

 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# 版本:python-3.5.0a3-amd64
# 功能:生成读表代码文件
import os
import sys
import re
import string
import codecs templateFileName = "./template.cs"
outputPathName = "./" def InputFileName2RowClassName(_inputFileName):
_className = ""
_className = "Row_" + _inputFileName.split(".")[0]
return _className def InputFileName2TableClassName(_inputFileName):
_className = ""
_className = "Table_" + _inputFileName.split(".")[0]
return _className def InputFileName2FileName(_inputFileName):
_className = ""
_className = _inputFileName.split(".")[0]
return _className def GenerateRowFields(_type,_name,_desc):
_returnValue = ""
_returnValue += "\t//" + _desc + "\n"
if _type.find("FLOAT")!=-1:
_returnValue += "\tprivate float m_float" + _name + ";\n"
_returnValue += "\tpublic float " + _name + "{get{return m_float" + _name + ";}}\n"
if _type.find("STRING")!=-1:
_returnValue += "\tprivate string m_string" + _name + ";\n"
_returnValue += "\tpublic string " + _name + "{get{return m_string" + _name + ";}}\n"
if _type.find("INT")!=-1:
_returnValue += "\tprivate int m_int" + _name + ";\n"
_returnValue += "\tpublic int " + _name + "{get{return m_int" + _name + ";}}\n"
return _returnValue def GenerateRowFunction(_type,_name,_desc,_i):
_returnValue = ""
if _type.find("FLOAT")!=-1:
_returnValue = "\t\t\tm_float" + _name + " = float.Parse(strCols[i++]);\n"
if _type.find("STRING")!=-1:
_returnValue = "\t\t\tm_string" + _name + " = strCols[i++];\n"
if _type.find("INT")!=-1:
_returnValue = "\t\t\tm_int" + _name + " = Convert.ToInt32(strCols[i++]);\n"
return _returnValue def GenerateFileds(_inputfilename):
outputText = "";
lineNum = 0
listTypes = []
listNames = []
listDescs = []
textFile = open( _inputfilename, "r", encoding= 'utf-8' )
for line in textFile.readlines():
lineNum = lineNum + 1
if lineNum <= 3:
if lineNum == 1:
listTypes = line.strip().split("\t")
if lineNum == 2:
listNames = line.strip().split("\t")
if lineNum == 3:
listDescs = line.strip().split("\t")
for i in range( 0, len(listTypes) ):
outputText += GenerateRowFields(listTypes[i],listNames[i],listDescs[i])
return outputText def GenerateFromText(_inputfilename):
outputText = "";
lineNum = 0
listTypes = []
listNames = []
listDescs = []
textFile = open( _inputfilename, "r", encoding= 'utf-8' )
for line in textFile.readlines():
lineNum = lineNum + 1
if lineNum <= 3:
if lineNum == 1:
listTypes = line.strip().split("\t")
if lineNum == 2:
listNames = line.strip().split("\t")
if lineNum == 3:
listDescs = line.strip().split("\t")
for j in range( 0, len(listTypes) ):
outputText += GenerateRowFunction(listTypes[j],listNames[j],listDescs[j],j)
return outputText #根据TXT生成客户端代码文件
def GenarateCodeByText(_inputfilename):
#templateFileName = "template.cs"
templateFile = open( templateFileName, "r" )
templateText = templateFile.read()
templateText = templateText.replace( "#{RowClass}", InputFileName2RowClassName(_inputfilename) )
templateText = templateText.replace( "#{Fileds}", GenerateFileds(_inputfilename) )
templateText = templateText.replace( "#{FromText}", GenerateFromText(_inputfilename) )
templateText = templateText.replace( "#{TableClass}", InputFileName2TableClassName(_inputfilename) )
templateText = templateText.replace( "#{FileName}", InputFileName2FileName(_inputfilename) )
return templateText #自动写文件
def AutoWriteToFile(_inputfilename):
outputFileName = outputPathName + InputFileName2TableClassName(_inputfilename) + ".cs"
outputText = GenarateCodeByText(_inputfilename).encode("utf-8")
outputFile = open( outputFileName, "wb" )
outputFile.close() #获取文件夹下所有文件路径
def walk(path):
f1 = os.listdir(path)
for f in f1:
if f.find(".svn") == -1 and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(path,f)):
if f.find(".txt") != -1:
t_name = os.path.join(path,f)
return listfilepath listfilepath = [] if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
listfilepath = walk("./")
for files in listfilepath:
files = files.split("/")[-1]




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