
Logwatch是一款Perl脚本编写的、开源的日志分析工具。它能对原始的日志文件进行解析并转换成结构化格式的文档,也能根据您的使用情况和需求来定制报告。Logwatch的特点是配置简单、监控、分析日志方便,而且可以对某些功能进行定制化。 项目源码位于https://sourceforge.net/projects/logwatch/


Logwatch is a customizable, pluggable log-monitoring system. It will go through your logs for a given period of time and make a report in the areas that you wish with the detail that you wish.



1: 查看是否安装Logwatch组件

[root@DB-Server ~]# rpm -qa | grep logwatch


2: Logwatch的安装、升级、卸载


2.1.1 Logwatch的RPM安装

[root@DB-Server Server]# rpm -ivh logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch.rpm 

warning: logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch.rpm: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 37017186

Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]

        package logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6.noarch is already installed

[root@DB-Server Server]# 




[root@DB-Server Server]# yum install logwatch

2.1.2 Logwatch的源码安装

[root@DB-Server tmp]# tar -xzvf logwatch-7.4.3.tar.gz 

[root@DB-Server tmp]# cd logwatch-7.4.3

[root@DB-Server logwatch-7.4.3]# ./install_logwatch.sh


Preparing to install Logwatch

Enter the path to the Logwatch BaseDir [/usr/share/logwatch] : 

### Using /usr/share/logwatch

Enter the path for the Logwatch ConfigDir [/etc/logwatch] : 

### Using /etc/logwatch

Enter the dir name to be used for temp files [/var/cache/logwatch] : 

### Using /var/cache/logwatch

Enter the location of perl [/usr/bin/perl] : 

### Using /usr/bin/perl

Enter the dir name to used for the manpage [/usr/share/man] : 

### Using /usr/share/man

### Installing

Created symlink for /usr/sbin/logwatch 

Created /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch 


2.2 Logwatch的卸载

[root@DB-Server Server]# rpm -e logwatch-7.3-9.el5_6

2.2 Logwatch的升级

[root@DB-Server Server]#rpm -Uvh logwatch***.rpm


Logwatch的配置文件为 /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf ,初始安装后,这个配置文件是空的。你可以将配置文件的模板拷贝过来,如果不做这一步,就会默认使用/usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf 这个配置文件。

[root@DB-Server ~]# more  /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf

# Local configuration options go here (defaults are in /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf)

[root@DB-Server ~]# cp  /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf  /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf 

cp: overwrite `/etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf'? yes



LogDir = /var/log                系统日志或需要分析日志所在路径


TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch     临时文件位置


Output = stdout                  输出格式(stdout 屏幕上显示)


Format = text                    输出格式,有text、html选项可以选择


Encode = none                    编码格式


MailTo = root                    分析结果发送给那些人或邮件组。多个邮箱逗号隔开


MailFrom = Logwatch              邮件的发件人


Range = yesterday                处理什么时候的日志 , 可选项 All(所有) ,Yesterday(昨天) , Today(今天)


                                 Range = "1 hours ago for that hour"


                                 Range = "-7 days"


                                 Range = "between -7 days and -3 days"


                                 Range = "since March 15, 2017"


                                 Range = "first Friday in October"


                                 Range = "2017/04/15 12:50:15 for that second"


Detail = Low                     该参数控制着 Logwatch 报告的详细程, 可选项:Low , Med , High 也可以用0-10数字表示


                                 其中High、Med、Low 几个选项分别代表着10、5和0数字。


Service = All                    监控所有服务 all


Service = "-httpd"               不监控的服务前面加 “-” , 如 -httpd ,即不监控 httpd 服务 , 可以写多条


mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t" 发送邮件的方式(可以选sendmail,postfix,Qmail)


[root@DB-Server01 ~]# sed -n "/^\s*[^#\t].*$/p" /usr/share/logwatch/default.conf/logwatch.conf

LogDir = /var/log

TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch

MailTo = root

MailFrom = Logwatch

Print = No

Range = yesterday

Detail = Low 

Service = All

Service = "-zz-network"     # Prevents execution of zz-network service, which

                            # prints useful network configuration info.

Service = "-zz-sys"         # Prevents execution of zz-sys service, which

                            # prints useful system configuration info.

Service = "-eximstats"      # Prevents execution of eximstats service, which

                            # is a wrapper for the eximstats program.

mailer = "sendmail -t"




[root@DB-Server ~]# sed -n "/^\s*[^#\t].*$/p" /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf 

LogDir = /var/log

TmpDir = /var/cache/logwatch

Output = stdout

Format = text

Encode = none

MailTo = root

MailFrom = Logwatch

Range = yesterday

Detail = Low

Service = All

Service = "-zz-network"     # Prevents execution of zz-network service, which

                            # prints useful network configuration info.

Service = "-zz-sys"         # Prevents execution of zz-sys service, which

                            # prints useful system configuration info.

Service = "-eximstats"      # Prevents execution of eximstats service, which

                            # is a wrapper for the eximstats program.

mailer = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t"

[root@DB-Server ~]# 

Logwatch 并不是以系统服务形式来跑的 ,而是在/etc/cron.daily下生成了一个脚本/etc/cron.daily/0logwatch ,有些版本是一个软链 。如下所示。 当然你也可以在crontab里面设置自己的作业.如果要使用发送邮件功能,你必须提前进行配置。例如,配置sendmail。


[root@mynx01 ~]# ls -l /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 23  2015 /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch -> /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl



[root@DB-Server tmp]# more  /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch



#Set logwatch location


#Add options to this line. Most options should be defined in /etc/logwatch/conf/logwatch.conf,

#but some are only for the nightly cronrun such as --output mail and should be set here.

#Other options to consider might be "--format html" or "--encode base64", man logwatch for more details.

OPTIONS="--output mail"


#Call logwatch



exit 0

[root@DB-Server tmp]# ls -l  /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 434 Apr 27 15:09 /etc/cron.daily/0logwatch

[root@DB-Server tmp]# 



1: 查看logwatch的帮助信息(注意不同版本间的区别)

[root@DB-Server log]# logwatch --help


Usage: /usr/sbin/logwatch [--detail <level>] [--logfile <name>] [--output <output_type>]

   [--format <format_type>] [--encode <enconding>] [--numeric]

   [--mailto <addr>] [--archives] [--range <range>] [--debug <level>]

   [--filename <filename>] [--help|--usage] [--version] [--service <name>]

   [--hostformat <host_format type>] [--hostlimit <host1,host2>] [--html_wrap <num_characters>]


--detail <level>: Report Detail Level - High, Med, Low or any #.

--logfile <name>: *Name of a logfile definition to report on.

--logdir <name>: Name of default directory where logs are stored.

--service <name>: *Name of a service definition to report on.

--output <output type>: Report Output - stdout [default], mail, file.

--format <formatting>: Report Format - text [default], html.

--encode <encoding>: Enconding to use - none [default], base64.

--mailto <addr>: Mail report to <addr>.

--archives: Use archived log files too.

--filename <filename>: Used to specify they filename to save to. --filename <filename> [Forces output to file].

--range <range>: Date range: Yesterday, Today, All, Help

                             where help will describe additional options

--numeric: Display addresses numerically rather than symbolically and numerically

           (saves  a  nameserver address-to-name lookup).

--debug <level>: Debug Level - High, Med, Low or any #.

--hostformat: Host Based Report Options - none [default], split, splitmail.

--hostlimit: Limit report to hostname - host1,host2.

--hostname: overwrites hostname

--html_wrap <num_characters>: Default is 80.

--version: Displays current version.

--help: This message.

--usage: Same as --help.

* = Switch can be specified multiple times...


perl /usr/share/logwatch/scripts/logwatch.pl

logwatch --service sshd --print

logwatch --detail High --Service All --range All --print

logwatch --detail High --Service All --range All --output stdout

logwatch --detail 10 --range today --service http --service postfix --service zz-disk_space --format html --output file --filename /tmp/logwatch.html


[root@MyLinx ~]#  logwatch --service sshd --print  


 ################### Logwatch 7.3 (03/24/06) #################### 

        Processing Initiated: Mon Apr 24 08:11:00 2017

        Date Range Processed: yesterday

                              ( 2017-Apr-23 )

                              Period is day.

      Detail Level of Output: 10

              Type of Output: unformatted

           Logfiles for Host: xxx.xxx.xxx



 --------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------ 


 Users logging in through sshd:


       192.168.xxx.xxx (xxxx): 276 times


       192.168.xxx.xxx (xxxxx): 1 time



 Received disconnect:

    11: The user disconnected the application

       192.168.xxx.xxx : 276 Time(s)


 ---------------------- SSHD End ------------------------- 



 ###################### Logwatch End ######################### 


[root@DB-Server log]# logwatch --detail 10 --range all --service sshd --format text --output file --filename /tmp/logwatch.txt

[root@DB-Server log]# more /tmp/logwatch.txt 


 ################### Logwatch 7.4.3 (04/27/16) #################### 

        Processing Initiated: Thu Apr 27 17:17:42 2017

        Date Range Processed: all

        Detail Level of Output: 10

        Type of Output/Format: file / text

        Logfiles for Host: DB-Server.localdomain



 --------------------- SSHD Begin ------------------------ 


 Couldn't resolve these IPs:

    get253194.gfg1.esquel.com( 1 Time(s)

    get253194.gfg1.esquel.com( 1 Time(s)


 Failed logins from:

    192.168.7.xxx: 1 time

       root/password: 1 time


 Users logging in through sshd:

    root: (xxxxx): 4 times (xxxxx): 4 times (xxxxx): 3 times (xxxxx): 2 times


 SFTP subsystem requests: 6 Time(s)


 ---------------------- SSHD End ------------------------- 



 ###################### Logwatch End ######################### 

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