



  • if
  • if ..else.. end
  • if..elsif..else..end
  • unless(if not)
  • case..when
  • z


  1. x=1
  2. if x==1
  3. puts 1
  4. elsif x==2
  5. puts 2
  6. else
  7. puts 3
  8. end



  1. case 被判断项
  2. when 比较值 then 代码
  3. when 比较值 then 代码
  4. else 代码
  5. end
  1. def [](index)
  2. case index
  3. when 0, -2 then @x
  4. when 1,-1 then @y
  5. when :x,"x" then @x
  6. when :y,"y" then @y
  7. else nil
  8. end
  9. end



  1. if var < 60
  2. print "failed/n"
  3. elsif var < 70
  4. print "passed/n"
  5. elsif var < 80
  6. print "good/n"
  7. elsif var < 90
  8. print "great/n"
  9. else
  10. print "excellent/n"
  11. end
  12. case var
  13. when 0..59 then print "failed/n"
  14. when 60..69 then print "passed/n"
  15. when 70..79 then print "good/n"
  16. when 80..89 then print "great/n"
  17. else print "excellent/n"
  18. end
  1. case具有两种形式,下面的是一种,
  2. name =case
  3. when x== then "one"
  4. when x== then "two"
  5. else "many"
  6. end
  7. puts name
  8. 你可以用一个换行符或分号(分号ruby1.9不适用)替代那个跟在when从句后面的关键字when:
  9. name =case
  10. when x==
  11. "one"
  12. when x==
  13. "two"
  14. else "many"
  15. end
  16. puts name


case 语句中的一个when从句可以包含多个表达式(用逗号分隔),只要有一个为true就会执行。在简单形式的case语句中,逗号作用不大,就好像一个||操作符一样:
when x == 1, y == 0 then "x is one or y is zero" # Obscure syntax
when x == 2 || y == 1 then "x is two or y is one" # Easier to understand


  1. name = case x
  2. when 1 #just the value compare to x
  3. "one"
  4. when 2 then "two"
  5. when 3; "three"
  6. else "many"
  7. end
  8. puts name

===是条件相等性操作符(case equality)。对于许多类来说,比如先前提到的fixnum类,===操作符的行为是和==是一样的。但某些特定的类也重定义了该方法,用于实现一些有趣的行为:Class类将===定义为测试其右侧操作数是否为左侧操作数所命名的类的一个实例;Range类将===定义为测试其右侧操作数是否位于左侧操作数的范围之内。Regexp类将测试是否为匹配指定的模式。在Ruby1。9里,Symbol类将===定义为测试符号或字符串的相等性。基于这些对条件相等性操作符的定义,我们可以编写一个下面比较有趣的case语句:

  1. puts case x
  2. when String then "string"
  3. when Numeric then "numeber"
  4. when TrueClass,FalseClass then "boolean"
  5. else "other"
  6. end
  1. # Compute 2006 U.S. income tax using case and Range objects
  2. tax = case income
  3. when 0..7550
  4. income * 0.1
  5. when 7550..30650
  6. 755 + (income-7550)*0.15
  7. when 30650..74200
  8. 4220 + (income-30655)*0.25
  9. when 74200..154800
  10. 15107.5 + (income-74201)*0.28
  11. when 154800..336550
  12. 37675.5 + (income-154800)*0.33
  13. else
  14. 97653 + (income-336550)*0.35
  15. end
  1. # Get user's input and process it, ignoring comments and exiting
  2. # when the user enters the word "quit"
  3. while line=gets.chomp do # Loop, asking the user for input each time
  4. case line
  5. when /^\s*#/ # If input looks like a comment...
  6. next # skip to the next line.
  7. when /^quit$/i # If input is "quit" (case insensitive)...
  8. break # exit the loop.
  9. else # Otherwise...
  10. puts line.reverse # reverse the user's input and print it.
  11. end
  12. end

A when clause can have more than one expression associated with it. Multiple expressions
are separated by commas, and the === operator is invoked on each one. That is,
it is possible to trigger the same block of code with more than one value:

  1. def hasValue?(x) # Define a method named hasValue?
  2. case x # Multiway conditional based on value of x
  3. when nil, [], "", 0 # if nil===x || []===x || ""===x || 0===x then
  4. false # method return value is false
  5. else # Otherwise
  6. true # method return value is true
  7. end
  8. end

在java和c等编译性语言中,与每个case标签相关联的表达式必须是编译时常量,而不能是任意的运行时表达式,这常常使编译器能够用一个非常快速的查询表(lookup table)来实现switch语句,在ruby中没有这样的限制,case语句的性能相当于一个具有多个elsif从句的if语句的性能。


  1. def how_many_messages(n) #handle singular/plural
  2. "you have" + n.to_s + (n==1 ? " message. " : " messages. ")
  3. end
  4. how_many_messages 1


  1. "you have" + n.to_s +(n==1 ? " message. " : " messages. ")


F:/ruby/rubySource/ControllStrutrue.rb:44: warning: ambiguous first argument; put parentheses or even spaces
F:/ruby/rubySource/ControllStrutrue.rb:44: syntax error, unexpected tUPLUS, expecting keyword_end
"you have" + n.to_s +(n==1 ? " message. " : " messages. ")






name = if x == 1 then "one"
elsif x == 2 then "two"
elsif x == 3 then "three"
elsif x == 4 then "four"
else "many"
puts name


作为修饰符的if(if as a modifier)
if exp then code end
code if exp


>>> x=1
>>> name= x if x==1 else 5
>>> name
>>> name= x if x==5 else "hello"
>>> name


while and until
Ruby’s basic looping statements are while and until. They execute a chunk of code
while a certain condition is true, or until the condition becomes true. For example:
x = 10 # Initialize a loop counter variable
while x >= 0 do # Loop while x is greater than or equal to 0
  puts x # Print out the value of x
  x = x - 1 # Subtract 1 from x
end # The loop ends here

# Count back up to 10 using an until loop
x = 0 # Start at 0 (instead of -1)
  until x > 10 do # Loop until x is greater than 10
  puts x
  x = x + 1
end # Loop ends here



x = 0 # Initialize loop variable
puts x = x + 1 while x < 10 # Output and increment in a single expression

for in循环

The for loop, or for/in loop, iterates through the elements of an enumerable object
(such as an array). On each iteration, it assigns an element to a specified loop variable
and then executes the body of the loop. A for loop looks like this:
for var in collection do
var is a variable or a comma-separated list of variables. collection is any object that
has an each iterator method. Arrays and hashes define the each method, and many other
Ruby objects do, too. The for/in loop calls the each method of the specified object. As
that iterator yields values, the for loop assigns each value (or each set of values) to the
specified variable (or variables) and then executes the code in body. As with the while
and until loops, the do keyword is optional and may be replaced with a newline or



  1. for key,value in hash do
  2. puts "#{key}=>#{value}"
  3. end

hash = {:a=>1, :b=>2, :c=>3}
hash.each do |key,value|
puts "#{key} => #{value}"

迭代器和可枚举对象(Iterators and enumerable objects)

3.times{ puts "hell"}
data.each {|x| puts x}
[1,2,3].map{|x| x*x}
2.upto(n) {|x| factorial*=x}

The times, each, map, and upto methods are all iterators, and they interact with the
block of code that follows them. The complex control structure behind this is yield.
The yield statement temporarily returns control from the iterator method to the method
that invoked the iterator. Specifically, control flow goes from the iterator to the block
of code associated with the invocation of the iterator. When the end of the block is
reached, the iterator method regains control and execution resumes at the first statement
following the yield. In order to implement some kind of looping construct, an
iterator method will typically invoke the yield statement multiple times. Figure 5-1
illustrates this complex flow of control. Blocks and yield are described in detail in
§5.4 below; for now, we focus on the iteration itself rather than the control structure
that enables it.

Iterators that Don’t Iterate。 “期待一个关联代码块的方法”

  1. chars = "hello world".tap {|x| puts "original object: #{x.inspect}"}
  2. .each_char .tap {|x| puts "each_char returns: #{x.inspect}"}
  3. .to_a .tap {|x| puts "to_a returns: #{x.inspect}"}
  4. .map {|c| c.succ } .tap {|x| puts "map returns: #{x.inspect}" }
  5. .sort .tap {|x| puts "sort returns: #{x.inspect}"}


  1. filename="F:/ruby/rubySource/data.txt"
  3. File.open(filename) do |f| #open named file,pass as f
  4. f.each { | line | print line}
  5. end


  1. File.open(filename) do |f| #open named file,pass as f
  2. f.each_with_index { | line,number | print "#{number}:#{line}" }
  3. end


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