Recommended add-ons/plugins for Microsoft Visual Studio
- NUGet
- Visual Assist X
- AnkhSvn - (FREE) SVN Source Control Integration for VS.NET
- Ankh SVN 2.0+ for free SVN support (v1.x pales in comparison)
- VisualSVN Server - (FREE) Source Control
- ReSharper - IDE enhancement that helps with refactoring and productivity
- Resharper MbUnit Test Runner Add-On
- Microsoft StyleCop provides code style checking for C#, we use it all the time and love it (free)
- IncrediBuild
- SQL Prompt for Database Projects (works inside your SQL Management Studio as well)
- TeamCity plug-in to monitor your builds, personal builds, and bug tracking
- SmartPaster - (FREE) Copy/Paste code generator for strings
- CodeRush - Code gen macros on steroids
- Refactor - Code refactoring aid
- CodeSmith - Code Generator
- GhostDoc - (FREE) Simple code commenting tool
- DXCore (FREE) and its many awesome plugins: DxCore Community Plugins, CR_Documentor,CodeStyleEnforcer, RedGreen
- TestDriven.Net - (FREE/PAY) Unit Testing Aid
- Reflector - (PAY) Feature rich .Net Disassembler Reflector AddIn's
- Web Deployment Projects - Provides additional functionality to build and deploy Web sites and Web applications (source).
- StudioTools - (FREE) Navigation assistant, code metrics tool, incremental search, file explorer in visual studio and tear off editor windows
- MetalScroll
- VSCommands 2010
Recommended add-ons/plugins for Microsoft Visual Studio的更多相关文章
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SmartPaster - (FREE) Copy/Paste code generator for strings AnkhSvn - (FREE) SVN Source Control Integ ...
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