nvidia tk1使用记录--基本环境搭建
项目最开始是在X86+Nvidia(ubuntu+opencv+cuda)平台上实现,达到了期望性能,最近考虑将其移植到嵌入式平台,特别是最近nvidia出了tegra X1,基于和我们使用的gtx960相同的架构的gpu且是64位 8核心cpu,于是开始了尝试移植过程。当前TX1才出来,购买不是那么方便,于是拿它的前一代TK1进行一个最基本的评估。下面记录了评估过程的一些操作。
拿到的tk1时,板子自带的系统版本(非内核版本)是Jetson TK1 R19.3 - June 2014,非常老了,有必要对其进行升级。当前(2016/04/11),最新的系统版本为Linux For Tegra R21.4,它的相关介绍及下载包地址在这里。系统更新有两种方法,不管是哪种方式,都需要用数据线(一端接tk1的micro usb口,一端接PC机的usb口)连接开发板与主机,然后上电的时候让设备进入recovery模式,最后在主机上启动升级。
sudo ./installer
来进行图形化安装,然后sudo reboot重启即可进入图形界面了。默认的用户名是ubuntu,密码ubuntu。
JetPack for L4T傻瓜式自动更新,提供图形界操作。它是由官方提供的升级包,可以说它是所有需要安装包的集合,包括最新系统,cuda,opencv,cross-develop-environment,samples等等,非常方便,缺点就是主机系统只能是ubuntu12.04或者ubuntu14.04,安装后的软件包版本可能并非期望的,比如opencv是2.4。关于这种更新方式的详细介绍请参考这里,我没有采用这种升级方式,所以不再过多描述。
这种升级方式实际上和上面的升级方式一样,只不过它仅仅是上面升级里面的一个步骤而已,JetPack for L4T不仅仅更新系统,还会同时更新其他软件包,如cuda、opencv等等。具体升级的步骤如下:
- 下载内核及驱动包
; - 下载文件系统包
; - 构建升级包(包括了boot、kernel、fs),执行
sudo tar --numeric-owner -jxpf Tegra124_Linux_R21.4.0_armhf.tbz2
解压内核及驱动包,然后cd linux_for_tegra/rootfs下,再次解压文件系统包sudo tar --numeric-owner -jxpf ../../Tegra_Linux_Sample-Root-Filesystem_R21.4.0_armhf.tbz2
,然后cd ../,即返回到linux_for_tegra,执行sudo ./apply_binaries.sh
构建升级包。注意,执行命令前,请先确保系统还有20G空间,如果没有,那么将14GiB改下点吧,虽然这样会导致板子上flash没充分利用,但至少能够更新系统; - 开始升级,USB端插到ubuntu PC上,小头插到TK1上,也就是耳机口旁边的口。TK1上有三个按钮,最左边的是电源,中间的是reset,最右边的是force recoverry,按住最右边的force recoverry 按钮别松手,再按一下中间的reset键,指示灯会闪一下,板子就重启进入了刷机模式。然后在ubuntu PC上,当前目录,即
目录下,执行终端命令:sudo ./flash.sh -S 14GiB jetson-tk1mmcblk0p1
tk1 cuda安装
Download the .deb file for the CUDA Toolkit for L4T from http://developer.download.nvidia.com/embedded/L4T/r21_Release_v3.0/cuda-repo-l4t-r21.3-6-5-prod_6.5-42_armhf.deb
On the device, install the .deb file and the CUDA Toolkit. eg:
cd ~/Downloads
# Install the CUDA repo metadata that you downloaded manually for L4T
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-l4t-r21.3-6-5-prod_6.5-42_armhf.deb
# Download & install the actual CUDA Toolkit including the OpenGL toolkit from NVIDIA. (It only downloads around 15MB)
sudo apt-get update
# Install "cuda-toolkit-6-0" if you downloaded CUDA 6.0, or "cuda-toolkit-6-5" if you downloaded CUDA 6.5, etc.
sudo apt-get install cuda-toolkit-6-5
# Add yourself to the "video" group to allow access to the GPU
sudo usermod -a -G video $USER
Add the 32-bit CUDA paths to your .bashrc login script, and start using it in your current console:
echo "# Add CUDA bin & library paths:" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PATH=/usr/local/cuda/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Verify that the CUDA Toolkit is installed on your device:
nvcc -V
tk1 opencv安装
方法一,直接采用nvidia提供的安装包。优点:简单,且同时增加了cpu neon的优化;缺点:版本不够新2.4,基于opencv-3.0.0实现的代码可能需要修改代码。操作方法如下:
- 从
下载opencv deb包 - 执行
sudo dpkg -i libopencv4tegra-repo_l4t-r21_2.4.10.1_armhf.deb
安装 - sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install libopencv4tegra libopencv4tegra-dev
将没有效果,因此如果你想开启OPENGL使能,还得先参考后面怎么安装qt环境。参考 ...
If you haven't added the "universal" repository to Ubuntu, then do it now:
sudo add-apt-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
Now you need to install many libraries:
# Some general development libraries
sudo apt-get -y install build-essential make cmake cmake-curses-gui g++
# libav video input/output development libraries
sudo apt-get -y install libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswscale-dev
# Video4Linux camera development libraries
sudo apt-get -y install libv4l-dev
# Eigen3 math development libraries
sudo apt-get -y install libeigen3-dev
# OpenGL development libraries (to allow creating graphical windows)
sudo apt-get -y install libglew1.6-dev
# GTK development libraries (to allow creating graphical windows)
sudo apt-get -y install libgtk2.0-dev
Download the source code of OpenCV for Linux onto the device. eg: Open a web-browser to "www.opencv.org" & click on "OpenCV for Linux/Mac", or from the command-line you can run this on the device:
wget https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/archive/3.1.0.zip
Unzip the OpenCV source code:
cd Downloads
unzip 3.1.0.zip
mv opencv-3.1.0 ~
Configure OpenCV using CMake:
cd ~/opencv-3.1.0
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make -j4 install
Finally, make sure your system searches the "/usr/local/lib" folder for libraries:
echo "# Use OpenCV and other custom-built libraries." >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib/" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
error: #error Please include the appropriate gl headers before including cuda_gl_interop.h
#error Please include the appropriate gl headers before including cuda_gl_interop.h
/home/ubuntu/build/opencv/modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp:3150:12: error: 'GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT' was not declared in this scope
there is a workaround, if you delete folllowing lines in /usr/local/cuda/include/cuda_gl_interop.h
#ifndef GL_VERSION
#error Please include the appropriate gl headers before including cuda_gl_interop.h
then gl headers is anyway included and opencv compiles.. with some rain dancing for me)
in my case, i had to add
to modules/highgui/src/window_QT.cpp and turn off TBB support and cvv module (i was building with opencv_contrib)
ref: https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/issues/5205
ref: http://code.opencv.org/issues/3411
tk1 qt安装方式
sudo apt-get install build-essential qt5-default qtcreator -y
which will load Qt Creator. Once Qt Creator is installed, there is still a little setup needed.
Open Qt Creator, and go to:
Tools->Options->Build & Run->Compilers
Click the ‘Add’ button and select ‘GCC’. In the ‘Compiler path:’ text box, place the path to the gcc compiler. On a standard installation the path is: /usr/bin/gcc.
You should also check the ‘Kits’ setting, available from the ‘Kits’ tab. Selecting the Desktop (default) kit, you should see Compiler: GCC. The name GCC should match the Compiler named in the previous tab.
The installation was shown on Linux for Tegra (L4T) release 21.3. Note that no special compiler flags were set. Also, CUDA was not configured.
ref: http://jetsonhacks.com/2015/04/22/install-qt-creator-on-nvidia-jetson-tk1/
zlib.h:86:5: error: 'z_const' does not name a type
如果在configure的时候xcb不过,通过官方解决方法(安装xcb包http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/linux-requirements.html), 如果还解决不了,那么尝试直接修改configure,如下:
#if [ "$CFG_XKBCOMMON" != no ] && compileTest qpa/xcb "xcb" $QMAKE_CFLAGS_XCB $QMAKE_LIBS_XCB; then
if [ "$CFG_XKBCOMMON" != no ]; then
编译Qt Creator
This board is powerful enough to build everything on its own without any cross-compilation. Configuring and building Qt is no different than in any desktop Linux environment. One option that needs special consideration however is -opengl es2 because Qt can be built either in a GLX + OpenGL or EGL + OpenGL ES configuration.
For example, the following configures Qt to use GLX and OpenGL:
configure -release -nomake examples -nomake tests
while adding -opengl es2 requests the usage of EGL and OpenGL ES:
configure -release -opengl es2 -nomake examples -nomake tests
If you are planning to run applications relying on modern, non-ES OpenGL features, or use CUDA, then go for the first. If you however have some existing code from the mobile or embedded world relying on EGL or OpenGL ES then it may be useful to go for #2.
The default platform plugin will be xcb, so running Qt apps without specifying the platform plugin will work just fine. This is the exact same plugin that is used on any ordinary X11-based Linux desktop system.
Vsync gotchas
Once the build is done, you will most likely run some OpenGL-based Qt apps. And then comes the first surprise: applications are not synchronized to the vertical refresh rate of the screen.
When running for instance the example from qtbase/examples/opengl/qopenglwindow, we expect a nice and smooth 60 FPS animation with the rendering thread throttled appropriately. This unfortunately isn’t the case. Unless the application is fullscreen. Therefore many apps will want to replace calls like show() or showMaximized() with showFullScreen(). This way the thread is throttled as expected.
A further surprise may come in QWidget-based applications when opening a popup or a dialog. Unfortunately this also disables synchronization, even though the main window still covers the entire screen. In general we can conclude that the standard embedded recommendation of sticking to a single fullscreen window is very valid for this board too, even when using xcb, although for completely different reasons.
opencv error: the function/feature is not implemented
/usr/include/qt4/QtOpenGL/qgl.h:85:17: error: 'GLdouble' has a previous declaration as 'typedef GLfloat GLdouble'
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