
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
"http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > <mapper namespace="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.mapper.TrainerMapper" > <!-- 表中字段 -->
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.Trainer" >
<id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="CHAR" />
<result column="name" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="title" property="title" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="recommend" property="recommend" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="trainer_type_id" property="trainerTypeId" jdbcType="CHAR" />
<result column="phone" property="phone" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="email" property="email" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="address" property="address" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="pro_field" property="proField" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="intro" property="intro" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="head_img" property="headImg" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="labels" property="labels" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="corp_id" property="corpId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_id" property="createrId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="create_time" property="createTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="modifier_id" property="modifierId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="modify_time" property="modifyTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
</resultMap> <!-- 返回页面Bean -->
<resultMap id="BaseResultRespMap" type="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.response.TrainerResp" >
<id column="id" property="id" jdbcType="CHAR" />
<result column="name" property="name" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="title" property="title" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="recommend" property="recommend" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="trainer_type_id" property="trainerTypeId" jdbcType="CHAR" />
<result column="phone" property="phone" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="email" property="email" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="address" property="address" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="pro_field" property="proField" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="intro" property="intro" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="head_img" property="headImg" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="labels" property="labels" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="corp_id" property="corpId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_id" property="createrId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="create_time" property="createTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="modifier_id" property="modifierId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="modify_time" property="modifyTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" /> <result column="trainerTypeName" property="trainerTypeName" />
<result column="trainerLabels" property="trainerLabels" />
</resultMap> <!-- 子查询 -->
<resultMap id="BaseChildResultMap" type="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.response.TrainerResp" extends="BaseResultRespMap">
<collection property="trainerLabels"
select="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.mapper.TrainerLabelMapper.selecLabels" column="labels">
</resultMap> <!-- 表中基础字段 -->
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
t.id, t.name, t.title, t.recommend, t.trainer_type_id, t1.name AS trainerTypeName,
t.phone, t.email, t.address, t.pro_field, t.intro, t.head_img, t.labels, t.corp_id,
t.creater_id, t.create_time, t.modifier_id, t.modify_time
</sql> <!-- 查询条件 -->
<sql id="select_Where_Clause">
<if test="id != null and id != ''">
AND t.id = #{id }
<if test="name != null and name != ''">
AND t.name like CONCAT('%',#{name },'%' )
<if test="corpId != null and corpId != ''">
AND corp_id = #{corpId }
<if test="trainerTypeId != null and trainerTypeId != ''">
AND t.trainer_type_id = #{trainerTypeId }
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy != ''">
ORDER BY ${orderBy } ${sortType }
</sql> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.String" >
delete from t_hr_td_trainer
where id = #{id }
</delete> <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.Trainer" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
insert into t_hr_td_trainer (id, name, title,
recommend, trainer_type_id, phone,
email, address, pro_field,
intro, head_img, labels,
corp_id, creater_id, create_time,
modifier_id, modify_time)
values (#{id,jdbcType=CHAR}, #{name,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{title,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
#{recommend,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{trainerTypeId,jdbcType=CHAR}, #{phone,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
#{email,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{address,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{proField,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
#{intro,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{headImg,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{labels,jdbcType=VARCHAR},
#{corpId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{createrId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{createTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP},
#{modifierId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{modifyTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP})
</insert> <update id="updateByPrimaryKey" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.Trainer" >
UPDATE t_hr_td_trainer
<if test="name != null and name != ''">
name = #{name },
<if test="title != null and title != ''">
title = #{title },
<if test="recommend != null and recommend != ''">
recommend = #{recommend },
<if test="trainerTypeId != null and trainerTypeId != ''">
trainer_type_id = #{trainerTypeId },
<if test="phone != null and phone != ''">
phone = #{phone },
<if test="email != null and email != ''">
email = #{email },
<if test="address != null and address != ''">
address = #{address },
<if test="proField != null and proField != ''">
pro_field = #{proField },
<if test="intro != null and intro != ''">
intro = #{intro },
<if test="headImg != null and headImg != ''">
head_img = #{headImg },
<if test="labels != null and labels != ''">
labels = #{labels },
<if test="corpId != null and corpId != ''">
corp_id = #{corpId },
<if test="createrId != null and createrId != ''">
creater_id = #{createrId },
<if test="createTime != null and createTime != ''">
create_time = #{createTime },
<if test="modifierId != null and modifierId != ''">
modifier_id = #{modifierId },
<if test="modifyTime != null and modifyTime != ''">
modify_time = #{modifyTime }
WHERE id = #{id }
</update> <select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseChildResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.String" >
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
FROM t_hr_td_trainer t
LEFT JOIN t_hr_td_trainertype t1 ON t.trainer_type_id = t1.id
WHERE t.id = #{id }
</select> <select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap" >
id, name, title, recommend, trainer_type_id, phone, email, address, pro_field,
intro, head_img, labels, corp_id, creater_id, create_time, modifier_id, modify_time
from t_hr_td_trainer
</select> <select id="selectListByCondition" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.param.TrainerQueryParam" resultMap="BaseChildResultMap">
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
FROM t_hr_td_trainer t
LEFT JOIN t_hr_td_trainertype t1 ON t.trainer_type_id = t1.id
<include refid="select_Where_Clause" />
</select> </mapper>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
"http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd" > <mapper namespace="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.mapper.TrainerLabelMapper" > <!-- 对应表中字段 -->
<resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.TrainerLabel" >
<id column="id" property="id" />
<result column="trainer_label" property="trainerLabel" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="built_in" property="builtIn" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="corp_id" property="corpId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_id" property="createrId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_time" property="createrTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="modifier_id" property="modifierId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="modify_time" property="modifyTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
</resultMap> <!-- 返回字段 -->
<resultMap id="BaseResultRespMap" type="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.response.TrainerLabelResp" >
<id column="id" property="id" />
<result column="trainer_label" property="trainerLabel" jdbcType="VARCHAR" />
<result column="built_in" property="builtIn" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="corp_id" property="corpId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_id" property="createrId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="creater_time" property="createrTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="modifier_id" property="modifierId" jdbcType="INTEGER" />
<result column="modify_time" property="modifyTime" jdbcType="TIMESTAMP" />
<result column="labels" property="labels" />
</resultMap> <!-- 表中基础字段 -->
<sql id="Base_Column_List">
id, trainer_label, built_in, corp_id, creater_id, creater_time, modifier_id, modify_time
</sql> <!-- 查询条件 -->
<sql id="select_Where_Clause">
<if test="id != null and id != ''">
AND id = #{id }
<if test="corpId != null and corpId != ''">
AND corp_id = #{corpId }
<if test="trainerLabel != null and trainerLabel != ''">
AND trainer_label like CONCAT('%',#{trainerLabel },'%' )
<if test="orderBy != null and orderBy != ''">
ORDER BY ${orderBy } ${sortType }
</sql> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.String" >
delete from t_hr_td_trainerlabel
where id = #{id,jdbcType=CHAR}
</delete> <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.TrainerLabel" useGeneratedKeys="true" keyProperty="id">
insert into t_hr_td_trainerlabel (id, trainer_label, built_in, corp_id,
creater_id, creater_time, modifier_id,
values (#{id },#{trainerLabel,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{builtIn,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{corpId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
#{createrId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{createrTime,jdbcType=TIMESTAMP}, #{modifierId,jdbcType=INTEGER},
</insert> <update id="updateByPrimaryKey" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.model.TrainerLabel" >
UPDATE t_hr_td_trainerlabel
<if test="trainerLabel != null and trainerLabel != ''">
trainer_label = #{trainerLabel },
<if test="builtIn != null and builtIn != ''">
built_in = #{builtIn },
<if test="corpId != null and corpId != ''">
corp_id = #{corpId },
<if test="createrId != null and createrId != ''">
creater_id = #{createrId },
<if test="createTime != null and createTime != ''">
create_time = #{createTime },
<if test="modifierId != null and modifierId != ''">
modifier_id = #{modifierId },
<if test="modifyTime != null and modifyTime != ''">
modify_time = #{modifyTime }
WHERE id = #{id }
</update> <select id="selectByPrimaryKey" resultMap="BaseResultMap" parameterType="java.lang.String" >
id, trainer_label, built_in, corp_id, creater_id, creater_time, modifier_id, modify_time
from t_hr_td_trainerlabel
where id = #{id }
</select> <select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap" >
id, trainer_label, built_in, corp_id, creater_id, creater_time, modifier_id, modify_time
from t_hr_td_trainerlabel
</select> <!-- 验证标签是否存在 -->
<select id="checkLabel" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.param.TrainerLabelQueryParam" resultType="Integer">
FROM t_hr_td_trainerlabel
<include refid="select_Where_Clause" />
</select> <!-- 按条件查询标签 -->
<select id="selectLabelList" resultMap="BaseResultRespMap" parameterType="com.dayhr.web.module.hr.td.elearn.param.TrainerLabelQueryParam" >
<include refid="Base_Column_List" />
FROM t_hr_td_trainerlabel
<include refid="select_Where_Clause" />
</select> <!-- 子查询 in()会报错,加'0'处理 -->
<select id="selecLabels" resultMap="BaseResultRespMap" >
id, trainer_label, built_in, corp_id, creater_id, creater_time, modifier_id, modify_time
from t_hr_td_trainerlabel
where id in ('0'
      <if test="value != null and value.length !=0">
   ,${value }
</select> </mapper>


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