmentId();"KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK"+departmentId);
String saleIndex = ParamUtil.getString(portletRequest, "saleIndex", "amount");
Integer startYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer startMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startMonth", 1);
Integer endYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer endMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endMonth", 12);
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
sql.append("select sum(opportunity.amount) from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where opportunity.companyId = "+companyId+" and opportunity.status = '已结束/赢得客户' ");
} else if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
sql.append("select count(*) from CRM_Customer customer where customer.companyId = " + companyId +" ");
} else {
LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>> entities = null;
LinkedHashMap<Long, String> userTotalTargetValue = null;
List<Operator> operators = null;
if (userRange >= 0){
if (userRange == 0){
operators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departmentId);
} else {
long deptId = userRange;
if (deptId > 0){
operators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
operators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(deptId);
Page page = new Page();
int pageSize = 20;
int pageNo = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "pageNo" , 0);
if (pageNo == 0){
if (portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo") != null){
pageNo = (Integer)portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo");
} else {
pageNo = 1;
int pageCount = operators.size();
if (pageCount % page.getPageSize() == 0) {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize());
} else {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize() + 1);
int start = (page.getPageNo() - 1) * page.getPageSize() ;
int end = page.getPageSize() * page.getPageNo() ;
List<Operator> operatorsTemp = new ArrayList<Operator>();
for (;start <= end && start <= pageCount-1; start++){
operators = operatorsTemp;
if (operators != null && operators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
for (Operator operator : operators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userTotalTargetValue.put(operatorId, totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
entities.put(operatorId, values);
portletRequest.setAttribute("entities", entities);
portletRequest.setAttribute("userTotalTargetValue", userTotalTargetValue);
portletRequest.setAttribute("userRange", userRange);
portletRequest.setAttribute("saleIndex", saleIndex);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startYear", startYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startMonth", startMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endYear", endYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endMonth", endMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("pageCount", page.getPageCount());
portletRequest.getPortletSession().setAttribute("pageNo", page.getPageNo());
private void createXMLDataOfColumn2D(PortletRequest portletRequest) throws SystemException{
long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(portletRequest);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
long userRange = ParamUtil.getLong(portletRequest, "userRange", 0);
String saleIndex = ParamUtil.getString(portletRequest, "saleIndex", "amount");
Integer startYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer startMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startMonth", 1);
Integer endYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer endMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endMonth", 12);
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer dataXml = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
sql.append("select sum(opportunity.amount) from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where opportunity.companyId = "+companyId+" and opportunity.status = '已结束/赢得客户' ");
} else if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
sql.append("select count(*) from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where opportunity.companyId = "+companyId+" and opportunity.status = '已结束/赢得客户' ");
} else {
dataXml.append("<chart manageResize='1' caption='完成情况统计表' decimals='1' formatNumberScale='0' baseFontSize='11' >");
if (userRange >= 0){
if (userRange != 0){
long deptId = userRange;
if (deptId > 0){
List<Operator> operators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByDepartmentId(deptId);
String userIdsStr = convert(operators);
if (!userIdsStr.equals("")){
sql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId in " + userIdsStr + " ");
StringBuffer dateCategories = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer completeValuesXml = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer targetValuesXml = new StringBuffer();
completeValuesXml.append("<dataset seriesName='完成' color='c4e3f7' >");
targetValuesXml.append("<dataset seriesName='目标' color='Fad35e' >");
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
dateCategories.append("<category label='" + targetDate + "' />");
String completeValue = "0";
Double targetValue = 0.0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = "0";
completeValue = value.toString();
List<SalesTarget> salesTargets = new ArrayList<SalesTarget>();
if (userRange >= 0){
if (userRange == 0){
salesTargets = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByTargetDate(companyId, targetDate);
} else {
long deptId = userRange;
if (deptId > 0){
List<Operator> operators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByDepartmentId(deptId);
for (Operator operator : operators){
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
} else {
salesTargets = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByTargetDate(companyId, targetDate);
if (salesTargets != null && salesTargets.size() > 0){
for (SalesTarget salesTarget : salesTargets){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue += Double.valueOf(salesTarget.getSalesNum());
} else {
targetValue += Double.valueOf(salesTarget.getSalesAmount());
completeValuesXml.append("<set value='" + completeValue + "' />");
targetValuesXml.append("<set value='" + targetValue + "' />");
portletRequest.setAttribute("dataXml", dataXml.toString());
private void listSaleTargetSet(PortletRequest portletRequest) throws SystemException, PortalException {
long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(portletRequest);
Operator operator_operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(PortalUtil.getUserId(portletRequest));
long departmentId = operator_operator.getDepartmentId();
long userId = operator_operator.getOperatorId();
String sql = SQLUtil.getOperatorSQL(userId);
List<Long> operatorIds = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(sql, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS);
List<Operator> operators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
if (operatorIds != null && operatorIds.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < operatorIds.size(); i++) {
long opreatorId = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(operatorIds.get(i)));
Operator operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(opreatorId);
//List<Operator> operators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByCompanyId(companyId);
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Integer startYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer startMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startMonth", 1);
Integer endYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer endMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endMonth", 12);
LinkedHashMap<Long, String> userTotalTargetValue = null;
if (operators != null && operators.size() > 0){
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
for (Operator operator : operators){
double totalSalesAmount = 0;
int totalSalesNum = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operator.getOperatorId(), targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
totalSalesAmount += salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
totalSalesNum += salesTarget.getSalesNum();
userTotalTargetValue.put(operator.getOperatorId(), TextUtil.doubleToText(totalSalesAmount, 2) + "-" + totalSalesNum);
Page page = new Page();
//int pageSize = 20;
int pageSize = 20;
int pageNo = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "pageNo" , 0);
if (pageNo == 0){
if (portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo") != null){
pageNo = (Integer)portletRequest.getPortletSession().getAttribute("pageNo");
} else {
pageNo = 1;
int pageCount = operators.size();
if (pageCount % page.getPageSize() == 0) {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize());
} else {
page.setPageCount(pageCount / page.getPageSize() + 1);
int start = (page.getPageNo() - 1) * page.getPageSize() ;
int end = page.getPageSize() * page.getPageNo() ;
List<Operator> operatorsTemp = new ArrayList<Operator>();
for (;start <= end && start <= pageCount-1; start++){
// //分页查询调用的是持久层中的方法
// List<Long> tempoperatorIds = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(sql, start, end);
// if (tempoperatorIds != null && tempoperatorIds.size() > 0) {
// for (int i = 0; i < tempoperatorIds.size(); i++) {
// long opreatorId = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(tempoperatorIds.get(i)));
// Operator operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(opreatorId);
// operatorsTemp.add(operator);
// }
// }
operators = operatorsTemp;"..........................."+pageNo);
portletRequest.setAttribute("operators", operators);
portletRequest.setAttribute("userTotalTargetValue", userTotalTargetValue);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startYear", startYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startMonth", startMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endYear", endYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endMonth", endMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("pageCount", page.getPageCount());
portletRequest.getPortletSession().setAttribute("pageNo", page.getPageNo());
private String convert(List<Operator> operators){
String result = "";
if (Validator.isNotNull(operators)){
result += "(";
for (Operator operator : operators) {
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
result += operatorId + ",";
result = result.substring(0, result.length()-1);
result += ")";
return result;
public static List<Operator> getOperatorByDepartmentId(long departmentId) throws SystemException, PortalException {
List<Operator> operators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
if (departmentId > 0) {
List<Operator> deptOperators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByDepartmentId(departmentId);
List<Department> departments = DepartmentLocalServiceUtil.searchByParentDepartmentId(departmentId);
if (Validator.isNotNull(departments)) {
for (Department entity : departments) {
long entityId = entity.getDepartmentId();
deptOperators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByDepartmentId(entityId);
getAllSubDepartment(entityId, operators);
return operators;
private static void getAllSubDepartment(long departmentId, List<Operator> operators) throws SystemException, PortalException {
List<Department> departments = DepartmentLocalServiceUtil.searchByParentDepartmentId(departmentId);
if (Validator.isNotNull(departments)) {
for (Department entity : departments) {
long entityId = entity.getDepartmentId();
List<Operator> deptOperators = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchByDepartmentId(entityId);
getAllSubDepartment(entityId, operators);
private void listSpecialSaleTarget(PortletRequest portletRequest) throws SystemException, PortalException {"执行listSpecialSaleTarget");
long companyId = PortalUtil.getCompanyId(portletRequest);
List<Department> departments = DepartmentLocalServiceUtil.searchByCompanyId(companyId);
String key1 = "大区一";
String key2 = "大区二";
String key3 = "大区三";
String key4 = "大区四";
String key5 = "大区五";
String key6 = "大区六";
//这个集合是用来保存大区一中Long 指的是大区域id,map里放的是月份和对应的总的值
LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>> entities = null;
LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>> dateentities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String,String>>();
LinkedHashMap<Long, String> userDateTotal = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
List<Operator> speacialoperators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
long userRange = ParamUtil.getLong(portletRequest, "userRange", 0);"............");
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
Operator operator_operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(PortalUtil.getUserId(portletRequest));
long departmentId = operator_operator.getDepartmentId();
String saleIndex = ParamUtil.getString(portletRequest, "saleIndex", "amount");
Integer startYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer startMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "startMonth", 1);
Integer endYear = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endYear", calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR));
Integer endMonth = ParamUtil.getInteger(portletRequest, "endMonth", 12);
StringBuffer sql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
sql.append("select sum(opportunity.amount) from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where opportunity.companyId = "+companyId+" and opportunity.status = '已结束/赢得客户' ");
} else if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
sql.append("select count(*) from CRM_Customer customer where customer.companyId = " + companyId +" ");
} else {
LinkedHashMap<Long, String> userTotalTargetValue = null;
List<String> departmtntAndIDString = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0;i<departments.size();i++) {
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key1)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key1;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
String targetDate = "";
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();"..........................--"+name);
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key2)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key2;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
String targetDate = "";
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key3)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key3;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
String targetDate = "";
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key4)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key4;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
String targetDate = "";
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key5)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key5;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
String targetDate = "";
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
if (departments.get(i).getDepartmentName().equals(key6)) {
String bianhaoString = departments.get(i).getDepartmentId()+"-"+key6;
speacialoperators = getOperatorByDepartmentId(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId());
if (speacialoperators != null && speacialoperators.size() > 0){
entities = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Map<String, String>>();
userTotalTargetValue = new LinkedHashMap<Long, String>();
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (Operator operator : speacialoperators){
Map<String, String> values = new HashMap<String, String>();
long operatorId = operator.getOperatorId();
StringBuffer operatorSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
operatorSql.append(" and opportunity.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
} else {
operatorSql.append(" and customer.ownerId = " + operatorId + " ");
double totalCompleteValue = 0;
double totalTargetValue = 0;
double totalCompleteProbability = 0;
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
double total_totalCompleteValue = 0;
double total_totalTargetValue = 0;
double total_totalCompleteProbability = 0;
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++){
String targetDate = year + "-" + (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
double completeValue = 0;
double targetValue = 0;
double completeProbability = 0;
StringBuffer dateSql = new StringBuffer();
if (saleIndex.equals("amount")){
dateSql.append(" and year(opportunity.completeDate) = " + year + " and month(opportunity.completeDate) = " + month);
} else {
dateSql.append(" and year(customer.createDate) = " + year + " and month(customer.createDate) = " + month);
Object value = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchByQueryStringOfSaleFunnel(dateSql.toString());
if (value == null){
value = 0;
completeValue = Double.valueOf(value.toString());
SalesTarget salesTarget = SalesTargetLocalServiceUtil.searchByUserIdAndTargetDate(companyId, operatorId, targetDate);
if (salesTarget != null){
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesNum();
} else {
targetValue = salesTarget.getSalesAmount();
if (completeValue != 0 && targetValue != 0){
completeProbability = completeValue/targetValue;
totalCompleteValue += completeValue;
totalTargetValue += targetValue;
total_totalTargetValue += totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteValue += totalCompleteValue;
String completeValueStr = "0";
String targetValueStr = "0";
String completeProbabilityStr = "0%";
if (saleIndex.equals("num")){
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 0);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 0);
} else {
if (completeValue != 0){
completeValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeValue, 2);
if (targetValue != 0){
targetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(targetValue, 2);
if (completeProbability != 0){
completeProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
completeProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
values.put(targetDate, targetValueStr + "-" + completeValueStr + "-" + completeProbabilityStr);
if (totalCompleteValue != 0 && totalTargetValue != 0){
totalCompleteProbability = totalCompleteValue/totalTargetValue;
total_totalCompleteProbability += totalCompleteProbability;
if (totalCompleteValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteValue, 2);
if (totalTargetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalTargetValue, 2);
if (totalCompleteProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_totalCompleteProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
entities.put(operatorId, values);
//userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), totalTargetValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
// 我要对上述的集合做求和的处理
List<Target> list = new ArrayList<Target>();
Iterator entitiesIterator = entities.entrySet().iterator();
while (entitiesIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entry = (Entry);
Long name = (Long) entry.getKey();
Map<String, String> valMap = (Map<String, String>) entry.getValue();
System.out.println(name + "\t" + valMap.toString());
Iterator values_iter = valMap.entrySet().iterator();
String keydateString = "";
String vvvString = "";
while (values_iter.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry entryvaEntry = (Map.Entry);// 得到map中的每一条的数据
keydateString = (String) entryvaEntry.getKey();
vvvString = (String) entryvaEntry.getValue();
// 在这个地方我需要处理的就是把这些数据存到ArrayList中
Target target = new Target();
double sum1 = 0;
double sum2 = 0;
double sum3 = 0;
String str_totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String str_totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int k = 0;k<list.size();k++) {
final Target target = list.get(k);
String[] values = target.getValue().split("-");
sum1 += Double.parseDouble(values[0].replace(",", ""));
sum2 += Double.parseDouble(values[1].replace(",",""));
sum3 += Double.parseDouble(values[2].substring(0, values[2].length() - 1));
if (sum2 != 0){
str_totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum2, 2);
if (sum1 != 0){
str_totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum1, 2);
if (sum3 != 0){
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(sum3*100, 0)+"%";
str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
userDateTotal.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), str_totalTargetValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteValueStr + "-" + str_totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String,String>();
for (int year = startYear; year <= endYear; year++){
int startMonthOfYear = 1;
int endMonthOfYear = 12;
if (year == startYear){
startMonthOfYear = startMonth;
if (year == endYear){
endMonthOfYear = endMonth;
for (int month = startMonthOfYear; month <= endMonthOfYear; month++) {
String targetDate = year + "-"
+ (month > 0 && month < 10 ? "0" + month : month);
map.putAll(CalReturn(list, targetDate));
dateentities.put(departments.get(i).getDepartmentId(), map);
portletRequest.setAttribute("dateentities", dateentities);
portletRequest.setAttribute("userDateTotal", userDateTotal);
portletRequest.setAttribute("userRange", userRange);
portletRequest.setAttribute("saleIndex", saleIndex);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startYear", startYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("startMonth", startMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endYear", endYear);
portletRequest.setAttribute("endMonth", endMonth);
portletRequest.setAttribute("departmtntAndIDString", departmtntAndIDString);
private static Map<String, String> CalReturn(List<Target> list, String date){
Map<String, String> mapvaMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
double total_targetValue = 0;
double total_completeValue = 0;
double total_completeProbability = 0;
String totalCompleteValueStr = "0";
String totalTargetValueStr = "0";
String totalCompleteProbabilityStr = "0%";
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
Target target = list.get(i);// 得到每一条的数据
if (target.getKetDate().equals(date)) {// 如果日期相同的话就求和
String[] vvss = target.getValue().split("-");
total_targetValue += Double.parseDouble(vvss[0]
.replace(",", ""));
total_completeValue += Double.parseDouble(vvss[1].replace(",",
total_completeProbability += Double.parseDouble(vvss[2]
.substring(0, vvss[2].length() - 1));
if (total_completeValue != 0){
totalCompleteValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_completeValue, 2);
if (total_targetValue != 0){
totalTargetValueStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_targetValue, 2);
if (total_completeProbability != 0){
totalCompleteProbabilityStr = TextUtil.doubleToText(total_completeProbability*100, 0)+"%";
totalCompleteProbabilityStr.replaceAll(",", "");
mapvaMap.put(target.getKetDate(), totalTargetValueStr+"-"
+ totalCompleteValueStr+"-"+ totalCompleteProbabilityStr);
return mapvaMap;
private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(SaleTargetPortlet.class);
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