
  读取配置文件信息到全局的结构体struct server_config_t server_config中,这个结构在很多文件中都有引用到很重要。

/* dhcpd.h */

struct server_config_t {
u_int32_t server; /* Our IP, in network order */
u_int32_t start; /* Start address of leases, network order */
u_int32_t end; /* End of leases, network order */
struct option_set *options;/* List of DHCP options loaded from the config file */
char *interface; /* The name of the interface to use */
int ifindex; /* Index number of the interface to use */
unsigned char arp[]; /* Our arp address */
unsigned long lease; /* lease time in seconds (host order) */
unsigned long max_leases; /* maximum number of leases (including reserved address) */
char remaining; /* should the lease file be interpreted as lease time remaining, or
       as the time the lease expires */
unsigned long auto_time; /* how long should udhcpd wait before writing a config file.
       if this is zero, it will only write one on SIGUSR1 */
unsigned long decline_time;/* how long an address is reserved if a client returns a
     decline message */
unsigned long conflict_time;/* how long an arp conflict offender is leased for */
unsigned long offer_time; /* how long an offered address is reserved */
unsigned long min_lease; /* minimum lease a client can request*/
char *lease_file;
char *pidfile;
char *notify_file; /* What to run whenever leases are written */
u_int32_t siaddr; /* next server bootp option */
char *sname; /* bootp server name */
char *boot_file; /* bootp boot file option */

  英文释意也很明白,比较重要的有struct option_set *options;成员,它是一个指向记录配置文件中对opt配置的链表的指针,并且data以CLV方式存储,结构如下:

/* dhcpd.h */

struct option_set {
unsigned char *data;
struct option_set *next;


/* dhcpd.c */

int udhcpd_main(int argc, char *argv[])
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
fd_set rfds;
struct timeval tv;
int server_socket = -;
int bytes, retval;
struct dhcpMessage packet;
unsigned char *state;
unsigned char *server_id, *requested;
u_int32_t server_id_align, requested_align;
unsigned long timeout_end;
struct option_set *option;
struct dhcpOfferedAddr *lease;
int pid_fd;
int max_sock;
int sig; OPEN_LOG("udhcpd");
LOG(LOG_INFO, "udhcp server (v%s) started", VERSION); memset(&server_config, , sizeof(struct server_config_t)); /* 读取配置文件到server_config结构中供全局使用 */
if (argc < )
read_config(DHCPD_CONF_FILE);/* use default config file */
else read_config(argv[]);/* use designated config file */


/* files.c */

配置文件每一行的格式为'key(空格or\t)value'的格式(特殊:opt key(空格or\t)value),value值的类型有以下几种
分别对应以下的处理方法 value值类型 处理方法
ip read_ip
string read_str
number read_u32
yes/no read_yn
opt read_opt
int read_config(char *file)
FILE *in;
char buffer[], orig[], *token, *line;
int i; /* 先将默认配置解析到server_config<全局的配置信息结构体>结构中 */
for (i = ; strlen(keywords[i].keyword); i++)
if (strlen(keywords[i].def))
keywords[i].handler(keywords[i].def, keywords[i].var); if (!(in = fopen(file, "r"))) {
LOG(LOG_ERR, "unable to open config file: %s", file);
return ;
/* 将外部配置文件一行一行解析 */
while (fgets(buffer, , in)) { /* fgets可能会将'\n'读入,如有就将其替换为'\0' */
if (strchr(buffer, '\n')) *(strchr(buffer, '\n')) = '\0';
strncpy(orig, buffer, ); /* 以#开头的行配置跳过 */
if (strchr(buffer, '#')) *(strchr(buffer, '#')) = '\0';
token = buffer + strspn(buffer, " \t");
if (*token == '\0') continue; line = token + strcspn(token, " \t=");
if (*line == '\0') continue;
*line = '\0';/* 截取行得到token(keyword) */
line++; /* 获得首尾无空白符的配置信息 */
/* eat leading whitespace */
line = line + strspn(line, " \t=");
/* eat trailing whitespace */
for (i = strlen(line); i > && isspace(line[i - ]); i--);
line[i] = '\0';
/* token就是key值 line即此行的配置信息 */ for (i = ; strlen(keywords[i].keyword); i++)
/* 确认key值正确(忽略大小写) */
if (!strcasecmp(token, keywords[i].keyword))
/* 将此行的配置更新到server_config中 */
if (!keywords[i].handler(line, keywords[i].var)) {
/* 如果更新失败就使用默认配置 */
LOG(LOG_ERR, "unable to parse '%s'", orig);
/* reset back to the default value */
keywords[i].handler(keywords[i].def, keywords[i].var);
return ;


/* files.c */

//struct config_keyword 将key、处理方法、要保存的地址、默认配置四项组在一起
static struct config_keyword keywords[] = {
/* keyword[14] handler variable address default[20] */
{"start", read_ip, &(server_config.start), ""},
{"end", read_ip, &(server_config.end), ""},
{"interface", read_str, &(server_config.interface), "eth0"},
{"option", read_opt, &(server_config.options), ""},
{"opt", read_opt, &(server_config.options), ""},
{"max_leases", read_u32, &(server_config.max_leases), ""},
{"remaining", read_yn, &(server_config.remaining), "yes"},
{"auto_time", read_u32, &(server_config.auto_time), ""},
{"decline_time",read_u32, &(server_config.decline_time),""},
{"offer_time", read_u32, &(server_config.offer_time), ""},
{"min_lease", read_u32, &(server_config.min_lease), ""},
{"lease_file", read_str, &(server_config.lease_file), "/var/lib/misc/udhcpd.leases"},
{"pidfile", read_str, &(server_config.pidfile), "/var/run/udhcpd.pid"},
{"notify_file", read_str, &(server_config.notify_file), ""},
{"siaddr", read_ip, &(server_config.siaddr), ""},
{"sname", read_str, &(server_config.sname), ""},
{"boot_file", read_str, &(server_config.boot_file), ""},
/*ADDME: static lease */
{"", NULL, NULL, ""}

/* files.h */

struct config_keyword {
char keyword[];
int (*handler)(char *line, void *var);
void *var;
char def[];



/* files.c */

static int read_ip(char *line, void *arg)

/* 将字符串格式的ip地址转换为u_int32_t保存在地址arg中 */
/* on these functions, make sure you datatype matches */
static int read_ip(char *line, void *arg)
struct in_addr *addr = arg;
struct hostent *host;
int retval = ; if (!inet_aton(line, addr)) {
/* 当line不是ip地址而是主机或域名时解析出IP地址并保存 */
if ((host = gethostbyname(line)))
addr->s_addr = *((unsigned long *) host->h_addr_list[]);
else retval = ;
return retval;

static int read_str(char *line, void *arg)

static int read_str(char *line, void *arg)
char **dest = arg; if (*dest) free(*dest);/* 使用前先free以防止内存泄露 */
*dest = strdup(line); return ;

static int read_u32(char *line, void *arg)

/* 将line指向的内容转换为unsigned long 的类型保存于arg指向的内存中 */
static int read_u32(char *line, void *arg)
u_int32_t *dest = arg;
char *endptr;
*dest = strtoul(line, &endptr, );
return endptr[] == '\0';

static int read_yn(char *line, void *arg)

/* line为yes<忽略大小写> arg所指成员赋1,否则赋值0 */
static int read_yn(char *line, void *arg)
char *dest = arg;
int retval = ; if (!strcasecmp("yes", line))
*dest = ;
else if (!strcasecmp("no", line))
*dest = ;
else retval = ; return retval;

  最后一个read_opt函数显得比较特殊,因为它的配置文件格式是opt/option name value,所以通过read_config函数之后,token是opt/option,line是name value,这样的line还得进行一次类似read_config函数的解析得到toke=name和line=value,最后将这个添加到struct option_set *options;指向的一个单链表中,类似的解析就在read_opt函数中进行.



/* options.c */

/* supported options are easily added here */
struct dhcp_option options[] = {
/* name[10] flags code */
{"subnet", OPTION_IP | OPTION_REQ, 0x01},
{"timezone", OPTION_S32, 0x02},
{"router", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST | OPTION_REQ, 0x03},
{"timesvr", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x04},
{"namesvr", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x05},
{"logsvr", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x07},
{"cookiesvr", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x08},
{"lprsvr", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x09},
{"hostname", OPTION_STRING | OPTION_REQ, 0x0c},
{"bootsize", OPTION_U16, 0x0d},
{"domain", OPTION_STRING | OPTION_REQ, 0x0f},
{"swapsvr", OPTION_IP, 0x10},
{"rootpath", OPTION_STRING, 0x11},
{"ipttl", OPTION_U8, 0x17},
{"mtu", OPTION_U16, 0x1a},
{"broadcast", OPTION_IP | OPTION_REQ, 0x1c},
{"ntpsrv", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x2a},
{"wins", OPTION_IP | OPTION_LIST, 0x2c},
{"requestip", OPTION_IP, 0x32},
{"lease", OPTION_U32, 0x33},
{"dhcptype", OPTION_U8, 0x35},
{"serverid", OPTION_IP, 0x36},
{"message", OPTION_STRING, 0x38},
{"tftp", OPTION_STRING, 0x42},
{"bootfile", OPTION_STRING, 0x43},
{"", 0x00, 0x00}


/* files.c */

/* read a dhcp option and add it to opt_list */
static int read_opt(char *line, void *arg)
struct option_set **opt_list = arg;
char *opt, *val, *endptr;
struct dhcp_option *option = NULL;
int retval = , length = ;
char buffer[];
u_int16_t result_u16;
u_int32_t result_u32;
int i; if (!(opt = strtok(line, " \t="))) return ; /* 通过name找到结构体数组options中的对应项,和此name的code值联系起来 */
for (i = ; options[i].code; i++)
if (!strcmp(options[i].name, opt))
option = &(options[i]); if (!option) return ; do {
val = strtok(NULL, ", \t");
if (val) {
length = option_lengths[option->flags & TYPE_MASK];
retval = ;
switch (option->flags & TYPE_MASK) {
retval = read_ip(val, buffer);
retval = read_ip(val, buffer);
if (!(val = strtok(NULL, ", \t/-"))) retval = ;
if (retval) retval = read_ip(val, buffer + );
length = strlen(val);
if (length > ) {
if (length > ) length = ;
memcpy(buffer, val, length);
retval = ;
retval = read_yn(val, buffer);
case OPTION_U8:
buffer[] = strtoul(val, &endptr, );
retval = (endptr[] == '\0');
case OPTION_U16:
result_u16 = htons(strtoul(val, &endptr, ));
memcpy(buffer, &result_u16, );
retval = (endptr[] == '\0');
case OPTION_S16:
result_u16 = htons(strtol(val, &endptr, ));
memcpy(buffer, &result_u16, );
retval = (endptr[] == '\0');
case OPTION_U32:
result_u32 = htonl(strtoul(val, &endptr, ));
memcpy(buffer, &result_u32, );
retval = (endptr[] == '\0');
case OPTION_S32:
result_u32 = htonl(strtol(val, &endptr, ));
memcpy(buffer, &result_u32, );
retval = (endptr[] == '\0');
/* 把选项值放在以code升序的单链表中 */
if (retval)
attach_option(opt_list, option, buffer, length);
} while (val && retval && option->flags & OPTION_LIST);
return retval;


/* options.c */

/* add an option to the opt_list */
void attach_option(struct option_set **opt_list, struct dhcp_option *option, char *buffer, int length)
struct option_set *existing, *new, **curr; /* add it to an existing option */
/* 如果此opt已存在链表中则将buff添加到原值的后面 OPT_CODE=0,OPT_LEN=1*/
if ((existing = find_option(*opt_list, option->code))) {
DEBUG(LOG_INFO, "Attaching option %s to existing member of list", option->name);
if (option->flags & OPTION_LIST) {
if (existing->data[OPT_LEN] + length <= ) {
existing->data = realloc(existing->data,
existing->data[OPT_LEN] + length + );
memcpy(existing->data + existing->data[OPT_LEN] + , buffer, length);
byte byte length*byte length
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
| | | | |
| code | length | buff_old | buff_new |
| | | | |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
existing->data[OPT_LEN] += length;
} /* else, ignore the data, we could put this in a second option in the future */
} /* else, ignore the new data */
} else {
/* 按照code值顺序添加新节点到链表中 */
DEBUG(LOG_INFO, "Attaching option %s to list", option->name); /* make a new option */
new = malloc(sizeof(struct option_set));
new->data = malloc(length + );
new->data[OPT_CODE] = option->code;
new->data[OPT_LEN] = length;
memcpy(new->data + , buffer, length); /* curr始终作为指向新节点指针的指针 */
curr = opt_list;
while (*curr && (*curr)->data[OPT_CODE] < option->code)
curr = &(*curr)->next; new->next = *curr;
*curr = new;










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