List of Mozilla-Based Applications
List of Mozilla-Based Applications
The following is a list of all known active applications that are built using Mozilla technologies. This list is likely to be incomplete since we think there are many dark matter projects that we don't know about. If you have information about a new project or extra information about an existing project, please feel free to update this page.
A list of former Mozilla-based applications is also available.
Name | Description | Additional Information |
389 Directory Server | LDAP server | Uses NSS |
A380 seatback entertainment system | media software | This blog post mentions a reference to Mozilla being used but I couldn't find more information about it. |
Abstract | accounting tool | |
Adobe Acrobatand Adobe Reader | Portable Document Format (PDF) software | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey |
Adobe Flash Player | popular browser plug-in | Uses NSS in Linux version |
AdWatch | content management system | Uses XUL and XPCOM |
AICPCU/IIA exam app | exam delivery software | |
Aliwal Geocoder | geocoding & data on a map | |
Amarok XUL remote | remote control for AmaroK music player | |
Ample SDK | Javascript GUI-framework | |
AOL Instant Messenger | IM client | Uses NSS |
Apache | web server | Doesn't use NSS by default, but can be configured to use NSS with mod_nss SSLmodule |
ApicaWatch | site performance monitoring tool | Uses Firefox as part of its monitoring package |
Astyle CSS editor | editing tool | |
Atmail | webmail client | |
Aviva for Java | mainframe connectivity product | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Babelgum | Internet TV service | |
Basilisk | pre-Servo XUL-based web browser | Uses most of the Firefox 55 source code |
Batik | Java-based toolkit | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
BitBox | security focused browser | Seemingly based on Firefox |
Blackbird | browser for African American community | |
BlueGriffon | wysiwyg editor | Next generation version of Composer |
Buzzbird | Twitter client | Built on XULRunner |
Camino | browser | 2.5m downloads and ~400,000 active users ... |
Celtx | media tool | |
Cenzic Hailstorm | vulnerability assessment and management tool | Uses Gecko |
ChatZilla | IRC client | Standalone version (XULRunner) |
Chromium and Google Chrome | web browser | Uses Mozilla NSS and NPAPI libraries |
Chromeless | browser with HTML-based interface | |
Classilla | Mozilla browser for Mac OS 9 | |
Clines | a clone of Color Lines (game) | Standalone version |
Cloud | web operating system | |
Cloud Browse | iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch browser | Seems to be Firefox running remotely on servers that people access through device |
Conkeror | keyboard-oriented browser | |
Convertigo Enterprise Mashup Server | server tool for transactional web scraping and for web clipping | |
CometBird | another Firefox mod | Modified version of Firefox |
Correo | ||
Couac (fr) | web-based email and jabber app | |
CouchDB | document-oriented database | Uses Spidermonkey |
Courtanet Benefit(fr) | underwriting software for French insurance brokers | |
Crosscheck | browserless testing framework | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Crowbar | server tool | |
Cycloctopus | screen scraping console | |
Cyclone3 | content management system | |
Danger | mobile platform | Uses Gecko on the server side -- no longer active? |
Desktop 2 | internal browser and portal client | Expeditors International of Washington, Inc. |
Dogtag | certificate system | Uses NSS |
Dojo | JavaScript toolkit | Uses Mozilla Rhino in ShrinkSafe |
Eclipse platform | open development platform | The AJAX Toolkit Framework, Standard Widget Toolkit and EclipseMozilla projects make use of Mozilla |
Elixon WCMS/XUL | Web Content Management System | Fully remote XUL WCMS (no need to install extensions). |
Entelechy | chat bot | Uses XULRunner |
Epic Browser | web browser based on Chromium | Uses Mozilla NSS and NPAPI libraries |
eMusic Download Manager | music downloader for emusic | |
eMusic Remote | music manager | |
Enlis Genome Personal | genome browser | |
ESXX | JavaScript application server |
Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Etna | XML wysiwyg editor | |
Eudora | mail and news application | The upcoming version 8 will be based on Thunderbird |
Evergreen | library automation system | |
Evolution | email client | Uses NSS |
eXe | eLearning XHTML editor | Seems to be using XUL for some of their webui |
Facebook Open Platform | Facebook Open Platform | The FBML parser used in the platform is based on Mozilla code |
Fennec | Browser for mobiles | As Mark notes: Fennec is not Firefox, it’s a completely different application |
FindThatFont! | font management tool | |
Firecast | digital signage and interactive kiosk tools | Also used in Firecast EasyStart |
Mozilla Firefox | web browser | Web Browser usage stats from Global Stats |
FossaMail | email client for Windows platform, based on Mozilla Thunderbird | Developed by Moonchild Productions, creator of the Pale Moon web browser |
Flickr Uploadr | image upload tool | see Flickr Uploadr: Open Source and Powered by XULRunner |
Foxkeh Clock | clock | |
Frizione | JavaScript development, testing and deployment environment | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
GeckoFX | embeddable Gecko | |
Gjs | Javascript bindings for GNOME | |
GlobalMojo | browser that raises money for your favorite causes | |
GLUEscript | a JavaScript engine which can be used as a general purpose language | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey and formerly called wxJavaScript |
Gnome | operating system | Gnome 3 will use SpiderMonkey through Gjs |
Google AdWords Editor | editor | |
Google Gadgets for Linux | Google’s Desktop Widget engine | Uses XULRunner according to the Build Instructions |
Grani | Grain sizing assessment tool | According to this wiki page Grani is based on XUL and XPCOM Daim |
gwt-mosaic-xul | XUL builder for Google Web Tools | |
Hachette's Multimedia Encyclopedia | electronic encyclopedia | This product was using Mozilla in 2004 but I’m not sure if new version still does |
HacketyHack | little coders | |
Helma | web application framework | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Holt McDougal CD-ROMs | educational CD-ROMs | Activity Generator and Lab Generator are both based on custom Firefox distributions |
Houdini | 3d animation tools | Uses Gecko in embedded help viewer |
HttpUnit | automated testing framework | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
HtmlUnit | browser for Java programs | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
HyperInfo | Web Application plat form | Uses GoeckoFX |
IBM WebSphere Lombardi Edition | business process management system | Uses Mozilla Rhino and Mozilla XPCOM Eclipse plug-in. (Product was formerly known as Lombardi Teamworks) |
IceDragon | fast, secure and feature-rich Internet browser | Based on Firefox |
IDA | e-Learning authoring system | About 200 users |
IMVU | 3d chat client | |
Incredimail | mail client | Seems to use XULRunner |
Instantbird | IM client | XULRunner application |
ItsNat | Java AJAX Component based Web Framework | |
Java | software platform | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
JavaLikeScript | JavaScript extensible tooling framework | Uses NSPR and SpiderMonkey |
Jaxer | Ajax server | |
jslibs | JavaScript development runtime environment | Uses SpiderMonkey (Note: this is separate from the Javascript library jsLib) |
JoyBidder | eBay auction tool | Standalone version uses XULRunner |
jUST (fr) | audio | A tool for setting temporal tags in audio documents |
JsDoc Toolkit | documentation tool | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
K-Meleon | Gecko-based web browser for Windows | Embeds Gecko in MFC | Mandelbrot | creates images of Mandelbrot sets | XULRUnner application |
Kazehakase | Gecko-based web browser for Unix | |
Kirix Strata | data browser | |
Kiwix | offline version of Wikipedia | |
Kneemail | prayer, praise, and journal application | |
Komodo and Komodo Edit and Open Komodo | development tools | Mozilla-based application (pre-XULRunner style), XUL UI |
KompoZer | wysiwyg HTML editor | unofficial bug-fix release of NVu |
Kylo | video browser | Uses Gecko |
BioFortis Labmatrix | web-accessible software application used for information management and integration of patient clinical, specimen, genetic and molecular assay data | Based on XUL |
Liaison Groupware | client for Novell’s email and collaboration server | Previously called MozNGW |
Linbox Kiosk Browser (fr) | web browser | Dedicated browser for french prefecture and town hall |
litl | Internet computer for home | Uses SpiderMonkey and Gecko |
LiziLayers | GIS application | 3Liz also creates some GIS Firefox add-ons |
Logitech Harmony Remote Software | software for remote control device | Uses GRE or XULrunner |
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English | CD-ROM | |
Lotus Notes / Sametime | groupware | The latest version of IBM Lotus Notes and Sametime can embed XUL applications |
Lucidor | e-book reader | |
Lx-Office | accounting tool | Looks like it makes at least some use of XUL |
Maavis | simple UI & communications for accessibility | Framework designed for elderly people with dementia but other applications |
Mac OS X | operating system | Makes use of some MPL files such as libsecurity_asn1 |
Maemo Browser | browser for Maemo Internet tablet | Development name is MicroB |
MagooClient | business process management tool | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Mantra | security tool | |
McCoy | secure update tool for add-ons | XULRunner application |
MediaCoder | media converter | Transcoder for video, audio, and even devices such as Zen, Zune, PocketPCs, iPods, and PSPs |
Mekhala | browser | Part of the KhmerOS Linux distro |
midbrowser | mobile web browser | |
Mockery | mockup creation tool | Built on XULRunner |
mongoDB | database project | Uses SpiderMonkey |
Moyura | email client | Part of the KhmerOS Linux distro |
simple apps for Maemo | Uses XULRunner | |
MozNet .NET Control | embeddable Gecko for .NET applications | Wraps XulRunner for use in .NET applications |
My Internet Browser | localized browser | Uses Gecko |
Myna Application Server | JavaScript application server for Java | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
NextCMS (fr) | CMS | |
Nightingale | music player | Community run effort to continue Songbird support for Linux |
OLPC Web Browser | browser | |
OneTeam | Jabber client | |
OpenDocument Viewer | viewer | |
OpenGate's tools | CD burner, file browser, and hardware diagnostic softwares | OpenGate is the OpenSource side of the EasyNeuf project, “A Free Software Computer, Easy and Preinstalled” |
Open Mashups | development tool | | | office suite | Uses NSS |
Openswan | implementation of IPsec for Linux | Uses NSS |
Orca Browser | web browser | Gecko-based version of Avant browser |
Pale Moon | web browser | Optimized browser developed by Moonchild Productions for GNU/Linux & Windows platforms, originally forked from Firefox |
Palo Suite | Excel extension | Uses Prism |
PartyGaming | online gaming product | Uses Gecko |
Pencil | tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping | Available as a firefox extension or a standalone app |
Pentaho BI Suite | commercial open source business intelligence | Uses XUL and Mozilla Rhino |
Persevere | tools for persistence and distributed computing | Uses Mozilla Rhino |
Phloneme | publishing tool for Vocab Collab | |
PhpED | PHP Editor | Embedded Mozilla browser in product |
Pidgin | IM client | Uses NSS |
Plain Old Webserver | extension and standalone webserver | 5,000 users and 30,000 downloads |
POE::XUL | framework for remote XUL application in POE | |
Postbox | email client | Started as a fork of Thunderbird |
Printgroove JT Suite | print process software | Uses XULRunner and Spidermonkey |
Prism (was WebRunner) | single-site browser | XULRunner application |
Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire | CADCAM product | |
PsycRunner | Chat, Messenger, Multicast toolkit | About 1,000 users – XULRunner version of PsycZilla extension |
Pyjamas-Desktop | a Python Web Widget toolkit | Uses XULrunner DOM to implement the widgets and event handling. python-hulahop is required |
Python-Hulahop | a Python GTK Widget | Uses embedded XULrunner, providing full access to nsI DOM and all other XULrunner interfaces, in a GTK window. It's possible to create your own python web browser with hulahop, and much much more besides. |
QSOS XUL Editor | tool for the QSOS method | QSOS stands for Qualification and Selection of Opensource Software |
Qtrax | music client | Based on Songbird |
QuickSTAF | GUI client for Software Testing Automation Framework | Uses XULRunner |
QuteCom | phone software | Previously named OpenWengo |
Redcar | text editor | Seems to use XULRunner |
Red Hat Directory Server | server product | Uses NSS |
Red Hat Certificate System | server product | Uses NSS |
Regex Renamer | tool to rename files | |
SamePlace | IM client | |
Scenari Platform | application suite for designing publishing chains | |
Script It | Android development platform | Uses Mozilla Rhino, develop directly on your Android device |
SeaMonkey | suite | A volunteer community legally backed by Mozilla Foundation with 2.5 million downloads |
Secure Browser | browser that uses virtualization | Created by Dell |
SEPT | CMS for web site | More information here (in English) and here (in French) |
Skyfire | mobile browser | |
Sipear | IM client | |
SmartReport Supervision Appliance | network monitoring and performance management | SmartReport is an appliance created by Acipia (France). XUL and the Mozilla Framework are heavily used in the GUI |
Snapstick | Internet on TV | Article that talks about Snapstick using Firefox |
SOGo | groupware | Front-end uses Thunderbird code |
Songbird | music | XULRunner application |
Spicebird | collaboration suite | |
SpiderApe | embedding tool | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey |
Splashtop Web Browser | browser | Part of instant-on operating system |
sqlite-manager | database manager | Standalone version of add-on |
StealthSurfer | secure Internet tools on USB key | Uses Firefox and Thunderbird |
StreamBase | complex event processing platform | Seems to use XULRunner |
Stylizer CSS Editor | CSS editor | CSS Editor with built-in Firebug-like diagnostics and Gecko 1.8 preview |
Sun Java Enterprise System | server products | Uses NSS |
Sundial | browser with advanced domain name technology | Based on Firefox |
SurfEasy | private and secure web browsing | |
Sweet16 | Apple II computer emulator | Uses SpiderMonkey as a scriptable debugger for software running in the emulator |
Mozilla Sunbird/Mozilla Lightning | calendar | |
TabPress | authoring tool | |
Talend Open Studo | data integration software | Seems to use XULRunner |
Talking Clipboard | text to speech software | Read ePub books, web pages, CHM, PDF, MS Word, RTF, RSS feeds |
TaskPool | productivity | |
Telasocial | kiosk app | Uses XULRunner |
TeleKast | teleprompter | |
TenFourFox | browser for PowerPC-based Macs | |
Timberwolf | browser for Amiga OS4 | Based on Firefox - Project Page |
Mozilla Thunderbird | 47 million DL | |
TomTom HOME 2 | PC application to manage TomTom GPS devices | Review article from GPS Magazine; over 2.4m users |
TopStyle | HTML, XHTML and CSS editor | Seems to have optional Gecko embedding but doesn't use it by default |
ToxTox | Media Browser for TV | 5000 downloads |
Trixul | GUI toolkit | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey |
TrustedBird | email client | Thunderbird bundled with a set of extensions (formerly known as Milimail) |
TuneUp | music collection organizer | Listed on XULRunner Hall of Fame but haven't seen information elsewhere |
TuxGuitar | tabulature editor | Uses XULRunner |
TwitFactory | standalone twitter/ client | |
UIS | University Information System | Intranet application, 1000 users, Thin client based on FF3 |
Unison Desktop | enterprise email | I think it's using mailnews code but don't have any information to link to. Feel free to supply references. |
UOX3 | Ultima Online server-emulator | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey |
Verbosio | XML Editor | No releases available |
VerseMinder | Bible passage app | |
Virgin Media Security | security tools | Seems to use XULRunner |
VirtualBox | virtualization tool | Use XPCOM as its component model on Linux |
Waterfox | 64-bit variant of Firefox | Based on Firefox |
Webissimo | web browser | Based on XULRunner |
Websecurify | web Application Security Testing Environment | |
Wesabe | money management tool | Automatic Uploader is a XULRunner application that runs headless in Xvfb |
WikipediaOnDVDand Wikimedia by moulin | offline versions of Wikipedia | Blog post about projects |
Wine | implementation of the Windows API | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey and the Gecko ActiveX control | | suite of web-based workplace apps | Uses Prism |
wxWebConnect | Web Browser Control Library | |
Wyzo | browser | |
xB Browser | anonymous web browser | |
Xbusiness | create and send branded invoices, quotes or estimates | |
XDF | billing and quotes software | |
Xiphos | Bible study software | |
xmlDBEditor | database editor | |
xPUD | Linux desktop | xPUD: Linux with an XUL Interface, 10 Second Boot Time |
XRap | XulRunner Application Packager | |
XUL Daim | image tool | |
XUL Explorer | development tool | XULRunner application |
XULJet | JavaScript framework | Uses XULRunner |
XULmine | game | Standalone version |
Yahoo! Widgets | desktop widgets | Uses Mozilla SpiderMonkey |
Yoono Desktop | social networking app | Standalone version of Yoono Firefox add-on |
Zap | SIP client | status update from August 2008 |
Zimbra Desktop | email and calendar application | Uses Prism |
Zinc | video browser | According to FAQ the standalone version is based on Firefox |
ZK | web application framework | Makes use of XUL |
Zotero | reference manager | Firefox extension and XULRunner application |
Note: this page was previously hosted on and the history for that page can be found on that site.
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