This is handy. SharePoint helpfully populates the meta data with the GUID of the list and the ID of the item a WF instance is associated with. These are stored in "ows_WorkflowListId" and "ows_WorkflowItemId" fields on the task list item.

An example of using this is from an InfoPath form in the form load code behind.

SPListItem currentListItem = SPContext.Current.ListItem;
if (currentListItem != null)
object associatedWfListId = currentListItem["ows_WorkflowListId"];
object associatedWfItemId = currentListItem["ows_WorkflowItemId"]; if (associatedWfItemId != null && associatedWfListId != null)
SPListItem item = web.Lists.GetList(new Guid(associatedWfListId.ToString()), false).GetItemById(int.Parse(associatedWfItemId.ToString()));

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