Novak, can you take any confirt   for quality of the match   the moment , frustrating unbelievable   match  now , I can feel dispointed ,  I congradulate my opponent , because he showed courage in the right moment and win for her  shots on the baseline , crideble , I congraulate,  that's why he is the champion , ruling the Roland Garros for many years. and for me, another year.

All the credit to you , anyway, I know it's tough right now, can you explain the situation    came back

well, for me for him , i wasn't  both of us, everythig we got, you know, physically and  mentally, in order to win the match m, so , you know , I give my best    I really try to com back     physically and he was       i managed to come back   matc going on   , so,  that wasn't good enough.

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