spark sql 数据去重

在对spark sql 中的dataframe数据表去除重复数据的时候可以使用dropDuplicates()方法


  • 第一个def dropDuplicates(): Dataset[T] = dropDuplicates(this.columns)


* Returns a new Dataset that contains only the unique rows from this Dataset.
* This is an alias for `distinct`.
* For a static batch [[Dataset]], it just drops duplicate rows. For a streaming [[Dataset]], it
* will keep all data across triggers as intermediate state to drop duplicates rows. You can use
* [[withWatermark]] to limit how late the duplicate data can be and system will accordingly limit
* the state. In addition, too late data older than watermark will be dropped to avoid any
* possibility of duplicates.
* @group typedrel
* @since 2.0.0
def dropDuplicates(): Dataset[T] = dropDuplicates(this.columns)
  • 第二个def dropDuplicates(colNames: Seq[String])


* (Scala-specific) Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only
* the subset of columns.
* For a static batch [[Dataset]], it just drops duplicate rows. For a streaming [[Dataset]], it
* will keep all data across triggers as intermediate state to drop duplicates rows. You can use
* [[withWatermark]] to limit how late the duplicate data can be and system will accordingly limit
* the state. In addition, too late data older than watermark will be dropped to avoid any
* possibility of duplicates.
* @group typedrel
* @since 2.0.0
def dropDuplicates(colNames: Seq[String]): Dataset[T] = withTypedPlan {
val resolver = sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.resolver
val allColumns = queryExecution.analyzed.output
val groupCols = colNames.toSet.toSeq.flatMap { (colName: String) =>
// It is possibly there are more than one columns with the same name,
// so we call filter instead of find.
val cols = allColumns.filter(col => resolver(, colName))
if (cols.isEmpty) {
throw new AnalysisException(
s"""Cannot resolve column name "$colName" among (${schema.fieldNames.mkString(", ")})""")
Deduplicate(groupCols, planWithBarrier)
  • 第三个def dropDuplicates(colNames: Array[String])


* Returns a new Dataset with duplicate rows removed, considering only
* the subset of columns.
* For a static batch [[Dataset]], it just drops duplicate rows. For a streaming [[Dataset]], it
* will keep all data across triggers as intermediate state to drop duplicates rows. You can use
* [[withWatermark]] to limit how late the duplicate data can be and system will accordingly limit
* the state. In addition, too late data older than watermark will be dropped to avoid any
* possibility of duplicates.
* @group typedrel
* @since 2.0.0
def dropDuplicates(colNames: Array[String]): Dataset[T] = dropDuplicates(colNames.toSeq)
  • 第四个def dropDuplicates(col1: String, cols: String*)


* Returns a new [[Dataset]] with duplicate rows removed, considering only
* the subset of columns.
* For a static batch [[Dataset]], it just drops duplicate rows. For a streaming [[Dataset]], it
* will keep all data across triggers as intermediate state to drop duplicates rows. You can use
* [[withWatermark]] to limit how late the duplicate data can be and system will accordingly limit
* the state. In addition, too late data older than watermark will be dropped to avoid any
* possibility of duplicates.
* @group typedrel
* @since 2.0.0
def dropDuplicates(col1: String, cols: String*): Dataset[T] = {
val colNames: Seq[String] = col1 +: cols





在使用dropDuplicates() 在去重的时候,我发现有时候还是会出现重复数据的情况。


  1. 数据存在多个excuter中


  1. 数据是存放在不同分区的,




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