WINDOWS HYPER-V加新网卡,设置网络出错
Adding a new External Virtual Network fails with error “…already bound to another virtual network”
Adding a new External Virtual Network fails with error “…already bound to another virtual network”
In Hyper-V, in the Virtual Network Manager, you are adding a new EXTERNAL virtual Network.
After selecting the physical network card to bind it to your virtual network, you click “Apply” or “OK”.
You receive the following error message:
“Error Applying New Virtual Network Changes
Binding to External Ethernet failed
Cannot bind to my_nic because it is already bound to another virtual network”
To fix this issue, close your Virtual Network Manager and run the command line with administrative privilege. Type:
netcfg -u vms_pp
netcfg -l c:\windows\winsxs\amd64_wvms_pp.inf_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_beda85050b13680c\wvms_pp.inf -c p -i vms_pp
Open the Virtual Network Manager again, and add your external virtual network.
The operation shall be successful now.
In my case, the issue happened after a physical failure of the server: I had to disable two faulty NICs in the BIOS and when restarting the server, Hyper-V got lost in the mapping of the virtual networks and the remaining NICs. So I removed all external virtual networks and tried to recreate each. And I had the error at the recreation.
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