Converts an integer to a string. These are versions of _itoa, _i64toa, _ui64toa, _itow, _i64tow, _ui64tow with security enhancements as described in Security Features in the CRT.

errno_t _itoa_s(
int value,
char *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
errno_t _i64toa_s(
__int64 value,
char *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
errno_t _ui64toa_s(
unsigned _int64 value,
char *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
errno_t _itow_s(
int value,
wchar_t *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
errno_t _i64tow_s(
__int64 value,
wchar_t *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
errno_t _ui64tow_s(
unsigned __int64 value,
wchar_t *buffer,
size_t sizeInCharacters,
int radix
template <size_t size>
errno_t _itoa_s(
int value,
char (&buffer)[size],
int radix
); // C++ only
template <size_t size>
errno_t _itow_s(
int value,
wchar_t (&buffer)[size],
int radix
); // C++ only
[in] value

Number to be converted.

[out] buffer

Filled with the result of the conversion.

[in] sizeInCharacters

Size of the buffer in single-byte characters or wide characters.

[in] radix

Base of value; which must be in the range 2–36.

Zero if successful; an error code on failure. If any of the following conditions applies, the function invokes an invalid parameter handler, as described in Parameter Validation.

Error Conditions


















<= length of the result string required






radix < 2 or radix > 36


Security Issues

These functions can generate an access violation if buffer does not point to valid memory and is not NULL, or if the length of the buffer is not long enough to hold the result string.

Except for the parameters and return value, the _itoa_s functions have the same behavior as the corresponding less secure versions.

In C++, using these functions is simplified by template overloads; the overloads can infer buffer length automatically (eliminating the need to specify a size argument) and they can automatically replace older, non-secure functions with their newer, secure counterparts. For more information, see Secure Template Overloads.

The debug versions of these functions first fill the buffer with 0xFD. To disable this behavior, use _CrtSetDebugFillThreshold.

Generic-Text Routine Mappings

Tchar.h routine

_UNICODE and _MBCS not defined

_MBCS defined

_UNICODE defined















Required header








<stdlib.h> or <wchar.h>


<stdlib.h> or <wchar.h>


<stdlib.h> or <wchar.h>

For more compatibility information, see Compatibility in the Introduction.


// crt_itoa_s.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> int main( void )
char buffer[65];
int r;
for( r=10; r>=2; --r )
_itoa_s( -1, buffer, 65, r );
printf( "base %d: %s (%d chars)\n", r, buffer, strnlen(buffer, _countof(buffer)) );
printf( "\n" );
for( r=10; r>=2; --r )
_i64toa_s( -1L, buffer, 65, r );
printf( "base %d: %s (%d chars)\n", r, buffer, strnlen(buffer, _countof(buffer)) );
printf( "\n" );
for( r=10; r>=2; --r )
_ui64toa_s( 0xffffffffffffffffL, buffer, 65, r );
printf( "base %d: %s (%d chars)\n", r, buffer, strnlen(buffer, _countof(buffer)) );



base 10: -1 (2 chars)
base 9: 12068657453 (11 chars)
base 8: 37777777777 (11 chars)
base 7: 211301422353 (12 chars)
base 6: 1550104015503 (13 chars)
base 5: 32244002423140 (14 chars)
base 4: 3333333333333333 (16 chars)
base 3: 102002022201221111210 (21 chars)
base 2: 11111111111111111111111111111111 (32 chars) base 10: -1 (2 chars)
base 9: 145808576354216723756 (21 chars)
base 8: 1777777777777777777777 (22 chars)
base 7: 45012021522523134134601 (23 chars)
base 6: 3520522010102100444244423 (25 chars)
base 5: 2214220303114400424121122430 (28 chars)
base 4: 33333333333333333333333333333333 (32 chars)
base 3: 11112220022122120101211020120210210211220 (41 chars)
base 2: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (64 chars) base 10: 18446744073709551615 (20 chars)
base 9: 145808576354216723756 (21 chars)
base 8: 1777777777777777777777 (22 chars)
base 7: 45012021522523134134601 (23 chars)
base 6: 3520522010102100444244423 (25 chars)
base 5: 2214220303114400424121122430 (28 chars)
base 4: 33333333333333333333333333333333 (32 chars)
base 3: 11112220022122120101211020120210210211220 (41 chars)
base 2: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 (64 chars)


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