


  1. shell> mysqldump -u user -h clustrix host --single-transaction --master-data=2 --all-databases > mydumpfile.dump



MySQL [testdb]> select count(*) from userinfo_uuid;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

MySQL [(none)]>  backup testdb.* to "sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@" ;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.92 sec)


MySQL [testdb]> drop database testdb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> RESTORE * FROM "sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@ = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (59.74 sec)
MySQL [(none)]> RESTORE * FROM "sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@" REPLICAS = 2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1 min 52.63 sec)

MySQL [testdb]> use testdb; show tables;
| Tables_in_testdb |
| userinfo_uuid |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)

MySQL [testdb]> select count(*) from userinfo_uuid;
| count(*) |
| 10000 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


MySQL [(none)]> show variables like 'bsackup_backup_concurrency';
| Variable_name | Value |
| backup_backup_concurrency | 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> backup scloud.*,test.* to "sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@" ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.12 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> \! sudo rm -rf /tmp/backup
MySQL [(none)]> set global backup_backup_concurrency=2;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MySQL [(none)]> backup scloud.*,test.* to "sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@" ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.51 sec)


MySQL [system]> SELECT * from system.backups where source="sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@"\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
cluster_name: cld32d48dc6ff9c79d
version: clustrix-9.2
start_time: 2019-11-28 03:23:41.084376
completed_time: 2019-11-28 03:23:42.581939
bytes: 179548772
1 row in set (1.94 sec)


MySQL [system]> SELECT * from system.backup_tables where source="sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@"\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: scloud
table: sbtest1
bytes: 179545464
*************************** 2. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: test
table: foo
bytes: 68
*************************** 3. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: test
table: sb2
bytes: 1608
*************************** 4. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: test
table: sbtest1
bytes: 1584
*************************** 5. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: test
table: t1
bytes: 26
*************************** 6. row ***************************
source: sftp://scloudusr:Scloud201!@
backup: backup
db: test
table: t2
bytes: 22
6 rows in set (1.95 sec)




Default Value


The number of tables that can be backed up simultaneously.

backup_restore_concurrency The maximum number of slices restored concurrently on each node. 16
backup_write_compression_level Compression level from 1 (fastest) to 9 (best compression) 6





  1. Bad Parameter.:"Backup..." is invalid
  1. Bad parameter.: *.* is repeated in the list
  1. Bad parameter.: DB "..." is included multiple times
  1. Bad parameter.: "..." is included multiple times
  1. Bad parameter.: nothing to back up!
  1. Unrecognized backup url scheme: ...
  1. syntax error: ...

Something is wrong with the BACKUP statement, please double check

  1. Generic Error: no user DB found
  1. Bad parameter.: Hidden database '...' cannot be backed up
  1. No such database: '...'
  1. Not found: Object "..." does not exist
  1. Not found: There are more than one "..."
  1. Backup only supported for TABLES right now: ...

Trying to backup something that cannot be backed-up, or doesn't exist

  1. Representation is unavailable: ...
  1. Generic Backup Error: Couldn't find baserep for ...
  1. Generic Backup Error: Couldn't find columns for ...

Trying to backup something currently unavailable

  1. Bad backup URL: ...
Unable to parse URL or connect to FTP server
  1. Backup already exists in create: ...
There is already a backup at that location
  1. Upload of slice was truncated on remote host: ...
File written to backup was shorter than it should have been
  1. EXCLUDING *.* is invalid
Would backup nothing
  1. “...” is repeated in the EXCLUDING clause
Object is excluded more than once




  1. Bad parameter.: "RESTORE ..." is invalid
  1. Bad parameter.: Global wildcard *.* is used together with other targets
  1. Bad parameter.: DB "..." already exists on server or in the target list
  1. Bad parameter.: Target "..." already exists
  1. Bad parameter.: "..." is repeated in the target list
  1. Generic Backup Error: newdbnames array length must be same as dbnames
  1. Unrecognized backup url scheme: ...
  1. syntax error: ...

Something is wrong with the RESTORE statement

  1. Bad backup URL: ...
Unable to parse URL or connect to FTP server
  1. Unable to open backup for url: ...
Cannot open backup directory on FTP server
  1. Backup not available for restore: ...
This backup did not complete successfully
  1. DB not found in backup: ...
Trying to restore something that is not in the backup
  1. Object not found in backup: ...
  1. DB already exists in the target location: ...
  1. Generic Backup Error: could not parse create statement: ...

Cannot create object

  1. Unable to validate CREATE statement: ...
Created object does not match backed-up object
  1. Generic Backup Error: could not parse column types from backup table "..."
  1. Column type mismatch during restore: ...
  1. Hash layout mismatch during restore: ...
  1. Unable to locate stored CRC of file: ...
  1. Backup CRC Mismatch: ...
  1. Unable to locate uncompressed length of file: ...

Backup is corrupt

  1. Restore truncated by incomplete read: ...
Read too little data for a row
  1. “...” is repeated in the EXCLUDING clause
Object is excluded more than once
  1. Relation not found: While restoring object db_name.obj_name...
The object noted references another that does not exist. The missing object is shown in parenthesis.

For example, this error occurs if a table was excluded from the backup, but the associated views or triggers were not.

Zlib errors

Error Meaning
  1. Internal Error: Unexpected buffering stop
Internal buffering error
  1. Internal Error: Unexpected stop

FTP Errors



  1. File not found
  1. FTP Socket Closed
  1. Invalid argument to API
Bad internal usage of our FTP interface
  1. Socket timeout while waiting for server response
  1. Unexpected error response from server
  1. Unexpected response to PASS command
  1. Unexpected response to USER command
  1. Unexpected temporary error response from server

SFTP Errors





  1. A file that isnt a directory was specified when a directory is required
  1. An attempt was made to modify something on a read-only file system 
  1. Bad file descriptor
  1. Broken pipe
There is no process reading from the other end of a pipe
  1. Directory not empty, where an empty directory was expected
Typically, this error occurs when you are trying to delete a directory
  1. File exists
An existing file was specified in a context where it only makes sense to specify a new file
  1. No space left on device
Write operation on a file failed because the disk is full
  1. No such device or address
The system tried to use the device represented by a file you specified, and it couldn’t find the device
  1. No such file or directory
  1. Permission denied
  1. SSH authentication failed
  1. SSH timeout
The SSH server closed the connection due to a timeout 
  1. The socket is not connected to anything
You get this error when you try to transmit data over a socket, without first specifying a destination for the data
  1. Too many levels of symbolic links were encountered in looking up a file name
This often indicates a cycle of symbolic links
  1. Unexpected SSH error
Something happened during the SSH protocol that we didn't expect

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