How to install Apache Server on Windows
Apache 2.2.X
Download & Unpack
Go to and choose a mirror. You want the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi "MSI Installer Package" release.
My file was named: httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
NOTE about finding the download links Apache sometimes moves the "quick download" link to the win32 binary. The long way to officially find it is Download > Other files > binaries folder (not the "Binary Releases" info link at the top) > win32 folder > then the latest win32-x86-no_ssl.msi release Install
When you install Apache, you'll get a prompt for "Server Information." Here is the settings I used:
Network Domain: localhost
Server Name: localhost
Admin Email: (any email. real or fake) [checked]: for All Users, on Port 80, as a ServiceStarting/Stopping Apache
After installation Apache2 will automatically start. The icon in the System Tray means it started. The icon means the "Monitor Apache Servers" is running, but Apache2 isn't started.
You can easily start/stop/restart Apache and Apache2 via that icon in your System Tray. If you get "The requested operation has failed!" error while starting apache use the "Test Configuration" shortcut in the Start Menu to find the error (if the text window pops up then closes before you can read it, your config file is fine).
Now the ultimate test. To see if it's serving. Open your browser and head to: orhttp://localhost/
If it shows the It works! you have your server software installed and running.
Making Apache point to your files
Using Notepad open C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/conf/httpd.conf (in the start-menu there should also be a "Apache HTTP Server 2.2 > Configure Apache Server > Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File" shortcut) and search for DocumentRoot. Change it from something likeDocumentRoot "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs" to the location where your HTML files and site are located. In my case: DocumentRoot "C:/public_html"
NOTE The first time i installed Apache2, i accidentally changed ServerRoot. Make sure you change the correct line which is DocumentRoot and which is down about line 175. Then scroll down about one page and change: <Directory "C:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs"> to point to the same location you set DocumentRoot to in the last step.
Restart apache to make the changes take effect
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