• Host on your own server
      Use the SDK if you prefer to host your data on your own public or internal server


New: service v1.0

Apr 1, 2016

The fastest and easiest route to host your data in the cloud.

Feature overview

  • Use as a service: easy, fast and secure use of cloud data storage for your mobile, web and desktop apps
  • Access from any programming environment: uses OAUTH 2.0 and a full REST/JSON/HTTP API, accessible from all programming environments
  • Roll-out your data as you go: create & update your metadata on-the-fly with our API
  • Control sharing data between different accounts: set CRUD permissions on data optionally shared with other accounts
  • Lightweight and simple access for IoT data capture, communication & storage: the REST JSON API is compact, fast and lightweight and makes it ideal for use from IoT devices
  • Ready to use libraries to access libraries are available to effortlessly consume data from .NET, Javascript, Delphi, Pascal applications
  • Use free or with a subscription: for limited storage needs, use a free account. For blob storage and more features, a subscription is available
  • Host on your own server: use the SDK if you prefer to host your data on your own public or internal server

Free access to a FULL account subscription is available for all TMS Cloud Studio and TMS ALL-ACCESS customers during the active license period.

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