Python3 & Decorators with arguments & @Decorators with arguments bug

@Decorators with arguments bug

#  add support args
def decor(func, args):
def wrap(args):
print("======before calling function======")
print("======after called function======")
return wrap #
def greeting(name):
print("Hello world!", name) decorated = decor(greeting, '')
decorated('xgqfrms') # bug
def greeting(name):
print('Hello world!', name) greeting('xgqfrms')

__init__ & __call__

# Decorators with Arguments """ """ # PythonDecorators/
class decorator_with_arguments(object):
def __init__(self, arg1, arg2, arg3):
# TypeError: __init__() takes 4 positional arguments but 5 were given
If there are decorator arguments, the function
to be decorated is not passed to the constructor!
print("1. Inside __init__()")
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
self.arg3 = arg3 def __call__(self, f):
If there are decorator arguments, __call__() is only called
once, as part of the decoration process! You can only give
it a single argument, which is the function object.
print("2. Inside __call__()")
def wrapped_f(*args):
print("\n5. Inside wrapped_f()")
print("6. Decorator arguments:", self.arg1, self.arg2, self.arg3)
print("8. After f(*args)")
# return OK ??? __call__ 闭包函数 ???
return wrapped_f
# return bug
# return wrapped_f @decorator_with_arguments("a1", "a2", "a3")
def sayHello(a1, a2, a3, a4):
print('7. sayHello arguments: \n', a1, a2, a3, a4) # @decorator_with_arguments("a1", "a2", "a3")
# def sayHello(a1, a2, a3, a4):
# print('sayHello arguments:', a1, a2, a3, a4) print("3. After decoration")
print("4. Preparing to call sayHello()") sayHello("say", "hello", "argument", "list")
# TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable print("9. after first sayHello() call\n") sayHello("a", "different", "set of", "arguments") print("9. after second sayHello() call") """ # test
$ python3 """ """
1. Inside __init__()
2. Inside __call__()
3. After decoration
4. Preparing to call sayHello() 5. Inside wrapped_f()
6. Decorator arguments: a1 a2 a3
7. sayHello arguments:
say hello argument list
8. After f(*args)
9. after first sayHello() call 5. Inside wrapped_f()
6. Decorator arguments: a1 a2 a3
7. sayHello arguments:
a different set of arguments
8. After f(*args)
9. after second sayHello() call """


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