STA 463 Simple Linear Regression Report
Spring 2019

The goal of this part of the project is to perform a thorough simple linear regression analysis on data collected by each group. In addition, a report will be created to introduce and summarize your analysis finding.

By Wednesday, April 24, 11:40 am, each group should upload to the canvas website (1) a 2-3 pages report (the reference and appendix is not counted for the page limit); (2) a separate R file containing all the code you used, with clear notations for the program to indicate what you have done in your analysis.

1.The report should contain the following parts:

Title and authors;

Abstract: A paragraph-long summary of the research including the context, research questions, methods, and findings of your simple linear regression model;

Introduction: The introduction should include a brief description of the data you are analyzing, the important finding you had done in your EDA that leads you to this stage of analysis. And clearly state your simple linear regression research questions. You can also provide a summary of other existing research results/literatures on similar topic if there is any;

Methods and Analysis: Describe the whole analysis you have done. You should do a complete simple linear regression analysis for the research questions you have listed in the Introduction section. (hint: if you find any seriously violations in the assumptions, you should use appropriate remedial methods to edit your model;

Results: Use graphs or tables (make sure they are properly labeled, titled and formatted, please make sure no screenshot of the table/picture is allowed.) to answer all the research questions you raised in the introduction section. In this part, you should include the statistical conclusions based on the graphs/tables you get. Interpret your results assuming your audience are people who have some background in linear regression analysis;

Conclusion and Discussion: A conclusion paragraph that summarizes your findings from the project. Also include some questions you have and any idea for potential follow-up work;

STA 463作业代写、Linear留学生作业代做、R语言作业代做、R程序设计作业代做

References: Choose a particular citation format (for example APA, Chicago, MLA, etc, styles). You should cite any resources you used (it could be journal articles, website, etc. Remember to cite the source of the dataset as well. );

Appendix: Other graphs or tables that you didn’t include in the main part of the project, if there’s any.

2.Grading Rubric:

Different Aspects of the report Criteria Points
Abstract Clearly and concise summary the context, research questions, methods, and findings. 4
Introduction Clear statements of the findings and the research questions. With meaningful explanations. 4
Methods and Analysis Regression analysis is complete and correct. The assumptions are checked and violations of assumptions are appropriately addressed. 10
Results Clearly address the research questions through the tables/graphs. Only relevant outputs are included. Appropriate and meaningful interpretations of the results are included. 4
Conclusions and Discussions The results are clearly summarized and the research questions are adequately addressed. Future work or possible research directions has been mentioned. 4
Format The writing is well-done. The graphs/tables are properly labeled, titled and formatted. The references follow the required format. There’re very few issues with spelling/language/grammar, etc. 4
Readability of code The code is well documented and structured for readability. Appropriate comment is used to instruct users the functions of each part of your program. The code is properly indented. 2
Code reproducibility The results from the code are correct and the same as what you have provided in your report. 3

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