- /********************************************************************//**
- Reads or writes data. This operation is asynchronous (aio).
- @return DB_SUCCESS, or DB_TABLESPACE_DELETED if we are trying to do
- i/o on a tablespace which does not exist */
- ulint
- fil_io(
- /*===*/
- ulint type, /*!< in: OS_FILE_READ or OS_FILE_WRITE,
- ORed to OS_FILE_LOG, if a log i/o
- if simulated aio and we want to post a
- batch of i/os; NOTE that a simulated batch
- may introduce hidden chances of deadlocks,
- because i/os are not actually handled until
- all have been posted: use with great
- caution! */
- ibool sync, /*!< in: TRUE if synchronous aio is desired */
- ulint space_id, /*!< in: space id */
- ulint zip_size, /*!< in: compressed page size in bytes;
- 0 for uncompressed pages */
- ulint block_offset, /*!< in: offset in number of blocks */
- ulint byte_offset, /*!< in: remainder of offset in bytes; in
- aio this must be divisible by the OS block
- size */
- ulint len, /*!< in: how many bytes to read or write; this
- must not cross a file boundary; in aio this
- must be a block size multiple */
- void* buf, /*!< in/out: buffer where to store read data
- or from where to write; in aio this must be
- appropriately aligned */
- void* message) /*!< in: message for aio handler if non-sync
- aio used, else ignored */
- {
- ulint mode;
- fil_space_t* space;
- fil_node_t* node;
- ulint offset_high;
- ulint offset_low;
- ibool ret;
- ulint is_log;
- ulint wake_later;
- is_log = type & OS_FILE_LOG;
- type = type & ~OS_FILE_LOG;
- wake_later = type & OS_AIO_SIMULATED_WAKE_LATER;
- ut_ad(byte_offset < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE);
- ut_ad(!zip_size || !byte_offset);
- ut_ad(ut_is_2pow(zip_size));
- ut_ad(buf);
- ut_ad(len > );
- #endif
- ut_ad(fil_validate_skip());
- # ifndef UNIV_LOG_DEBUG
- /* ibuf bitmap pages must be read in the sync aio mode: */
- ut_ad(recv_no_ibuf_operations || (type == OS_FILE_WRITE)
- || !ibuf_bitmap_page(zip_size, block_offset)
- || sync || is_log);
- # endif /* UNIV_LOG_DEBUG */
- if (sync) {
- mode = OS_AIO_SYNC;
- } else if (is_log) {
- mode = OS_AIO_LOG;
- } else if (type == OS_FILE_READ
- && !recv_no_ibuf_operations
- && ibuf_page(space_id, zip_size, block_offset, NULL)) {
- mode = OS_AIO_IBUF;
- } else {
- mode = OS_AIO_NORMAL;
- }
- #else /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
- ut_a(sync);
- mode = OS_AIO_SYNC;
- #endif /* !UNIV_HOTBACKUP */
- if (type == OS_FILE_READ) {
- srv_data_read+= len;
- } else if (type == OS_FILE_WRITE) {
- srv_data_written+= len;
- }
- /* Reserve the fil_system mutex and make sure that we can open at
- least one file while holding it, if the file is not already open */
- fil_mutex_enter_and_prepare_for_io(space_id);
- space = fil_space_get_by_id(space_id);
- /* If we are deleting a tablespace we don't allow any read
- operations on that. However, we do allow write operations. */
- if (!space || (type == OS_FILE_READ && space->stop_new_ops)) {
- mutex_exit(&fil_system->mutex);
- ut_print_timestamp(stderr);
- fprintf(stderr,
- " InnoDB: Error: trying to do i/o"
- " to a tablespace which does not exist.\n"
- "InnoDB: i/o type %lu, space id %lu,"
- " page no. %lu, i/o length %lu bytes\n",
- (ulong) type, (ulong) space_id, (ulong) block_offset,
- (ulong) len);
- }
- ut_ad((mode != OS_AIO_IBUF) || (space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE));
- node = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(space->chain);
- for (;;) {
- if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(node == NULL)) {
- fil_report_invalid_page_access(
- block_offset, space_id, space->name,
- byte_offset, len, type);
- ut_error;
- }
- && node->size == ) {
- /* We do not know the size of a single-table tablespace
- before we open the file */
- break;
- }
- if (node->size > block_offset) {
- /* Found! */
- break;
- } else {
- block_offset -= node->size;
- node = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(chain, node);
- }
- }
- /* Open file if closed */
- fil_node_prepare_for_io(node, fil_system, space);
- /* Check that at least the start offset is within the bounds of a
- single-table tablespace */
- if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(node->size <= block_offset)
- && space->id != && space->purpose == FIL_TABLESPACE) {
- fil_report_invalid_page_access(
- block_offset, space_id, space->name, byte_offset,
- len, type);
- ut_error;
- }
- /* Now we have made the changes in the data structures of fil_system */
- mutex_exit(&fil_system->mutex);
- /* Calculate the low 32 bits and the high 32 bits of the file offset */
- if (!zip_size) {
- offset_high = (block_offset >> ( - UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT));
- offset_low = ((block_offset << UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT)
- & 0xFFFFFFFFUL) + byte_offset;
- ut_a(node->size - block_offset
- >= ((byte_offset + len + (UNIV_PAGE_SIZE - ))
- } else {
- ulint zip_size_shift;
- switch (zip_size) {
- : zip_size_shift = ; break;
- : zip_size_shift = ; break;
- : zip_size_shift = ; break;
- : zip_size_shift = ; break;
- : zip_size_shift = ; break;
- default: ut_error;
- }
- offset_high = block_offset >> ( - zip_size_shift);
- offset_low = (block_offset << zip_size_shift & 0xFFFFFFFFUL)
- + byte_offset;
- ut_a(node->size - block_offset
- >= (len + (zip_size - )) / zip_size);
- }
- /* Do aio */
- ut_a(byte_offset % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE == );
- ut_a((len % OS_FILE_LOG_BLOCK_SIZE) == );
- /* In ibbackup do normal i/o, not aio */
- if (type == OS_FILE_READ) {
- ret = os_file_read(node->handle, buf, offset_low, offset_high,len); //详见
- } else {
- ret = os_file_write(node->name, node->handle, buf,
- offset_low, offset_high, len);
- }
- #else
- /* Queue the aio request */
- ret = os_aio(type, mode | wake_later, node->name, node->handle, buf,
- offset_low, offset_high, len, node, message);
- #endif
- ut_a(ret);
- if (mode == OS_AIO_SYNC) {
- /* The i/o operation is already completed when we return from
- os_aio: */
- mutex_enter(&fil_system->mutex);
- fil_node_complete_io(node, fil_system, type);
- mutex_exit(&fil_system->mutex);
- ut_ad(fil_validate_skip());
- }
- return(DB_SUCCESS);
- }
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