Spring parent 属性
Spring Framework Reference Documentation 6.7. Bean definition inheritance
该节详细介绍了 bean的继承关系(bean标签的parent属性),下面简单翻译一下:https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/4.2.9.RELEASE/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/#beans-child-bean-definitions
6.7 Bean definition inheritance
A bean definition can contain a lot of configuration information, including constructor arguments, property values, and container-specific information such as initialization method, static factory method name, and so on. A child bean definition inherits configuration data from a parent definition. The child definition can override some values, or add others, as needed. Using parent and child bean definitions can save a lot of typing. Effectively, this is a form of templating.
If you work with an ApplicationContext
interface programmatically, child bean definitions are represented by the ChildBeanDefinition
class. Most users do not work with them on this level, instead configuring bean definitions declaratively in something like the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext
. When you use XML-based configuration metadata, you indicate a child bean definition by using the parent
attribute, specifying the parent bean as the value of this attribute.
<bean id="inheritedTestBean" abstract="true"
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
</bean> <bean id="inheritsWithDifferentClass"
parent="inheritedTestBean" init-method="initialize">
<property name="name" value="override"/>
<!-- the age property value of 1 will be inherited from parent -->
A child bean definition uses the bean class from the parent definition if none is specified, but can also override it. In the latter case, the child bean class must be compatible with the parent, that is, it must accept the parent’s property values.
A child bean definition inherits scope, constructor argument values, property values, and method overrides from the parent, with the option to add new values. Any scope, initialization method, destroy method, and/or static
factory method settings that you specify will override the corresponding parent settings.
The remaining settings are always taken from the child definition: depends on, autowire mode, dependency check, singleton, lazy init.
The preceding example explicitly marks the parent bean definition as abstract by using the abstract
attribute. If the parent definition does not specify a class, explicitly marking the parent bean definition as abstract
is required, as follows:
<bean id="inheritedTestBeanWithoutClass" abstract="true">
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
</bean> <bean id="inheritsWithClass" class="org.springframework.beans.DerivedTestBean"
parent="inheritedTestBeanWithoutClass" init-method="initialize">
<property name="name" value="override"/>
<!-- age will inherit the value of 1 from the parent bean definition-->
The parent bean cannot be instantiated on its own because it is incomplete, and it is also explicitly marked as abstract
. When a definition is abstract
like this, it is usable only as a pure template bean definition that serves as a parent definition for child definitions. Trying to use such an abstract
parent bean on its own, by referring to it as a ref property of another bean or doing an explicit getBean()
call with the parent bean id, returns an error. Similarly, the container’s internalpreInstantiateSingletons()
method ignores bean definitions that are defined as abstract.
A bean definition can contain a lot of configuration information,
including constructor arguments, property values, and container-specific
information such as initialization method, static factory method name, and so on.
A child bean definition inherits configuration data from a parent definition.
The child definition can override some values, or add others, as needed.
Using parent and child bean definitions can save a lot of typing.
Effectively, this is a form of templating.
我们知道,BeanDefinition是 bean标签的抽象,BeanDefinition和bean标签中的属性是一一对应的。BeanDefinition中存储大量的配置信息。子BeanDefinition能够从父BeanDefinition中继承配置信息。当然子BeanDefinition也可以覆盖或者新增一些新的配置信息。使用父子BeanDefinition能少打很多字(?),更加高效,这是一种模板方式。
If you work with an ApplicationContext interface programmatically,
child bean definitions are represented by the ChildBeanDefinition class.
Most users do not work with them on this level,
instead configuring bean definitions declaratively in something like the ClassPathXmlApplicationContext.
When you use XML-based configuration metadata,
you indicate a child bean definition by using the parent attribute,
specifying the parent bean as the value of this attribute.
<bean id="inheritedTestBean" abstract="true"
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
<bean id="inheritsWithDifferentClass"
parent="inheritedTestBean" init-method="initialize">
<property name="name" value="override"/>
<!-- the age property value of 1 will be inherited from parent -->
A child bean definition uses the bean class from the parent definition if none is specified,
but can also override it.
In the latter case, the child bean class must be compatible with the parent,
that is, it must accept the parent’s property values.
A child bean definition inherits scope, constructor argument values,
property values, and method overrides from the parent, with the option to add new values.
Any scope, initialization method, destroy method,
and/or static factory method settings that you specify will override the corresponding parent settings.
子BeanDefinition继承父BeanDefinition的scorp、constructor 、property 、method overrides,并添加新配置。子BeanDefinition会覆盖父子BeanDefinition的配置有:initialization method、destroy method、static factory method settings。
The remaining settings are always taken from the child definition:
depends on, autowire mode, dependency check, singleton, lazy init.
子BeanDefinition有些配置始终不会继承父BeanDefinition:depends on、autowire mode、dependency check、singleton、lazy init。
The preceding example explicitly marks the parent bean definition as abstract by using the abstract attribute.
If the parent definition does not specify a class,
explicitly marking the parent bean definition
as abstract is required,
as follows:
<bean id="inheritedTestBeanWithoutClass" abstract="true">
<property name="name" value="parent"/>
<property name="age" value="1"/>
<bean id="inheritsWithClass" class="org.springframework.beans.DerivedTestBean"
parent="inheritedTestBeanWithoutClass" init-method="initialize">
<property name="name" value="override"/>
<!-- age will inherit the value of 1 from the parent bean definition-->
The parent bean cannot be instantiated on its own because it is incomplete,
and it is also explicitly marked as abstract.
When a definition is abstract like this,
it is usable only as a pure template bean definition that serves as a parent definition for child definitions.
Trying to use such an abstract parent bean on its own,
by referring to it as a ref property
of another bean or doing an explicit getBean() call with the parent bean id, returns an error.
Similarly, the container’s internal preInstantiateSingletons() method ignores
bean definitions that are defined as abstract.
NOTE:Since Spring 2.5, the preferred way to register bean definitions programmatically
is the {@link GenericBeanDefinition} class,which allows to dynamically define parent dependencies through the
{@link GenericBeanDefinition#setParentName} method. This effectively
supersedes the ChildBeanDefinition class for most use cases.
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protected RootBeanDefinition getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(String beanName) throws BeansException {
// Quick check on the concurrent map first, with minimal locking.
RootBeanDefinition mbd = this.mergedBeanDefinitions.get(beanName);
if (mbd != null) {
return mbd;
return getMergedBeanDefinition(beanName, getBeanDefinition(beanName));
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protected RootBeanDefinition getMergedBeanDefinition(String beanName, BeanDefinition bd)
throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
return getMergedBeanDefinition(beanName, bd, null);
protected RootBeanDefinition getMergedBeanDefinition(
String beanName, BeanDefinition bd, BeanDefinition containingBd)
throws BeanDefinitionStoreException {
synchronized (this.mergedBeanDefinitions) {
RootBeanDefinition mbd = null;
// Check with full lock now in order to enforce the same merged instance.
if (containingBd == null) {
mbd = this.mergedBeanDefinitions.get(beanName);
if (mbd == null) {
if (bd.getParentName() == null) {
// Use copy of given root bean definition.
if (bd instanceof RootBeanDefinition) {
mbd = ((RootBeanDefinition) bd).cloneBeanDefinition();
else {
mbd = new RootBeanDefinition(bd);
else {
// Child bean definition: needs to be merged with parent.
BeanDefinition pbd;
try {
String parentBeanName = transformedBeanName(bd.getParentName());
if (!beanName.equals(parentBeanName)) {
pbd = getMergedBeanDefinition(parentBeanName);
else {
BeanFactory parent = getParentBeanFactory();
if (parent instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
pbd = ((ConfigurableBeanFactory) parent).getMergedBeanDefinition(parentBeanName);
else {
throw new NoSuchBeanDefinitionException(parentBeanName,
"Parent name '" + parentBeanName + "' is equal
to bean name '" + beanName +
"': cannot be resolved without an AbstractBeanFactory parent");
catch (NoSuchBeanDefinitionException ex) {
throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(bd.getResourceDescription(), beanName,
"Could not resolve parent bean definition '" + bd.getParentName() + "'", ex);
// Deep copy with overridden values.
mbd = new RootBeanDefinition(pbd);
// Set default singleton scope, if not configured before.
if (!StringUtils.hasLength(mbd.getScope())) {
// A bean contained in a non-singleton bean cannot be a singleton itself.
// Let's correct this on the fly here, since this might be the result of
// parent-child merging for the outer bean, in which case the original inner bean
// definition will not have inherited the merged outer bean's singleton status.
if (containingBd != null && !containingBd.isSingleton() && mbd.isSingleton()) {
// Only cache the merged bean definition if we're already about to create an
// instance of the bean, or at least have already created an instance before.
if (containingBd == null && isCacheBeanMetadata()) {
this.mergedBeanDefinitions.put(beanName, mbd);
return mbd;
public BeanDefinition getMergedBeanDefinition(String name) throws BeansException {
String beanName = transformedBeanName(name);
// Efficiently check whether bean definition exists in this factory.
if (!containsBeanDefinition(beanName) && getParentBeanFactory() instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
return ((ConfigurableBeanFactory) getParentBeanFactory()).getMergedBeanDefinition(beanName);
// Resolve merged bean definition locally.
return getMergedLocalBeanDefinition(beanName);
如果parentName 等于当前beanName,则需要到parentFactory中寻找parentName。如果找不到则抛出NoSuchBeanDefinitionException。
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