English trip V1 - 7.My dream car 我梦想的车 Teacher:Lamb Key: famous for
中华In this lesson you will learn to describe an object(目标).
famous for 以…著称,闻名
国家(名词) 和 国家的(形容词)
Countries and Nationalities国家(country的复数)和名族
Germany - German
Germany is famous for beer
dark beer is made in Germany
dark beer is German beer
Korea - Korean
Korea is famous for e-sports
Korean be good at StarCraft
Australia - Australian
Australia is famous for kangaroo
most kangaroo live in Australia
kangaroo is Australian animal
Russia - Russian
Russia is famous for Music - <<Night outside Moscow>>
tetris is made in Russian game
Thailand - Thai
Thailand is famousfor Mango
Mango is Thai fruit
America - American
Ameriaca is famous for car
most car is American car
Spain - Spanish
Spain is famous for Bull fight
Spanish be good at Bull fight
Japan - Japanese
Japan is famous for manga
Nintendo is Japanese company
Canada - Canadian 注意读音:Ca na di an
Canada is famous for maple
Most maple come from Canada
Canadian national flag had maple logo
Italy - Italian
Italy is famous for expensive car
Lamborghini,Ferrari,Maserati are in made Italian car
France - French
Frnce is famous for perfume and red wine
hear of French very romantic
Brazil - Brazilian
Brazil is famous for football
Ronaldinho is Brazilian football star
Describing Your dream car:
I have a car. It is a MorrisGarages(名爵).It's white, it's medium and it's old. I like it very much,because
it is very save and it is also COOL!
Write about your dream car here:
I hope have a Tesla. It is expensive and is Electricity power.I like very much. because it is very COOL!
Model X
词汇(Key Word )
cheap 便宜的
dream 梦想;理想的
expensive 昂贵的
object 物体;目标
park 公园;停车
popular 流行
classic 经典
prefer 宁愿;更喜欢
safe 安全的;可靠的
at least 至少
It's a man's car 这是一辆男式车
Look at that yellow car! 看那辆黄色的车
Is it a nice color? 这个颜色漂亮吗
Is it easy to park? 停车方便吗
I am from Canada. 我来自加拿大
My mother is in the kitchen.
The pupils(学生们) are not at school today.
Maria's grandmother is from Brazil.
I am a football fan.
It is Sunday today.
They are in the car.
Is his pencil on the table?
Are you from England?
I am not your friend.
Hey John! We are here.
Is he/she/it >
you/we/they are
Yes, I am
he/she/it is
you/we/they are
No,I'm not
you/we/they aren't
What are two things people never eat before breakfast? 早餐前人们从不吃的两件事是什么?
Lunch and dinner
What do tigers have that no other animals have? 仅老虎有其他动物没有的是什么?
Baby tigers
Why is six afraid of seven?
Because seven eight nine(seven ate nine)
How many legs does an ant have? 蚂蚁有多少条腿?
Two, the same as an aunt.
课后作业 Homework
Cars name & Marks & Countries
德国(Germany) - German cars 德国的车
奥迪 Audi
保时捷 Porsche
梅赛德斯-奔驰 Mercedes-Benz
大众 Volkswagen
宝马 BMW Bavarian Motor Work
法国(France) - French cars 法国的车
雪铁龙 Citroen
雷诺 Renault S.A
英国(United Kingdom) British cars 英国的车
路虎 Landrover
宾利 Bentley Motors Limited
捷豹 Jaguar
劳斯莱斯(后被德国宝马收购) Rolls-Royce
宝马迷你 MINI
阿斯顿马丁 AstonMartin
美国(United States America) American cars 美国的车
雪佛兰 Chevrolet
福特 Ford
特斯拉 Tesla
凯迪拉克 Cadillac
别克 Buick
悍马 Hummer
意大利(Italy) Italian cars 意大利的车
法拉利 Ferrari
兰博基尼 Automobili Lamborghini S.p.A
玛莎拉蒂 Maserati
菲亚特 FIAT Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino,缩写即F.I.A.T.
日本(Japan) Japanese cars 日本的车
马自达 Mazda
斯巴鲁 Subaru
雷克萨斯 Lexus
英菲尼迪 Infiniti
三菱 Mitsubishi
韩国(Korea) South Korean cars # North Korea : n. 朝鲜;北韩
起亚 KIA
中国(China) Chinese car 中国的车
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