Effective Java 目录
《Effective Java》目录摘抄。
Chapter 2 Creating and Destroying Objects
- Consider static factory methods instead of constructors
- Consider a builder when faced with many constructor parameters
- Enforce the singleton property with a private constructor or an enum type
- Avoid creating unnecessary objects
- Eliminate obsolete object references
- Avoid finalizers
Chapter 3 Methods Common to All Objects
- Obey the general contract when overriding equals
- Always override hashCode when you override equals
- Always override toString
- Override clone judiciously
- Consider implementing Comparable
Chapter 4 Classes and Interfaces
- Minimize the accessibility of classes and members
- In public classes, use accessor methods, not public fields
- Minimize mutability
- Favor composition over inheritance
- Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it
- Prefer interfaces to abstract classes
- Use interfaces only to define types
- Prefer class hierarchies to tagged classes
- Use function objects to represent strategies
- Favor static member classes over nonstatic
Chapter 5 Generics
- Don't use raw types in new code
- Eliminate unchecked warnings
- Prefer lists to arrays
- Favor generic types
- Favor generic methods
- Use bounded wildcards to increase API flexibility
- Consider typesafe heterogeneous containers
Chapter 6 Enums and Annotations
- Use enums instead of int costants
- Use instance fields instead of ordinals
- Use EnumSet instead of bit fields
- Use EnumMap instead of ordinal indexing
- Emulate extensible enums with interfaces
- Prefer annotations to naming patterns
- Consistently use the Override annotation
- Use marker interfaces to define types
Chapter 7 Methods
- Check parameters for validity
- Make defensive copies when needed
- Design method signatures carefully
- Use overloading judiciously
- Use varargs judiciously
- Return empty arrays or collections, not nulls
- Write doc comments for all exposed API elements
Chapter 8 General Programming
- Minimize the scope of local variables
- Prefer for-each loops to traditional for loops
- Know and use the libraries
- Avoid float and double if exact answers are required
- Prefer primitive types to boxed primitives
- Avoid strings where other types are more appropriate
- Beware the performance of string concatenation
- Refer to objects by their interfaces
- Prefer interfaces to reflection
- Use native methods judiciously
- Optimize judiciously
- Adhere to generally accepted naming conventions
Chapter 9 Exceptions
- Use exceptions only for exceptional conditions
- Use checked exceptions for recoverable conditions and runtime exceptions for programming errors
- Avoid unnecessary use of checked exceptions
- Favor the use of standard exceptions
- Throw exceptions appropriate to the abstraction
- Document all exceptions thrown by each method
- Include failure-capture information in detail messages
- Strive for failure atomicity
- Don't ignore exceptions
Chapter 10 Concurrency
- Synchronized access to shared mutable data
- Avoid excessive synchronization
- Prefer executors and tasks to threads
- Prefer concurrency utilities to wait and notify
- Document thread safety
- Use lazy initialization judiciously
- Don't depend on the thread scheduler
- Avoid thread groups
Chapter 11 Serialization
- Implement Serializable judiciously
- Consider using a custom serialized form
- Write readObject methods defensively
- For instance control, prefer enum types to readResolve
- Consider serialization proxies instead of serialized instances
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