运行Ubuntu20.04的KVM虚机遇到一些问题, 单独总结一下


不能用virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 old.qcow2 new.qcow2这样的命令, 这样制作出来的镜像, 丢失了/dev/sda14, /dev/sda15这两个分区, 变成了 /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda3, 会导致install --import时卡住. 用virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a new.qcow2命令查看, 会发现/dev/sda1的大小变成了4MB

因为镜像是为云服务提供的, 安装启动时配合init脚本扩容, 如果要脱机扩容的话, 网上几乎查不到能解决这个问题的办法, 最后是通过 转换为raw格式->parted调整分区大小->转回qcow2完成的, 参考 https://blog.richliu.com/2018/08/25/2318/change-ubuntu-cloud-image-size/


  1. # resize原始镜像
  2. qemu-img resize focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.qcow2 50G
  3. # 转换为raw格式镜像
  4. qemu-img convert -f qcow2 -O raw focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.qcow2 focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw
  5. # 重命名以防混淆
  6. mv focal-server-cloudimg-amd64.raw focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw
  7. # 运行parted
  8. parted focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw
  9. ######################## 开始
  10. GNU Parted 3.1
  11. Using /data/backup/vm_images/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw
  12. Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
  13. (parted) p
  14. Error: The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be.
  15. This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller.
  16. Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?
  17. Fix/Ignore/Cancel? Fix
  18. Warning: Not all of the space available to
  19. /data/backup/vm_images/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw appears to be used,
  20. you can fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 100245504 blocks) or
  21. continue with the current setting?
  22. Fix/Ignore? Fix
  23. Model: (file)
  24. Disk /data/backup/vm_images/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw: 53.7GB
  25. Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
  26. Partition Table: gpt
  27. Disk Flags:
  28. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
  29. 14 1049kB 5243kB 4194kB bios_grub
  30. 15 5243kB 116MB 111MB fat32 boot
  31. 1 116MB 2361MB 2245MB ext4
  32. (parted) resizepart
  33. Partition number? 1
  34. End? [2361MB]? 53.7G
  35. (parted) p
  36. Model: (file)
  37. Disk /data/backup/vm_images/focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw: 53.7GB
  38. Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
  39. Partition Table: gpt
  40. Disk Flags:
  41. Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
  42. 14 1049kB 5243kB 4194kB bios_grub
  43. 15 5243kB 116MB 111MB fat32 boot
  44. 1 116MB 53.7GB 53.6GB ext4
  45. (parted) q
  46. ########################### 结束
  47. # 查看raw格式的分区大小是否正确
  48. virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw
  49. Name Type MBR Size Parent
  50. /dev/sda1 partition - 50G /dev/sda
  51. /dev/sda14 partition - 4.0M /dev/sda
  52. /dev/sda15 partition - 106M /dev/sda
  53. /dev/sda device - 50G -
  54. # 转回qcow2格式
  55. qemu-img convert -f raw -O qcow2 focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g.raw focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g-resized.qcow2
  56. # 再次检查
  57. virt-filesystems --long --parts --blkdevs -h -a focal-server-cloudimg-amd64-50g-resized.qcow2
  58. Name Type MBR Size Parent
  59. /dev/sda1 partition - 50G /dev/sda
  60. /dev/sda14 partition - 4.0M /dev/sda
  61. /dev/sda15 partition - 106M /dev/sda
  62. /dev/sda device - 50G -

经过上面的操作, 这个镜像在安装后只需要执行resize2fs /dev/vda1就能扩充分区了.


focal-server-cloudimg-xxx 这些镜像是为云环境创建的, 会配合一个init脚本(或者iso)启动并创建普通用户, 默认root不能登录也没有密码, 而单机运行还是需要root的, 所以在安装前, 要设置一下root口令:

  1. virt-customize -a some.qcow2c --root-password password:[your password]



  1. virt-install --name vm_ub01 --vcpus 4 --memory 8192 --disk /data/vms/vm_ubtu.qcow2 --graphics none --import --os-type linux --os-variant ubuntu20.04 --network bridge=br0,model=virtio


这些是在虚机上执行的, 在install --import之后, 虚机网卡是未启动的, 而且net-tools也没安装, 只能通过基础的ip命令进行操作

  1. # 查看ip, 可以看到有一个未启动的ens3网口
  2. ip addr
  3. # 启动nes3,
  4. ip link set ens3 up
  5. # 再次查看, 并无ipv4地址
  6. ip addr
  7. # 查看网卡硬件信息, 这里可以看到mac地址和网口名称
  8. lshw -class network
  9. # 增加网络配置
  10. vi /etc/netplan/99_config.yaml
  11. # 内容开始
  12. network:
  13. version: 2
  14. renderer: networkd
  15. ethernets:
  16. ens3:
  17. dhcp4: true
  18. # 内容结束, 用下面的命令启用
  19. netplan apply
  20. # 再次查看, 这时候就有ip了
  21. ip addr
  22. # ping检查连通性
  23. ping


虚机上启动ssh, 出现ssh.service: Start request repeated too quick的错误

sshd -t检查, 提示no hostkey

  1. sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.


  1. ssh-keygen -A
  2. ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519



hostkey就是ssh服务中, 服务端的私钥, 正常情况是随着OpenSSH安装时一起生成的.

  1. In OpenSSH, host keys are usually stored in the /etc/ssh directory, in files starting with ssh_host_<rsa/dsa/ecdsa/ed25519>_key (the location can be changed in server configuration files).
  2. Host keys are normally generated automatically when OpenSSH is first installed or when the computer is first booted. The ssh-keygen program can be used for generating additional host keys or for replacing existing keys.


需要修改/etc/ssh/sshd_config, 将这两行改成下面的值, 然后重启ssh服务

  1. PermitRootLogin yes
  2. PasswordAuthentication yes


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