C# 6.0 的新特性
1. 自动的属性初始化器Auto Property initialzier
public class AutoPropertyBeforeCsharp6
private string _postTitle = string.Empty;
public AutoPropertyBeforeCsharp6()
//assign initial values
PostID = ;
PostName = "Post 1";
} public long PostID { get; set; } public string PostName { get; set; } public string PostTitle
get { return _postTitle; }
protected set
_postTitle = value;
C# 6 自动实现的带有初始值的属性可以不用编写构造器就能被初始化. 我们可以用下面的代码简化上面的示例:
public class AutoPropertyInCsharp6
public long PostID { get; } = ; public string PostName { get; } = "Post 1"; public string PostTitle { get; protected set; } = string.Empty;
2. 主构造器
public class PrimaryConstructorsBeforeCSharp6
public PrimaryConstructorsBeforeCSharp6(long postId, string postName, string postTitle)
PostID = postId;
PostName = postName;
PostTitle = postTitle;
} public long PostID { get; set; }
public string PostName { get; set; }
public string PostTitle { get; set; }
public class PrimaryConstructorsInCSharp6(long postId, string postName, string postTitle)
public long PostID { get; } = postId;
public string PostName { get; } = postName;
public string PostTitle { get; } = postTitle;
在 C# 6 中, 主构造器为我们提供了使用参数定义构造器的一个简短语法. 每个类只可以有一个主构造器.
你可能会得到下面这样的错误“Feature ‘primary constructor’ is only available in ‘experimental’ language version.”(主构造器特性只在实验性质的语言版本中可用), 为了解决这个问题,我们需要编辑 SolutionName.csproj 文件,来规避这个错误 . 你所要做的就是在 WarningTag 后面添加额外的设置
3. 字典初始化器
public class DictionaryInitializerBeforeCSharp6
public Dictionary<string, string> _users = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"users", "Venkat Baggu Blog" },
{"Features", "Whats new in C# 6" }
public class DictionaryInitializerInCSharp6
public Dictionary<string, string> _users { get; } = new Dictionary<string, string>()
["users"] = "Venkat Baggu Blog",
["Features"] = "Whats new in C# 6"
4. 声明表达式
public class DeclarationExpressionsBeforeCShapr6()
public static int CheckUserExist(string userId)
//Example 1
int id;
if (!int.TryParse(userId, out id))
return id;
return id;
} public static string GetUserRole(long userId)
////Example 2
var user = _userRepository.Users.FindById(x => x.UserID == userId);
if (user!=null)
// work with address ... return user.City;
public class DeclarationExpressionsInCShapr6()
public static int CheckUserExist(string userId)
if (!int.TryParse(userId, out var id))
return id;
return ;
} public static string GetUserRole(long userId)
////Example 2
if ((var user = _userRepository.Users.FindById(x => x.UserID == userId) != null)
// work with address ... return user.City;
5. 静态的 Using
StaticUsingBeforeCSharp6.TestMethod(); public class StaticUsingBeforeCSharp6
public void TestMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Static Using Before C# 6");
在 C# 6 中,你不用类名就能使用 静态成员 . 你可以在命名空间中引入静态类.
using System.Console;
namespace newfeatureincsharp6
public class StaticUsingInCSharp6
public void TestMethod()
WriteLine("Static Using Before C# 6");
6. catch块里面的await
之前catch和finally块中是不能用 await 关键词的. 在 C# 6 中,我们终于可以再这两个地方使用await了
//Do something
catch (Exception)
await Logger.Error("exception logging")
7. 异常过滤器
异常过滤器可以让你在catch块执行之前先进行一个 if 条件判断.
//示例 1
//Some code
catch (Exception ex) if (ex.InnerException == null)
//Do work
} //Before C# 6 we write the above code as follows
//示例 1
//Some code
catch (Exception ex)
if(ex.InnerException != null)
//Do work;
8. 用于检查NULL值的条件访问操作符?.
if(UserID != null)
userRank = Rank;
var userRank = UserID != null ? Rank : "No Rank"
var userRank = UserID?.Rank ?? "No Rank";
9. 字符串插值
var Name = "Jack";
var results = "Hello" + Name; //或者
var Name = "Jack";
var results = string.Format("Hello {0}", Name);
var Name = "Jack";
var results = $"Hello {Name}"; //不光是可以插简单的字符串,还可以直接插入代码 Console.WriteLine($"Jack is saying { new Tools().SayHello() }"); var info = $"Your discount is {await GetDiscount()}";
10. NameOf
public string Name
get { return name; }
name= value;
public string Name
get { return name; }
name= value;
} static void Main(string[] args)
// output: Name
// output: Linq
// output: List
注意: NameOf只会返回Member的字符串,如果前面有对象或者命名空间,NameOf只会返回 . 的最后一部分, 另外NameOf有很多情况是不支持的,比如方法,关键字,对象的实例以及字符串和表达式
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