
The SoundPool class manages and plays audio resources for applications.

A SoundPool is a collection of samples that can be loaded into memory from a resource inside the APK or from a file in the file system. The SoundPool library uses the MediaPlayer service to decode the audio into a raw 16-bit PCM mono or stereo stream. This allows applications to ship with compressed streams without having to suffer the CPU load and latency of decompressing during playback.
SoundPool是可以从APK内的资源或文件系统中的文件加载到内存中的样本集合。 SoundPool库使用MediaPlayer服务将音频解码为原始的16位PCM单声道或立体声流。 这允许应用程序使用压缩流进行传输,而不必在播放期间遭受CPU负载和解压缩的延迟。

In addition to low-latency playback, SoundPool can also manage the number of audio streams being rendered at once. When the SoundPool object is constructed, the maxStreams parameter sets the maximum number of streams that can be played at a time from this single SoundPool. SoundPool tracks the number of active streams. If the maximum number of streams is exceeded, SoundPool will automatically stop a previously playing stream based first on priority and then by age within that priority. Limiting the maximum number of streams helps to cap CPU loading and reducing the likelihood that audio mixing will impact visuals or UI performance.
除了低延迟播放之外,SoundPool还可以管理立即呈现的音频流的数量。当SoundPool对象被构造时,maxStreams参数设置从一个SoundPool可以一次播放的最大流数。 SoundPool跟踪活动流的数量。如果超过流的最大数量,SoundPool将首先优先按照该优先级的年龄自动停止先前播放的流。限制流的最大数量有助于加快CPU加载速度,并减少音频混合影响视觉效果或UI性能的可能性。

Sounds can be looped by setting a non-zero loop value. A value of -1 causes the sound to loop forever. In this case, the application must explicitly call the stop() function to stop the sound. Any other non-zero value will cause the sound to repeat the specified number of times, e.g. a value of 3 causes the sound to play a total of 4 times.

The playback rate can also be changed. A playback rate of 1.0 causes the sound to play at its original frequency (resampled, if necessary, to the hardware output frequency). A playback rate of 2.0 causes the sound to play at twice its original frequency, and a playback rate of 0.5 causes it to play at half its original frequency. The playback rate range is 0.5 to 2.0.
播放速度也可以改变。播放速率为1.0会导致声音以其原始频率播放(如有必要,重新采样到硬件输出频率)。 2.0的播放速度使声音以原始频率的两倍播放,并且播放速率为0.5使其以原始频率的一半播放。播放速度范围为0.5〜2.0。

Priority runs low to high, i.e. higher numbers are higher priority. Priority is used when a call to play() would cause the number of active streams to exceed the value established by the maxStreams parameter when the SoundPool was created. In this case, the stream allocator will stop the lowest priority stream. If there are multiple streams with the same low priority, it will choose the oldest stream to stop. In the case where the priority of the new stream is lower than all the active streams, the new sound will not play and the play() function will return a streamID of zero.

Let's examine a typical use case: A game consists of several levels of play. For each level, there is a set of unique sounds that are used only by that level. In this case, the game logic should create a new SoundPool object when the first level is loaded. The level data itself might contain the list of sounds to be used by this level. The loading logic iterates through the list of sounds calling the appropriate SoundPool.load() function. This should typically be done early in the process to allow time for decompressing the audio to raw PCM format before they are needed for playback.

Once the sounds are loaded and play has started, the application can trigger sounds by calling SoundPool.play(). Playing streams can be paused or resumed, and the application can also alter the pitch by adjusting the playback rate in real-time for doppler or synthesis effects.

Note that since streams can be stopped due to resource constraints, the streamID is a reference to a particular instance of a stream. If the stream is stopped to allow a higher priority stream to play, the stream is no longer be valid. However, the application is allowed to call methods on the streamID without error. This may help simplify program logic since the application need not concern itself with the stream lifecycle.

In our example, when the player has completed the level, the game logic should call SoundPool.release() to release all the native resources in use and then set the SoundPool reference to null. If the player starts another level, a new SoundPool is created, sounds are loaded, and play resumes.

API 介绍

  • SoundPool(int maxStreams, int streamType, int srcQuality)    This constructor was deprecated in API level 21. use SoundPool.Builder instead to create and configure a SoundPool instance
    • maxStream:同时播放的流的最大数量
    • streamType:流的类型,一般为STREAM_MUSIC(具体在AudioManager类中列出)
    • srcQuality:采样率转化质量,当前无效果,使用0作为默认值

  • static void    deprecateStreamTypeForPlayback(int streamType, String className, String opName)
    • Use to generate warning or exception in legacy code paths that allowed passing stream types to qualify audio playback. 用于在旧代码路径中生成警告或异常,允许传递流类型限定音频播放。

  • int  soundID  load(Context context, int resId, int priority)    Load the sound from the specified APK resource.
    • Note that the extension is dropped. For example, if you want to load a sound from the raw resource file "explosion.mp3", you would specify "R.raw.explosion" as the resource ID. Note that this means you cannot have both an "explosion.wav" and an "explosion.mp3" in the res/raw directory. 请注意,扩展名被删除。 例如,如果要从raw资源文件“explosion.mp3”加载声音,则应该指定“R.raw.explosion”作为资源ID。 请注意,这意味着您在res / raw目录中不能同时拥有“explosion.wav”和“explosion.mp3”文件。
    • int priority: the priority of the sound. Currently has no effect. Use a value of 1 for future compatibility.
    • Returns: a sound ID. This value can be used to play or unload the sound.
  • int  soundID  load(String path, int priority)    Load the sound from the specified path.
  • int  soundID  load(AssetFileDescriptor afd, int priority)    Load the sound from an asset file descriptor.
  • int  soundID  load(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length, int priority)    Load the sound from a FileDescriptor.
    • This version is useful if you store multiple sounds in a single binary. The offset specifies the offset from the start of the file and the length specifies the length of the sound within the file. 如果您将多个声音存储在单个二进制文件中,则此版本很有用。 offset指定从文件开头的偏移量,length指定文件中声音的长度。

  • final int  streamID  play(int soundID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate)    Play a sound from a sound ID.

  • final void    pause(int streamID)    Pause a playback stream.  暂停播放
    • Pause the stream specified by the streamID. This is the value returned by the play() function. If the stream is playing, it will be paused. If the stream is not playing (e.g. is stopped or was previously paused), calling this function will have no effect. 暂停streamID指定的流。 这是play()函数返回的值。 如果流正在播放,它将被暂停。 如果流未播放(例如,停止或先前已暂停),则调用此功能将不起作用。
  • final void    resume(int streamID)    Resume a playback stream. 继续播放
    • Resume the stream specified by the streamID. This is the value returned by the play() function. If the stream is paused, this will resume playback. If the stream was not previously paused, calling this function will have no effect.
  • final void    stop(int streamID)    Stop a playback stream.  终止播放
    • Stop the stream specified by the streamID. This is the value returned by the play() function. If the stream is playing, it will be stopped. It also releases any native resources associated with this stream. If the stream is not playing, it will have no effect.

  • final void    setLoop(int streamID, int loop)    Set loop mode.  设置指定播放流的循环次数
    • A loop value of -1 means loop forever, a value of 0 means don't loop, other values indicate the number of repeats, e.g. a value of 1 plays the audio twice. If the stream does not exist, it will have no effect.
  • final void    setPriority(int streamID, int priority)    Change stream priority.  设置指定播放流的优先级
    • Change the priority of the stream specified by the streamID. This is the value returned by the play() function. Affects the order in which streams are re-used to play new sounds. If the stream does not exist, it will have no effect.
  • final void    setRate(int streamID, float rate)    Change playback rate.  设置指定播放流的播放速率
    • The playback rate allows the application to vary the playback rate (pitch) of the sound. A value of 1.0 means playback at the original frequency. A value of 2.0 means playback twice as fast, and a value of 0.5 means playback at half speed. If the stream does not exist, it will have no effect.
  • final void    setVolume(int streamID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume)    Set stream volume.  设置指定播放流的音量大小
    • Sets the volume on the stream specified by the streamID. This is the value returned by the play() function. The value must be in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. If the stream does not exist, it will have no effect.

  • final void    autoPause()    Pause all active streams.
    • Pause all streams that are currently playing. This function iterates through all the active streams and pauses any that are playing. It also sets a flag so that any streams that are playing can be resumed by calling autoResume().  暂停正在播放的所有流。 此函数遍历所有活动流并暂停播放任何正在播放的流。 它还设置一个标志,以便可以通过调用autoResume()来恢复正在播放的任何流。
  • final void    autoResume()    Resume all previously active streams.
    • Automatically resumes all streams that were paused in previous calls to autoPause().

  • final boolean    unload(int soundID)    Unload a sound from a sound ID.  卸载一个指定的音频资源
    • Unloads the sound specified by the soundID. This is the value returned by the load() function. Returns true if the sound is successfully unloaded, false if the sound was already unloaded.
  • final void    release()    Release the SoundPool resources.  释放所有资源
    • Release all memory and native resources used by the SoundPool object. The SoundPool can no longer be used and the reference should be set to null.

  • void    setOnLoadCompleteListener(SoundPool.OnLoadCompleteListener listener)    Sets the callback hook for the OnLoadCompleteListener.
  • void onLoadComplete(SoundPool soundPool, int sampleId, int status)  Called when a sound has completed loading.

  • SoundPool.Builder()   Constructs a new Builder with the defaults format values.
    • If not provided, the maximum number of streams is 1 , and the audio attributes have a usage value of USAGE_MEDIA (see setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes) to change them).
  • SoundPool.Builder   setAudioAttributes(AudioAttributes attributes)  Sets the AudioAttributes.
    • Sets the AudioAttributes. For examples, game applications will use attributes built with usage information set to USAGE_GAME.
    • AudioAttributes:A class to encapsulate a collection of attributes describing information about an audio stream. 封装描述有关音频流的信息的属性集合的类。
  • SoundPool.Builder   setMaxStreams(int maxStreams)  Sets the maximum of number of simultaneous streams that can be played simultaneously.
  • SoundPool   build()


  • 通过一个资源ID,int load(Context context, int resId, int priority)
  • 通过指定的路径,int load(String path, int priority)
  • 通过一个AssetFileDescriptor对象,int load(AssetFileDescriptor afd, int priority)
  • 通过FileDescriptor,int load(FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length, int priority)

  1. final int play(int soundID, float leftVolume, float rightVolume, int priority, int loop, float rate) 
Play the sound specified by the soundID. This is the value returned by the load() function. Returns a non-zero streamID if successful, zero if it fails. The streamID can be used to further control playback. Note that calling play() may cause another sound to stop playing if the maximum number of active streams is exceeded. 
播放soundID指定的声音。 这是load()函数返回的值。 如果成功,返回非零streamID;如果失败,返回0。 streamID可用于进一步控制播放。 请注意,如果超过最大数量的活动流,呼叫play()可能会导致另一个声音停止播放。

A loop value of -1 means loop forever, a value of 0 means don't loop, other values indicate the number of repeats, e.g. a value of 1 plays the audio twice. The playback rate allows the application to vary the playback rate (pitch) of the sound. A value of 1.0 means play back at the original frequency. A value of 2.0 means play back twice as fast, and a value of 0.5 means playback at half speed.
循环值为-1表示循环永远,值为0表示不循环,其他值表示重复次数,例如。 值为1播放音频两次。 播放速率允许应用程序改变声音的播放速率(音高)。 值为1.0表示以原始频率播放。 值为2.0意味着播放速度快两倍,值为0.5表示以半速播放。

  • soundID int: a soundID returned by the load() function
  • leftVolume float: left volume value (range = 0.0 to 1.0)  左声道的音量
  • rightVolume float: right volume value (range = 0.0 to 1.0)
  • priority int: stream priority (0 = lowest priority)  流的优先级
  • loop int: loop mode (0 = no loop, -1 = loop forever)
  • rate float: playback rate (1.0 = normal playback, range 0.5 to 2.0)  播放的速率
  • int non-zero streamID if successful, zero if failed


  • 1) 延时时间较长,且资源占用率高。
  • 2) 不支持多个音频同时播放。




  • SoundPool最大只能申请1M的内存空间,这就意味着我们只能用一些很短的声音片段,而不是用它来播放歌曲或者做游戏背景音乐。
  • SoundPool提供了pause和stop方法,但这些方法建议最好不要轻易使用,因为有些时候它们可能会使你的程序莫名其妙的终止。有些朋友反映它们不会立即中止播放声音,而是把缓冲区里的数据播放完才会停下来,也许会多播放一秒钟。
  • 流的加载过程是一个将音频解压为原始16位PCM数据的过程,由一个后台线程来进行异步处理,所以初始化后不能立即播放,需要等待一点时间。
  • SoundPool的效率在这些播放类中算是很好的了,但也不是绝对不存在延迟问题,尤其在那些性能不太好的手机中,SoundPool的延迟问题可能会很严重。

  • 1、一个SoundPool可以管理多个音频资源,通过load()函数,成功则返回非0的soundID
  • 2、一个SoundPool可以同时播放多个音频资源,通过play()函数,成功则返回非0的streamID
  • 3、pause()、resume()和stop()等操作是针对streamID(播放流)的
  • 4、当设置为无限循环时,需要手动调用stop()来终止播放
  • 5、播放流的优先级(play()中的priority参数),只在同时播放数超过设定的最大数时起作用
  • 6、程序中不用考虑播放流的生命周期,无效的soundID/streamID不会导致程序错误


  1. public class SoundPoolActivity extends ListActivity {
  2. private SoundPool soundPool;
  3. private List<Integer> soundIdList = new ArrayList<>();
  4. protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
  5. super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
  6. String[] array = {"0、raw:s10_bgm.ogg",
  7. "1、raw:cf_bgm1.mp3",
  8. "2、SD卡:s10_bgm.ogg",
  9. "3、URL:s10_bgm.ogg,网络URL,不能播放",
  10. "4、AssetFileDescriptor:assets目录",
  11. "5、AssetFileDescriptor:raw目录",
  12. "6、FileDescriptor:不能播放",
  13. "7、FileDescriptor:不能播放",};
  14. setListAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<>(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(array))));
  15. soundPool = new SoundPool.Builder()
  16. .setMaxStreams(5)
  17. .setAudioAttributes(new AudioAttributes.Builder()
  18. .setUsage(AudioAttributes.USAGE_MEDIA)
  19. .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC).build())
  20. .build();
  21. soundPool.setOnLoadCompleteListener((soundPool1, sampleId, status) -> {
  22. Log.i("bqt", "【onLoadComplete】" + sampleId + " " + status);//status : 0 = success
  23. });
  24. Context context = this.getApplicationContext();//不管使用哪个Context,退出当前Activity后都会且会在延迟几秒钟后停止播放
  25. for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
  26. soundIdList.add(-1);
  27. }
  28. //通过一个资源ID:Context context, int resId, int priority
  29. soundIdList.set(0, soundPool.load(context, R.raw.s1_ding, 0));
  30. soundIdList.set(1, soundPool.load(context, R.raw.cf_bgm1, 0));
  31. //通过指定的路径:String path, int priority
  32. soundIdList.set(2, soundPool.load(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + File.separator + "s10_bgm.ogg", 0));
  33. soundIdList.set(3, soundPool.load("http://www.baiqiantao.xyz/s10_bgm.ogg", 0));//网络路径,不能播放
  34. //通过FileDescriptor:FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length, int priority
  35. try {
  36. AssetFileDescriptor afd = getAssets().openFd("s10_bgm.ogg");
  37. Log.i("bqt", "【afd】" + afd.getStartOffset() + "," + afd.getLength() + "," + afd.getDeclaredLength());//43868,42987,42987
  38. soundIdList.set(4, soundPool.load(afd, 0));
  39. AssetFileDescriptor afd2 = getResources().openRawResourceFd(R.raw.s1_ding);
  40. Log.i("bqt", "【afd2】" + afd2.getStartOffset() + "," + afd2.getLength() + "," + afd2.getDeclaredLength());//4300928,60647,60647
  41. soundIdList.set(5, soundPool.load(afd2, 0));
  42. } catch (IOException e) {
  43. e.printStackTrace();
  44. }
  45. //通过FileDescriptor:FileDescriptor fd, long offset, long length, int priority
  46. try {
  47. FileDescriptor fd = getAssets().openFd("s1_fire.ogg").getFileDescriptor();
  48. Log.i("bqt", "【是否有效 1】" + fd.valid());//true
  49. soundIdList.set(6, soundPool.load(fd, 0, 1, 0));//Unable to load sample 【onLoadComplete】5 -2147483648
  50. } catch (IOException e) {
  51. e.printStackTrace();
  52. }
  53. FileDescriptor fd2 = getResources().openRawResourceFd(R.raw.s1_fire).getFileDescriptor();
  54. Log.i("bqt", "【是否有效 2】" + fd2.valid());//true
  55. soundIdList.set(7, soundPool.load(fd2, 0, 1, 0));//Unable to load sample 【onLoadComplete】5 -2147483648
  56. }
  57. @Override
  58. protected void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
  59. int soundID = soundIdList.get(position);
  60. Toast.makeText(this, "" + soundID, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
  61. soundPool.play(soundID, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1);
  62. }
  63. }

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    题目意思:二叉树中序遍历,结果存在vector<int>中 解题思路:迭代 迭代实现: /** * Definition for a binary tree node. * struct ...

  8. Math.round()、Math.ceil()、Math.floor()与Math.random()的区别?

    Math.round(x) 四舍五入 加上0.5向下取整 Math.round(1.5) 2 Math.round(-11.5) -11 Math.round(-11.2) -10 Math.ceil ...

  9. CodeForces 478B 第六周比赛B题

    B - B Time Limit:1000MS     Memory Limit:262144KB     64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u   Descriptio ...

  10. 【转】Android进阶2之Activity之间数据交流(onActivityResult的用法)----不错

    原文网址:http://blog.csdn.net/sjf0115/article/details/7387467 主要功能: 在一个主界面(主Activity)上能连接往许多不同子功能模块(子Act ...