

Unicode Default Encoding

    The Unicode implementation has to make some assumption about the
encoding of 8-bit strings passed to it for coercion and about the
encoding to as default for conversion of Unicode to strings when
no specific encoding is given. This encoding is called <default
encoding> throughout this text. For this, the implementation maintains a global which can be set
in the Python startup script. Subsequent changes are not
possible. The <default encoding> can be set and queried using the
two sys module APIs: sys.setdefaultencoding(encoding)
--> Sets the <default encoding> used by the Unicode implementation.
encoding has to be an encoding which is supported by the
Python installation, otherwise, a LookupError is raised. Note: This API is only available in! It is
removed from the sys module by after usage. sys.getdefaultencoding()
--> Returns the current <default encoding>. If not otherwise defined or set, the <default encoding> defaults
to 'ascii'. This encoding is also the startup default of Python
(and in effect before is executed). Note that the default startup module contains disabled
optional code which can set the <default encoding> according to
the encoding defined by the current locale. The locale module is
used to extract the encoding from the locale default settings
defined by the OS environment (see If the encoding
cannot be determined, is unknown or unsupported, the code defaults
to setting the <default encoding> to 'ascii'. To enable this
code, edit the file or place the appropriate code into the module of your Python installation.


import sys


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