
A model is the single, definitive source of information about your data. It contains the essential fields and behaviors of the data you're storing. Generally, each model maps to a single database table.

The basics:

  • Each model is a Python class that subclasses django.db.models.Model.
  • Each attribute of the model represents a database field.
  • With all of this, Django gives you an automatically-generated database-access API; see Making queries.

    Quick example

    Using models


    Field types

    Field options








    Automatic primary key fields

    Verbose field names


    Many-to-one relationships

    Many-to-many relationships

    Extra fields on many-to-many relationships

    One-to-one relationships

    Models across files

    Field name restrictions

    Custom field types

    Meta options

    Model methods

    Overriding predefined model methods

    Overriding predefined model methods

    Executing custom SQL

    Model inheritance

    Abstract base classes

    Meta inheritance

    Be careful with related_name

    Multi-table inheritance

    Meta and multi-table inheritance

    Proxy models

    Base class restrictions

    Multiple inheritance

    Field name "hiding" is not permitted


  1. Python 报错 AttributeError: module 'django.db.models' has no attribute 'SubfieldBase'

    AttributeError: module 'django.db.models' has no attribute 'SubfieldBase' ...

  2. django - from django.db.models import F - class F

    F() 的执行不经过 python解释器,不经过本机内存,是生成 SQL语句的执行. # Tintin filed a news story! reporter = Reporters.objects ...

  3. Django | Unable to get repr for <class 'django.db.models.query.QuerySet'>

    问题:在mysql中查询数据时,代码如下: skus = category.sku_set.filter(is_launched=True).order_by(sort_field) skus 取不到 ...

  4. django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist: Course has no coursedetail.

    错误描述: 一对一反向查询失败! 前提: Course和CourseDetail    OneToOne 原因: Course数据和CourseDetail数据没有一一对应.

  5. django.db.models.fields.related_descriptors.RelatedObjectDoesNotExist

    Enrollment has no customer.

  6. 【Django】--Models 和ORM以及admin配置

    Models 数据库的配置 1    django默认支持sqlite,mysql, oracle,postgresql数据库 <1>sqlite django默认使用sqlite的数据库 ...

  7. django.db.utils.DataError: (1406, "Data too long for column 'gender' at row 1")

    报错现象 在使用 django 创建 超级用户的时候提示报错 Password (again): ytyt521521 Traceback (most recent call last): File ...

  8. Django 之 models的 F() 和 Q() 函数

    前提: app名称为core, 如下: #coding: utf8 import datetime from django.db import models class Order( ...

  9. 【Python】django模型models的外键关联使用

    Python 2.7.10,django 1.8.6 外键关联: 字段属性:http://www.cnblogs ...


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  2. 挣值管理不是搞数字游戏(3)——进阶指标:CV、SV、CPI、SPI、EAC

    摘要: 要考PMP(Project Management Professional ),挣值管理是必考的知识.软件项目有很大的特殊性,不少人认为挣值管理不太适用于软件项目.挣值管理相关资料也比较超多, ...

  3. 容斥原理应用(求1~r中有多少个数与n互素)

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  4. win8.1 无法安装 net framework3.5的解决办法

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  6. SQL 按月统计(两种方式) 分类: SQL Server 2014-08-04 15:36 154人阅读 评论(0) 收藏

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