【Leetcode】【Medium】Binary Tree Preorder Traversal
Given a binary tree, return the preorder traversal of its nodes' values.
For example:
Given binary tree {1,#,2,3}
return [1,2,3]
* Definition for a binary tree node.
* struct TreeNode {
* int val;
* TreeNode *left;
* TreeNode *right;
* TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}
* };
class Solution {
vector<int> preorderTraversal(TreeNode* root) {
vector<int> vals;
stack<TreeNode*> nodes;
TreeNode* node = root; while (node != NULL || !nodes.empty()) {
while (node) {
node = node->left;
} node = nodes.top();
node = node->right;
} return vals;
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