Support Facades


Facades provide a "static" interface to classes that are available in the application's service container. Nova ships with many facades, and you have probably been using them without even knowing it! Nova "facades" serve as "static proxies" to underlying classes in the service container, providing the benefit of a terse, expressive syntax while maintaining more testability and flexibility than traditional static methods.

Facade Class Reference

Below you will find every facade and its underlying class. This is a useful tool for quickly digging into the API documentation for a given facade root. The service container binding key is also included where applicable.

Facade Class Service Container Binding
Auth Auth\Guard Auth
Cookie Cookie\CookieJar Cookie
Crypt Crypt\Encrypter Crypt
Database Database\Connection DB
Event Events\Dispatcher Event
Hash Support\Facades\Hash Hash
Input Support\Facades\Input Input
Language Core\Language Language
Mailer Mail\Mailer Mailer
Paginator Pagination\Factory Paginator
Password Auth\Reminders\PasswordBroker Password
Redirect Routing\Redirector Redirect
Request Http\Request Request
Response Http\Response Response
Session Session\Store Session
Validator Validation\Factory Validator

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