Get familiar with key Frameworks of ios
Frameworks make your life easier as an iOS Developer. They allow you to reuse code written by other developers in your own apps. An overview of key frameworks and other considerations are included in the "Common Frameworks" section below.
- AFNetworking—Learn how to interact with data not hosted locally on a user's iPhone.
- Core Data—Understand how to persist data across app launches.
Common Frameworks
Below are common frameworks commonly used to build many apps. You may not need all of them for your projects, but it's good to be aware of your options.
Link | Description |
Maps | MapKit, Annotations, GPS, Core Location, and Geocoding |
Persistence | Core Data, SQLite, documents directory, file system, iCloud, CloudKit, Parse |
Monetization | App Store, iTunes Connect, In-app purchases, iAd |
Device Management | Resource Management battery, bandwidth, radios, GPS, CPU |
Social | frameworks like Facebook, Twitter |
Concurrency | Grand Central Dispatch, Async i/o, queues, multithreading |
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