Big Number

Problem Description
As we know, Big Number is always troublesome. But it's really important in our ACM. And today, your task is to write a program to calculate A mod B.

To make the problem easier, I promise that B will be smaller than 100000.

Is it too hard? No, I work it out in 10 minutes, and my program contains less than 25 lines.
The input contains several test cases. Each test case consists of two positive integers A and B. The length of A will not exceed 1000, and B will be smaller than 100000. Process to the end of file.
For each test case, you have to ouput the result of A mod B.
Sample Input
2 3
12 7
152455856554521 3250
Sample Output


int main(void){
char number[1001];
int b,ans;
while(scanf("%s %d",number,&b)!=EOF){
int len=strlen(number);
for(int i=0;i<len;i++){
return 0;



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