在狄更斯的《A Child History of England》中有段话:

After some disputing among the priests, who said that as she had been in a convent in her youth, and had worn the veil of a nun, she could not lawfully be married - against which the Princess stated that her aunt, with whom she had lived in her youth, had indeed sometimes thrown a piece of black stuff over her, but for no other reason than because the nun's veil was the only dress the conquering Normans respected in girl or woman, and not because she had taken the vows of a nun, which she never had - she was declared free to marry, and was made King Henry's Queen.

据说for no other reason than because... = if only because... 如果是因为...就好了。i.e. 狄更斯的意思是:Normans没把nun当回事。


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