

[2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured.
    [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] You must restart adb and Eclipse.
    [2012-07-18 16:18:26 - ] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\java\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.


百度google大家多说的是任务管理器 kill掉adb 或者重启adb server,但我任务管理器就没有adb ,猜测是某个程序占用了adb端口。于是按此思路查找。

5037为adb默认端口 查看该端口情况如下:

netstat -aon|findstr "5037"

TCP              LISTENING       6540

发现6540占用了 5037端口,继续查看6540的task,发现是wandoujia  .如下所示

tasklist|findstr "6540"

wandoujia_daemon.exe          6540 Console                    1      4,276 K

接下来问题就好解决了,在任务管理器kill掉wandoujia_daemon.exe ,运行android程序,ok .

D:\workspace\ganji\build.xml:144: The following error occurred while executing this line: 
D:\workspace\ganji\build.xml:271: Unable to delete file D:\workspace\ganji\tmp\proguard\tmp.jar 

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. 
cmd跳到sdk tools文件路径下 
adb kill-server 
然后再adb start-server

The connection to adb is down, and a severe error has occured. 
[2010-03-11 09:36:56 - HelloOPone] You must restart adb and Eclipse. 
[2010-03-11 09:36:56 - HelloOPone] Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\OPhoneSDK_1.5 
\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed. 
方法1.cmd中adb kill-server,然后adb -startserver 


解决Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\java\sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and can be executed.的更多相关文章

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  3. Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 'D:\Android\android-sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe' and

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  4. 遇到问题描述:Android Please ensure that adb is correctly located at问题解决

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  5. Please ensure that adb is correctly located at 。。。。。。。。。。。。

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  6. Android Please ensure that adb is correctly located at问题解决

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