C++ stringstream格式化输出输入探索
- 最近在笔试时经常遇见各种输入问题,于是细心总结一波;
- 首先string str; cin>>str;遇到空格结束;
- 于是乎产生了getline(),可与得到一行字符串;空格自动去掉,只要不讲cin和getline混用即可
、cin.getline(s,k); 接收一行中k个字符,可以接收空格
当第三个参数省略时,系统默认为'\0'; 、getline(cin,s); 和cin.getline()类似,读入一行字符串,值得注意的是cin.getline()属于istream流,而getline()属于string流,二者并不相同。
string s = "ABCD";
stringstream ss(s);
char ch;
cout << ch << " ";
} //运行结果
//A B C D
string s = "hello world";
stringstream ss(s);
string str;
cout << str << " ";
} //运行结果
//hello world
在某些题目需要处理字符串时,这些题目往往是输入的一行中包含多个字符以及空格,这个时候就可以利用 stringstream进行单个字符或者单个字符串分析处理了
- 例子程序:
int main()
{ string line;
int k = ;
cout << "===============case1================" << endl;;
while (getline(cin, line)) //可与读到包含空格, ;等字符;但是在ss>>x时被截断
int sum = , x;
stringstream ss(line);
while (ss >> x)
sum += x;
cout << "the sum is :" << sum << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "===============case" << k << "================" << endl;;
} return ;
- 输出
===============case1================ the sum is : ===============case2================
the sum is : ===============case3================
a b
the sum is : ===============case4================
the sum is : ===============case5================
- 另外一组:
int main()
{ string line;
int k = ; cout << "===============case1================" << endl;;
while (getline(cin, line))
string out, x;
stringstream ss(line);
while (ss >> x)
cout << x << ";";
cout << endl;
cout << "===============case" << k << "================" << endl;;
} return ;
- 输出:
this is very good!
- 实验矩阵类型的输入:
0 1 2
2 3 4
5 6 7
int main()
{ string line;
int k = ;
string input;
int n;
//cin >> n; //输入n行数据,如果后面用getline()后面的换行符不能处理
getline(cin, input);
stringstream ss(input);
ss >> n; vector<vector<int> > vec;
for (int i = ; i < n;i++)
getline(cin,input); //会将换行符当做一行
stringstream ss(input);
int x; vector<int> temp;
while (ss>>x) //只能以空格处理分离
} return ;
- 使用方法:
- input1是没有空格的,带有,;将矩阵的行列分出来;
- 但是使用cin>>k后,没有使用getline(input1), 应为input1本身是没有空格的字符串
- 经上面启发:练习这样的输入:
, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,;, ,
- 测试代码:
int main()
{ string line;
int k = ; int row, col;
getline(cin, line);
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> row >> col;
getline(cin, line); //第二行
stringstream s(line);
string temp1, temp2, temp3;;
vector<pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>>> vec;
while (getline(s, temp1, ';'))
vector<pair<int, int>> pair1;
stringstream s3(temp1);
while (getline(s3, temp2,' ')) //以换行符结束,中间为空格
pair<int, int> pair2;
stringstream s4(temp2);
vector<int> res;
while (getline(s4, temp3, ','))
pair2.first = res[];
pair2.second = res[]; pair1.push_back(pair2);
} vec.push_back(make_pair(pair1[],pair1[]));
} return ;
- 输出:
- 另外参考输入遇到过问题的拼多多题解:推荐朋友 - LintCode
int main()
int N, id;
string str;
getline(cin, str);
stringstream ss(str);
ss >> N >> id; vector<vector<int>> vec;
//for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
// vector<int> temp;
// int user;
// getline(cin, str);
// stringstream s(str);
// while (s>>user) //以空格进行划分
// {
// temp.push_back(user);
// }
// vec.push_back(temp);
//} while (getline(cin, str)) //其实可都可以不知道行数
vector<int> temp;
int user;
stringstream s(str);
while (s >> user)
} cout << recommendFriends(vec, id) << endl; return ;
} int test()
//int N,id;
//cin >> N >> id; //直接输入用户数和需要查找的用户id ; 这样就会产生换行符 int N;
vector<int> in;
char c;
while ((c = cin.get()) != '\n')
cin >> N;
} vector<vector<int>> vec;
for (int i = ; i < in[]; i++)
vector<int> temp;
int user; while ((c=cin.get())!= '\n') //文件结果没有换行符了,所以陷入死循环
cin >> user;
if (temp.size()!=)
} } cout << recommendFriends(vec, in[]) << endl; return ;
- 全部代码
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set> #include<sstream>
using namespace std; #define cin infile //一定不能再oj系统中,有错,导致超时等!!!
ifstream infile("ini.txt", ifstream::in); //函数功能:将输入字符串s,以字符串c(;)进行拆分,拆分结果放在v中
int split_string(const std::string& s, std::vector<std::string>& v, const std::string& c)
std::string::size_type pos1, pos2;
pos2 = s.find(c);
pos1 = ;
while (std::string::npos != pos2)
v.push_back(s.substr(pos1, pos2 - pos1)); pos1 = pos2 + c.size();
pos2 = s.find(c, pos1);
if (pos1 != s.length())
return ;
} int main()
{ string line;
int k = ;
/*cout << "===============case1================" << endl;;
while (getline(cin, line))
int sum = 0, x;
stringstream ss(line);
while (ss >> x)
sum += x;
cout << "the sum is :" << sum << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "===============case" << k << "================" << endl;;
}*/ //cout << "===============case1================" << endl;;
//while (getline(cin, line))
// string out, x;
// stringstream ss(line);
// while (ss >> x)
// {
// cout << x << ";";
// }
// ++k;
// cout << endl;
// cout << "===============case" << k << "================" << endl;;
//} ////测试矩阵形式的输入:
//string input;
//int n;
////cin >> n; //输入n行数据,如果后面用getline()后面的换行符不能处理
//getline(cin, input);
//stringstream ss(input);
//ss >> n;
//vector<vector<int> > vec;
//for (int i = 0; i < n;i++)
// getline(cin,input); //会将换行符当做一行
// stringstream ss(input);
// int x;
// vector<int> temp;
// while (ss>>x) //只能以空格处理分离
// {
// temp.push_back(x);
// }
// vec.push_back(temp);
//} int row, col;
getline(cin, line);
stringstream ss(line);
ss >> row >> col;
getline(cin, line); //第二行
stringstream s(line);
string temp1, temp2, temp3;;
vector<pair<pair<int,int>,pair<int,int>>> vec;
while (getline(s, temp1, ';'))
vector<pair<int, int>> pair1;
stringstream s3(temp1);
while (getline(s3, temp2)) //以换行符结束,中间为空格
pair<int, int> pair2;
stringstream s4(temp2);
vector<int> res;
while (getline(s4, temp3, ','))
pair2.first = res[];
pair2.second = res[]; pair1.push_back(pair2);
} vec.push_back(make_pair(pair1[],pair1[]));
} return ;
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