
  1. routes.MapRouteWithName(
  2. name: "ProductDetail",
  3. url: "{Platform}/Product/{ProductID}",
  4. defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Product"}
  5. );
  • 方法1
  1. protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(
  2. Object routeValues
  3. )
  5. eg:
  7. return RedirectToRoute(new
  8. {
  9. controller = "Home", //控制器
  10. action = "Product", //Action
  11. ProductID = , //参数
  12. nickName = "wahaha" //参数
  13. });
  • 方法2
  1. protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(
  2. string routeName,
  3. Object routeValues
  4. )
  6. eg
  8. 重定向到该路由
  10. return RedirectToRoute("ProductDetail", new { Platform = "WeChat", ProductID = });
  • 方法3
  1. protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(
  2. RouteValueDictionary routeValues
  3. )
  5. eg
  7. return RedirectToRoute(new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(new {
  8. action= "Product",
  9. controller = "Home",
  10. ProductId = //参数
  11. }));
  • 方法4
  1. protected internal virtual RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToRoute(
  2. string routeName,
  3. RouteValueDictionary routeValues
  4. )
  6. eg
  7. return RedirectToRoute("ProductDetail", new System.Web.Routing.RouteValueDictionary(new
  8. {
  9. Platform = "WeChat",
  10. ProductID = 1
  12. }));


  1. MVC中利用ActionFilterAttribute过滤关键字

    在开发过程中,有时候会对用户输入进行过滤,以便保证平台的安全性.屏蔽的方法有很多种,但是今天我说的这种主要是利用MVC中的ActionFilterAttribute属性来实现.由于MVC天然支持AOP ...

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  5. 六、 从Controller中访问模板数据(ASP.NET MVC5 系列)

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  6. springmvc 解决 controller 中出现死循环并 stackoverflow 的问题

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  7. asp.net mvc 3.0 知识点整理 ----- (2).Controller中几种Action返回类型对比

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  8. SpringMVC之八:基于SpringMVC拦截器和注解实现controller中访问权限控制

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  2. 关于java对象的思考

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  7. NSMutableAttributedString iOS 在UILabel显示不同的字体和颜色(转)

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