When we create any object there are two parts to the object one is the content and the other is reference to that content.
So for example if you create an
object as shown in below code:-
  1. “.NET interview questions” is the content.
  2. “o” is the reference to that content.
object o = ".NET Interview questions"; 
“==” compares if the object references are same while “.Equals()” compares if the contents are same.
So if you run the below code both “==” and “.Equals()” returns true because content as well as references are same.
object o = ".NET Interview questions";
object o1 = o;
Console.WriteLine(o == o1);



Now consider the below code where we have
same content but they point towards different instances. So if you run the below
code both “==” will return false and “.Equals()” will return true.

object o = ".NET Interview questions";
object o1 = new string(".NET Interview questions".ToCharArray());
Console.WriteLine(o == o1);



When you are using string data type it
always does content comparison. In other words you either use “.Equals()” or
“==” it always do content comparison.

You can also watch the following video of the above explanation at C#
interview questions and answers :- Difference between "==" and ".Equals()" ?

<OBJECT type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
WIDTH="640" HEIGHT="360"


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