首先看看oracle官方文档对Connection Pool的解释:
With connection pooling enabled (the default), the Open and Close methods of the OracleConnection object implicitly use the connection pooling service. In the preceding code, the Open call uses the connection pooling service, which is responsible for returning a connection to the application.
Connection pools are created by the connection pooling service using the ConnectionString as a signature to uniquely identify a pool.
If no pool with the exact attribute values in the ConnectionString exists, the connection pooling service creates a new connection pool. If a pool already exists with the requested signature, a connection is returned to the application from that
When a connection pool is created, the connection-pooling service initially creates the number of connections defined by the Min Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString. This number of connections is always maintained by the connection pooling service for the connection pool.
At any given time, these connections are available in the pool or used by the application.
The Incr Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString defines the number of new connections to be created by the connection pooling service when more connections are needed in the connection pool.
When the application closes a connection, the connection pooling service determines whether the connection lifetime has exceeded the Connection Lifetime attribute; if so, the connection pooling service closes the connection; otherwise, the connection goes back to the connection pool. The connection pooling service only enforces the Connection Lifetime when a connection is going back
to the connection pool.
The Max Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString sets the maximum number of connections for a connection pool. If a new connection is requested, no connections are available, and Max Pool Size has been reached, then the connection pooling service waits for the time defined by Connection Timeout. If the Connection Timeout has been reached and there are still no connections
available in the pool, the connection pooling service raises an exception indicating that the pooled connection request has timed-out.
The connection pooling service closes connections when they are not used; connections are closed every three minutes. The Decr Pool Size attribute of the ConnectionString provides connection pooling service for the maximum number of connections that can be closed in one run.
The connection is obtained from the pool if connection pooling is enabled. Otherwise, a new connection is established.
It is possible that the pool does not contain any unused connections when the Open()
method is invoked. In this case, a new connection is established.
Rolls back any pending transactions.
Places the connection to the connection pool if connection pooling is enabled. Even if connection pooling is enabled, the connection can be closed if it exceeds the connection lifetime specified in the connection string. If connection pooling is disabled, the connection is closed.
Closes the connection to the database.
The connection can be reopened using Open()
从oracle官方文档对于Connection Pool和Connection的Open、Close方法的描述和结合当前系统环境(查询请求只有一个客户端)来看,我们不难可以得到这么一个场景:第一次查询的时候,Connection Pool创建了一个连接返回给Connection对象,查询完后返回给连接池;在第二次查询时,由于跟第一次查询时间间隔小于默认的Connection LifeTime,Connection Pool就返回了第一次查询所用的连接给Connection对象用于查询,结果第一次和第二次用的连接都是同一个。再有,由Close()方法的描述来看,Connection调用Close方法时,并没有把连接的Session信息等数据清除掉(只有在连接真正从连接池移除掉之后,Session才没有)。
2、不使用Connection Pool;
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