Step1). in your "" script set the "PRODUCTION_MODE=false" or use the following option in your server StartScript: " -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=false"

Step2). Now enter the clear Text Passwords in the "config.xml"

Step3). Now Start your Server. To see everything is OK or not.

Step4). Now before changing your Server to PRODUCTION MODE back....
Open a command prompt and then Move inside <DOMAIN_HOME>\bin directory
Now run the "" to set the DOMAIN Environment variables

please use the following command to Encrypt the ClearText Passwords ..
Enter Password: something

Step5). The above encrypted values you need to put in the "config.xml" file

Step6). Now Enable the PRODUCTION_MODE=true and then start your Server.

NOTE: Before making any changes to "config.xml" please take a Backup of it.

Parsing Failure in config.xml: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: In production mode, it's not allowed to set a clear text value to the property的更多相关文章

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