codeforces629C Famil Door and Brackets (dp)
As Famil Door’s birthday is coming, some of his friends (like Gabi) decided to buy a present for him. His friends are going to buy a string consisted of round brackets since Famil Door loves string of brackets of length n more
than any other strings!
The sequence of round brackets is called valid if and only if:
- the total number of opening brackets is equal to the total number of closing brackets;
- for any prefix of the sequence, the number of opening brackets is greater or equal than the number of closing brackets.
Gabi bought a string s of length m (m ≤ n)
and want to complete it to obtain a valid sequence of brackets of length n. He is going to pick some strings p and q consisting
of round brackets and merge them in a string p + s + q, that is add the string p at
the beginning of the string s and string q at
the end of the string s.
Now he wonders, how many pairs of strings p and q exists,
such that the string p + s + q is a valid sequence of round brackets. As this number may be pretty large, he wants
to calculate it modulo 109 + 7.
First line contains n and m (1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ 100 000, n - m ≤ 2000) —
the desired length of the string and the length of the string bought by Gabi, respectively.
The second line contains string s of length m consisting
of characters '(' and ')' only.
Print the number of pairs of string p and q such
that p + s + q is a valid sequence of round brackets modulo 109 + 7.
4 1
4 4
4 3
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
typedef long double ldb;
#define inf 99999999
#define pi acos(-1.0)
#define eps 1e-15
#define maxn 100050
#define MOD 1000000007
char s[maxn];
ll dp[2050][2060];
int main()
int n,m,i,j;
int minx=inf;
int now=0;
else now--;
ll sum=0;
if(j>=-minx && j+now<=n-m-i){
sum=(sum+dp[i][j]*dp[n-m-i][j+now ])%MOD;
return 0;
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